257208 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK � �6-ti' J�;."r,�ii . CITY OF ST. PAUL � couNCi� � � v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. '.' , O CI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE AM RES�LVED, �hat pursuant to the pertinent appeal of Floyd Glaesmann, under the Zoning Code, to relax the building line on property located on the south side of Hoyt Avenue between Wheeloek Ridge Road and Edgerton Street, more particularly de�c�ibed a�: Exeept tY�e east 1�8= of the north 80= and except the east 155: of the south 25t of the north 145� and exeept the east 158� south of the north 105= the east �05� of the north 1�+Ot of the S.E. quarter of the I�.W quarter (��b�ect to road and easements3 Sec. 20, Township 29, Range 22; that the provisions of said Zonin� Code hereby are determined and varied in the applieation, as and to the extent necessa�y therefor, to allow a dete,ched garage, sab�ject to the conditi0n that said appellant- permittee, and his suecea�or� and a�signs shall make �°� o due eomplianee with all applicable provis�ons of t'� �. �� municipal ordinances, state atatutes and rules and > � , � a reg�lations of public a�thorities having cognizance. g� '". 0 a � �. � � a a JAN 2� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �N Z� � Butler � Conway A oved 19— Levine �n Favor , Meredith Sprafka a r Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, McCarty ������'�'� �� �`' �; �`�(�- O ` � ;CITY PLANNING BOARD OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 N. R. HEIDEN,Ph D.Director . Q� !1+A/��,K 'i- December 28, 1971 � �''�` ''.�l Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir; This is written in response to the appeal of F1oyd Glaesmann to relax the building line to allow a detached garage on property located on the south side of Hoyt Avenue between Wheelock Ridge Road and Edgerton Street. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning at its December 2, 1971, public hearing, at which time the staff report was read. The staff reported that a field check disclosed no obstacle to placing the garage farther back and, therefore, any hardship existing was produced by the owner or the contractor. A representative of the Sussel Company, contractor of the garage con- struction, said his company was at fault by pouring the slab even with the garage on the adjoining lot. In discussing this matter, the Board noted that the garage is already built with Council informal approval and that the owner has no .complaints with its location. It was said that a general hardship seems to e�ist due to the position of the lot. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend approval. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 4 to 1. Very truly yours, .��� �'l�'�� � Peter J. Ma etta Secretary, Board of Zoning PLR/br Z. F. 7268 � '� ��`"�.. a, O � � . ���✓ '�`��> �/� . - ��f. .t'� ?� ,/O � ��/ R� ��RS OF MOpF p n ��P RN�IVI PAG� �tr �V. G NG S HOME MODERNIZERS Custom Designed Nomes October 6, 1971 1850 COMO AVE. • Midway between the Twin Cities PHONE 645-0331 • ZIP CODE 55108 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Zoning Appear For: Floyd Glaesmann 564 East Hoyt St. Paul, Minnesota Phone - 774-0035 Appeal Address: Same Legal & Location: Except the east 148' of the north 80' and except the east 155' of the south 25' of the north 105' and except the east 158' south of the north 105' the east 205' of the north 140' of the S.E. quarter of the N.W. quarter (subject to road and easements) Sec. 20, Township 29, Range 22. Located near the S.W. corner of the intersection of East Hoyt and Edgerton. This property is used for a residential dwelling. The purpose of this appeal is to allow a detached garage to be located approximately 8' from the front street property line. This is in violation of section #6201 of the St. Paul Legislative code which states that a structure cannot be located any closer to the front property line that 20% of the lot depth. The neighb.or to the east has a garage in the same location and to the west there is a park (See Diagram). Because this does not appear to create a problem to either neighbor, we would like to locate the garage as shown on the diagram. Respectfully submitted, � � John Polymeros � � � � D � � �J Construction Depart�ent � THE SUSSEL COMPANY O C T � �9�� CITY Pt.ANnth� �t��riL JP/mz Ssint P�ul. Minnca�ot� a Z�NtNG FILE � .,.,,� .•�'°",�. �ONDED �`* SATISFYING CUSTOMERS SINCE 1915 • CUSTOM DESIGNED HOMES • GARAGES • BREEZEWAYS • PORCHES ` R'IOISTERLD*� �e, � ROOM ADDITIONS • FAMILY ROOMS • DENS • BASEMENT AND ATTIC FINISHING • DORMERS • BEDROOMS OUILDEI� t YYa�Y '�..c� KITCHEN AND BATH MODERNIZING •LAKE HOMES•CABINS � f` I�e�7,.�1 ; Location: Exc�pt thR �east S4e' of !Ae twrtY� Bb' r�r►d e>:cept th� �est���6' of t�� so ' h 25' of the north 105' - srsd axc�p� t2�e e�ist iSe' saytK of the nort?� 105' the �ast' �05� o! th� �:h 140'. of the S.E. quarttr e�"�lhe 11.M, q�art:ert� (�ubject to road and easet�entaj �ec, 20* lok��;hip, 79, Range 22. � fi'_.e�. ," . '. •._ .. . . . _ ._ . . _.—._ _ . � BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION December 2, 1971 Plat Map 32 - ,Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 — ` passed AuRust 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7268 l. APPLICANT'S PIAME ; Floyd Glaesmann 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other X-1143 3. PURPOSE ; Relax building line to allow a detached garage 4. LOCATION ; South side of Hoyt Avenue between Wheelock Ridge Road and Edgerton Street 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ; See file 6. PRESENT ZONING: "A" Reaidential 7 . PIIRSUANT TO Zoning Code Chepter: 64 Secti.on: •03 Para�;raph: j 8. 5TAFF INVF,STIC;ATION & REPORT: Date: 11-24-71 gy; PLR A• HIST�RY: There is no zoning history for this property, B. PROPOSAL: The request is to relax the setback requirements to allow construction of a garage. C. REASON FOR APPEAL: During the first stage of construction of the garage, the concrete slabWas poured to line up with the garage on the property adjoining to the east. The setback of that garage was a side yard setback of a corner lot. The City Council granted informal approval subject to the owners risk and the outcome of a future hearing, bn October 8, 1971. D. STANDARD; The required setback is 22 feet, 20% of the depth of the 110 foot lot. E. VARIANCE: The requeated aetback is eight feet, a variance of 14 feet or 63%. F, AREA ZODTING: The inanediate area is zoned "A" Residence. To the east along Hoyt the zoning is mixed "C" Residence and Conanercial. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site i8 developed with a single family residence and a recently completed garage. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The property adjoins Wheelock School on the west and single family residences fronting on Edgerton Street on the east. The predominant character of the area west of Edgerton Street is single family. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval Denial � Council Letter Dated : Moved by , McPartlin Yeas Nays 12-28-71 Seconded by: Benshoof X Ames - Ch. Date of X Cochrane Hearing: X McPartlin 12-30-71 Secretary's remarks : Maietta X Manaur Council Action: X Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel , �f. � : ' . _ � , � �,� o � � o � o � o � :� � o i�____� :� ,� ; � � � �i, � _ ' � �'r I ("� , I I i 1D �� HU � I , - � � ���� J 'o , � o � � o � c� o o � o cI � a ;� ----- � c� �oi Q b o � ° - �o F } I i - -Q ._ ' , , , � � i � � � � = I i _ �� , � � � � � , i � � ° _ � ; ; _ ._ , ; ; � ,� �- v ` ; i ; i � ! , f , i � � ; w , � � , ; � � 0 � � 4 � 0 ; � � O O_; C� �J ; � � � �� ' � ! ,^� ' � �� �O _ � 0� � ' � ,�; ! � � � �p 'Q � M i , � . i o ��� ,� � � c, iol � � �� � ' �� � o ' oo � p � c, � , o �h �� b ;pp , _----'� � i � " � r , ..n O , i � i ; , � , � ! ; I � v ' � � r � ' , � � � � �' v '.-.-'� � I ' � � I t �� � ' � i V 1 �11C j I I � � � � �, � �` � ' S � ; � J I i , , , R � , Q p p � plr� rJ ; O � C � i � � iQ , � �- � I � � ! � � }h� � ; I Ig � � I i � � `, �' � � �� I ��I'��T , Ctv1L f:�F SE l�( J� b y- ;, � � � — — i w,�: � . . � .-�►, � � � - �' , ¢ ¢ ro�... {) � � � r 30 � ' � i/ � _ G� � Q � � � � � I�- � i 4 , VI� � � � � i � vi iF �-r s. �, � , � � . �v �_ - _ _� __.� _ _ .��`��� � � c � � _ p I� �-- -� __ -T _ '+ '. �- �I � � v � , � �� ; �`; ��'���' �I _�1 O � �-- ' iQ� � p� i ; � I � V ' � O �, J � �I � � � a! I \ ��` � ; ✓N�'EL 0 CK\� U I I �— ti - � �—� �i t -� -1 � �\ ����, � Q� � ` � �_ ,�� �� � ;i 0 ��v'v�v v� v' \�y��, ;i O- - ,� O � ; i � ; � � �<o� � ��� � �� + b' . { � � � � � � �, ,..�, -, ' �� �. � ���r�� i� -0-- ,�,_�� o� �, � ,: , �-- �, �\ �1 � '�' � � � .;� i p O p p 0 \'� �� S-3 a i� p <" ,` c� � I I I � i ' ; ' ��� � ��o QF- °Q� u _ ��� _� �� �������, � ' N�.8`����<� .��.__� _ , . o � � �' ��-�� U �� o: � � � -� � �� � ; �� ;� �1TT�1�1� � AP�LiC�►NT Fl�yd G18esmann � LEGE6�D � PU��OS� Relax building line to allow a detached LAP�D UJE garage O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING "A" Residential -O- T�AdO-FAf�!!LY . �Y THREC- FAi��ILY PETITION SIGNERS ' , - FOUF�-FAMi l�Y � MULTI- FA���ILY FILE No. �z6a ,�iQR�.H • •nCO��MERCIAL n n II�DUSTRIAL v VACANT St. Paul Pianning Board, Date� 12-2-�1 Q��� Prop�r�4y under consideratic . � . M71�I�3TBS OF THE gt3�LIC HEABIN� BEFO&E TEIE BOARU UF ZQIdTN� t�Di �"fiUR�iI?l�Y, DECEMEEA 2, 297L, A� 2:00 P,M, PItESEPiT; Mrs. C�ch�ane ax�d Mesars. Ames, Benahoof, McFarClin a�td Ma�etta of the Board; Mr. R�se�ter and B. ReiLter of the staff. FLOYD GLAESMAI�Id �7268): Aa appeal to relax the bufldiag liue to al�o`v a detached gar�ge. Mr. Rosetter :sum�riaed f:he staf� regorL-, � p�x�� of th� f�.le, by �oting �hat the request is ta rel.ax the �eetsack requfrementa to �llaca crn►st�actioa o� a garege. Du�i�g the fi�s� sta$e af ca��tructaon of th� �arage, the co�acrete s�ab was po�red to line esp with th� garage on the pxoperty ar�joi�ain.g to �he east. The se�t�eck ef that garage �aas a s3d� yard ��tb8ck of a corner lo�:. The City Co�.e21, an October $, 1971, gra���d informal spproval of this sppea� �aub3ece eo the awn�r's risk a�xd �he outcoa�e o.f a f�st�xe �.�ar�ng. Th� req�3�red sei:back is 22 f�et, 20l0 of �he depth af ttae li0-foa� lo�. Tl�e request�d ��tback is eight fee�, a v�rfauce of I4 feet, ar b3°�6. Th� ��m�dia�� as�e� as zoned '�A�� Residen���l. �o Che ess� alo�g Hoyt the zoai�g is �ixed '0C" Reside�.t�,�l at�d Cc�eercfal. Th� sxte is develcaped �iCh a sfagle f�mily xe�idex�cP and a rece�t�y-completed garage. The p�operty adjai�zs�.Wheelocl� SchooZ o�. the we�� and sia�gle familq res�.de�ces frontita� on Ed�er�on S�rr�et oa the east�. Th� pr�dominaa�� charac�er of th.� are� w��� of �dg�rto� S�reet is. eingle family. M�. Rosettex p�esent�d to the Board the file cogy of .the site p7.a�x and _ cas�mnented that what� b.a�dship there i� on the proparty was praduced by C€�e �t�er �� the contrac�or, a.� �ppears �hst the �'ax�a�e coulci have beea bui7.t back .tu. the setb�ask Zin�. • Mr. Maiee�a asked if this garage was �slready campl��:�d aad he� was tiold that ie was. �ie then qt�est�oued whq they are aslcing �o relax th� buildir�g lfne �o �.11c>w the gar�ge. Mr. Ef�mes sa3.d, +�s hc recal.l�d ehe ma�:�er,, the ccm�ractor paured the s;1ab, it� the arrong spaC. Re was notff�.ed by tihe Buildiag Il�partmeuC thst h.e was �i�i violatioa of . the Cade; he then ue�t to ttle City Cattncil and ti�ey gsve him infarmal approval. 1�4r. Ames added tha�, i� s:�i� Cauncil d�termiues tihis is a vialat�on, it will �isve ta be torn dows or maved. Mr. Maie�ta �sk�d a.f this matter is a praper funct�,aa af this B�sard and l�ira. Cochraae asked �aho d�termin.es if this fs � vical��3on. Mr. Rosetter sa£d �h,�t the contsactor, eh� Sussel. Csnn}�ar.y, sa�greed the lett�r of appeal �a�d may �ave taken ou� the �Saildia�g petmit. Mr. Utobert fle�k��.ffian, xepreaentimmg the Suss�l Co,, �plained tha� the garage iA questioa was glac�d ��z Iia� with the garage on �h� x�ex�-door Zo� which ia a corrter lot �ritY� the gs��ge facis►g the sid�. Iie sBid ehet Sussel Ccfmpar�y is at f��alt i� this m�tter but th�y h�d �pp�aled to the Cit3r Council as Ch�y bad beaa requeated to do. The Cauncfl �pprav�d it ef�er the alab was in. Tt�� gar�ge is aeow built b�t S�esael still �eeds tt�� approvaZ af the Zox�i�g Bo��d. .• . ' FLOY� G'L,AESI�fA�1N' (Page 2� D�cember 2s i97I Mrs. Cochraae sa�.d ther� �eems to be s g�neral hardship here, the lot is s very odd lot the way it is positioned. She then asked the owner how he feels abovt t'�e mstter. Mre Floyd G�s�smas►n� awner of the pro�erty, said he has no complaints with the iocetion of eh.e gaz�age, he is sat3.sfied with it aa it fs, Mro McPartlin maved that the Board reco�ead gra�tiug the appeal. Mro Benshoof s�conded Che motioa. The �otfox� carr3.ed by a vote of 4 ta 1, �vitt� Mro Maietta in oppositioaio Submi.i�:ed by; Approved �y: Peul L, PtiC�g�tt`.f:�!' R�Yt2�� Z.o Av�es l�t �� , _ — -- -- ---�--;--.,— � . �.` �'%� ,��� �' � �i�� �; ,; � .`� ,�� ��„ �$ tc: �': r' �� : `�i ��� ` y�. ',. . +� a -- �. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 December 17, 1971 City Clerk 386 City Hall File X1143, page • You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the CouACi1 Chambers of the City Hall and Gourt Iiouse at 10;Q0 a.m. on December 30, 1971 on the appeal of Floyd Glaesmann to reiax the bnilding line to allaw a de�ached g�rage on the property deseribed as fflllaos: Except the East 1�48 feet of the North 80 feet, and except the �ast 155 feet of the South 25 feet of the North 105 feet, and except the East 158 feet South of the North 105 feet; the East 205 feet of the North 140 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northweat 1/4 (sub�ect to road and easements) Section 20, Township 29, Range 22• The property is �oceted on the South side of East Hoyt� Avenue and West of Edgerton Street. For further information, contact the planning Bourd, Room 1010 Caamerce Building ar telephone 223-4151. . To canply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with infortning you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is reco�ended thaE you attend this pub�ic hearing to afford you the opportuaity to make your views, both pro and con, 1c�nawn to the City t;o�eil. ROSALIE L. BUTLE�i Commiasioner of Finance .