257221 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' . ���`��� � '� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �'�� u f����- � + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LICENSE CON�'lITTEE COU ' CIL ESOLUTION—GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY January 27� 1.97'L COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVF�: That applications for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor Licenses made by the following applicants who axe holders of On Sale Liquor Licenses at the addresses shown, be and the same are heseby granted and in compliance with C. F. No. 235531., Ordinance No. 13755, which amends Chapter No. 308.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances. O�Gaxa Bax & Grill, Inc. 164 N. Snellin� Ave. App. 13627 R�newal Dick's TreridBar, Inc. 1537 IIniversity Ave. " 137g� " Frank J. Guma,tz & Herman S. Me�rers 584�6 Rice St. " 13811 " Gannon's, Inc. 2728 W. Seventh St. " 13821 " Geno*s Cafe, Ine. 668�•70 Payne Ave. " 13824 " John J. & Amadel A. Anzevino 760 Payne Ave. " 13896 " , Roure� Inc. 995 w. Seventh St. " 13926 " Swez, Inc. 1900 St3.11water Ave. " 13931 " ��I�3�io� �Inc. 425 W.Seventh St. " 13991 " Mil��'s Clay Pipe Tavern, Inc. 1534 E. Minnehaha Ave. " 14026 " �Awrt & Country Club,Inc. 2279 Marshall Ave. " 14067 " Beau�Kel-Stock� Inc. 469 N. Snelling Ave. " 14102 " Manc3ni. $�, Inc. 531 w. Seventh St. " 14131 " Vogel's Loun�e, Inc. 1112�14 Arcade St. " 14205 " r972 (14> COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council `�AN Z ? 19.— Yeas Nays Butler � CONWAY Approved 19— Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � r�r-��t�� -� OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK . . �r`� y +-a��-�� LICENSE �JMMIS'i'EE � '` �' ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT J�TiuB,�y 2 1 f �-91 2 COM M I S51 ON ER DATF SUNDAY QN SALE LIQUOR (Pa�e No. 2� MeCann Bros Chatterbox, Inc. 393 Selby Ave, App. 14263 Renewal Albert 0. Unise 380 Jackson St. " 14272 " Hafner, Inc. 1560 White �ear Ave. " 14282 " __. . The Brass Rail of St. Paul, Inc. 225 W. Seventh St. " 14326 " Peter Jay, Inc. 480 S. Snelling 9ve. " 14380 " (5) �AMa? �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JAN a 7 � Butler ��T,j'�X CONWAY pr 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Against Tedesco ,�j�$�� �S ��� Mr. President, McCarty � .' CITY QF SA�NT PAUL � � �. � . ����of���80� �`�-��2l a1.Je artnze�ct o u��`'c �a et p � nn�ixiars�►�ox Tanth and Minneaota 3treeta FIRE PROTECTION p��� DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissiotter HEALTH RALPS Q.MEKAILL,D�pat�Cedsi�sianer DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieeiw Inspeetor Januaxy 18,1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Mirli�esota Gentlemen and Madam: Damico�s, Inc, at 573 West Seventh Street makeS spplication for Sunday on Sale Liquor License in connection with the other licenses they hold at this loc��tion. The officers of the corporation are Pau1 and Anita K. Damico and they also are the only t wo stockholders. They have held the licenses at this address sin�ce November 1971. Attached is a copy of their application for the Sun.day-�n-Sale Liquor License. Very truly yours, . p�,�� , L3cense Inspector / J / � �� , AFFIDAVIT FOR SUNDAY LIQUQA LICENSE APPLICATION .. . Name__(��,GZ-G�:,�(�( �2 u-c��J ��.� Re�idence Address ,� ;S J ��_,�7�.�yLf,P�_�L�� ���� , Licensee / � ,�G z t E-ceGd c��s.°� : Address of Bnsiness _/��r�,� � � ��' � I hereby apply for a Special Sunday Liquor License. I have a Restaurant -� (cross out one) license with seating capacity for ��� people. Signed��!���.� � s���P, . State of Minne�ota) )SS Caunty of Ramsey ) ��-�-�-2.- �J��c.-wu.c.-� being first duly sworn� deposes and says npon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his si�nature and knows the contents thereof; that the sa.me is true of his own knowledge� except as to those matters therein stated upon i:�formation - and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. � ��u- ignature of applicant Subscribe�l and s�+orn to before me this /'� r� day of���19� ��' �. �.-�u.�..��- Notary blic� Ramsey County� Minnesota My coa�mission expires��' �. 19 ']�( BA:.F'� T t�AARGARET �5e C`4,,y�, Minn• N�ry Pubilc�RaR' SeFtefnber 2..197$ �y Commission ExP�Tes, aan, a.s, a9� Hon. Dean Ideredith Comsr. 02' Publie Safety Public S�fety Bldg. i�a.� Sir: At�tention: Mr� Daniel MeLaughlin The C�.ty C�uncil toda�y inYormally approved the appli catioa of Damieo•s, Ine. for Sunday On Sa3.e I,iquor Licenae at 573 W. seventh 3t. Will you please prepare the necessazy resoZution ev�veriAg thi� matter? Vary txvly yrnurs� City Clerk A8 tij',un.�c�►s To��e ry � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO � `�'��- ��� ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rrt�s�.r Ja�was�' �7• 1�4 COMMISSIONE� ^AT� RT.SOLY�De 'i'hat applioe�iaru ias 8un8ay-On-Swl� Liquor Lioen sQS �wd� by the lollewimg applicaat� who ar� hold�ra ot Og 8ale Liquor Lio�nN� at the addr����� �ho�m� b� and th� �w ars h�NbT arant�d �t►d in Oo�tplia� nith C. D'. xo. 23g531. �e xo. 13TS5. �i.al1 wnds ChaBt�r lto. 3c�8.00 ot t�h� St. Panl I�islativ� Ood� and OrdiAer►o�s. O�iiars 3ar i a�ci11� In�o. 1l�+4 x. Sa�lli� Ai�. App. 1'f6!'/ lt�ntvsl Diak'• �n Ber, Ino. 153T IIni�erri�r A�n. " 13?8'r " ?ra:ilc J. fiva■at: d� H�rman S. Me�ss 584-d Ric� si. " 13a11 " Gam�an�., Iaa. �729 w. SQ�nnth st. " 13821 " apw•s Caf�, Ina. 66e-70 P�ys� Air+s. " 13824 " Jo�m .1. b A�ad�l ♦. /lasrrino ?60 Payn� A�. " 1'�896 a Ho�w. Ino. 995 w• ss�raith st. " 139Z6 " S�. Inc. 1900 etillrat�r avs. " 13931 " ll�itio,::rSacw, 425 w.sr..nui �st. .� p 13991.* xilt•. cla�r Pip. Ts�rn, Ina. ig34 �. x�nn�haha �.�.. " 140Z6 " Two� b Couatry Club,7sic. 22'►9 Mer�ull A�n. " 14�7 " D.aa,Sa-stoe�lc, Iao. 469 Y. sn�.11ing a�re. " 14102 " 14�aiai ciar, I�a. 531 Y. sr�:,�h 8t. " 14131 " 90a�1�t LOtmg@� I:1C• 111.2� A2�Cad� St• " 14Z�5 " ��, COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Cotmcii 19_. Yeaa Naya Butler � CONWAY APD�o� 19� �°�e Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka �� rodAlTAi', _ � Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �°� ,�..��,��,� �5`7�2�- �C�� ��TT� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��Nca NO , , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO�MISS ONE� nAte JAIILIAZ'y �T� �•�T� St1lTD�AY Qlf S� LIQIIO� - (P�Be �o�, 2) MoQama Hro� C�atterboz, Ina. 393 S�lby An. App. 14463 B�nwal �lb�zt 0. IInia� '�80 Jaoks�n St. " 14�Tp " 8ath�cr. Inc. 1560 whit� �ar Aw. " 142eY " �W=-� '!h� Bsa�s Rail o! St. Pawl, Iac. , L^Z,'7 w� �l MR S Y• �~ �. u��p ~ . P�t�r Jay� Ino. 480 S. Sa�lli�ag aw. " 14�0 N (5) �AN �? 1l�'2 COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .IAN ��T � Butler �biC QOHWAY Approvc*L 19` Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� ro0A7flA't Tedesco Mr. President, McCartp ��