257194 ! OR161�AL TO CITY CL6RK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve Operating Agreement between the City and Independent School District No. 625, whereby the City provides servic�s to the School District pursuant to Chapter 705� La.ws of 1965� for the term of Janua.ry 1� 1971� through December 31, 1971� and the School District sha.11 pa.y to the City the sum of $260�193.72. FORM A P � t A st. orp tio ounse �--- l JAN 2 6 19T2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas xaya �pN Z 6 197� Butler �svrr-'G°�_-,.-�-� � 19— Levine �1n Favor Meredith J Sprafka ayor A gainst Tedesco PUBLISHED JA 91972 Mr. President, McCarty � M_ .. _ • , . , . + ~ � , . • � �� / OPERATING AGREEMENT � WHEREAS, The public school system of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, now exists as Independent School District No. 625 of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, The provisions of Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, con- template tha.t said Public School District sha.11 contract with the City to receive services of the various City departments tha.t were . form.erly rendered to. the School District �as a pa.rt of City govern- . . ment, in exchange for payment by said Public School District of a pro rata share of the cost or expense of the furnishing of such . . , , services .by .the City of Saint :Pau.� to Independent. School: District . . . No. 525; therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, By the City of Saint Paul, acting by and through its City Council, and Independent School District No. 625, acting by and through its School Board, as follows: 1. That this contract and the terms and provisions hereof shall be in effect from Janua.ry 1, 1971, to December 31, 1971, and that the terms and provisions hereof will bir�d said parties during the term of this Agreement, and, further, tha.t the execu- tion of. this Agreement shall in no way affect the right of eithFr party to renegotiate any or all portions of this contract for subsequent periods after 1971. 2. Th.a.t the purpose of this contract by and between the parties is to comply with those provisions as enumerated in said Chapter 705, La.ws of 1965, as they relate to the furnishing of City �ervices necessary to the operation of said public school district. 3. That the provisions of Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, arc hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein. 1. , • , . . 4. Tha.t the services to be furnished by the City departments sha.11 include the following: I. CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU ' The Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul shall con- tinue to provide services to said Public School District No. 625 as it ha.s in the past, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 7 of � . � ' the Cha.rter.--of tZie City of Ssint Paul. and pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Service Rules, being Ordina.nce No. 3250, as amended, of the City of Saint Paul, such services to include, but not . . � necessarily be l�imited. t�o�, � the� recruiting. af pe�rsonne�; the admin- .� istration of examina.tians, the certification of applicants, the classifying of positions, the grading of classes of positions, the certification of payrolls, and establishment of class specifications. The School Board agrees to abide by and to be bound by the pro- visions of Chapter 7 of the Cha.rter of the City of Saint Paul and the provisions of the Civil Service Rules as they apply to Civil Service employees . The cost to the School District for the fur- nishing of said services during 1971 shall be computed by compar- ing the percentage of Board of Education Civil Service employees to the total number of Civil Service employees of the City. For 1971, this percentage is herewith fixed at 28.25%, tnaking a cost to be paid by the School District to the City for this service of Fifty Four Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Six and Seventy-seven One- hundredths Dollars ($54, 166.77) . � .� D - � f.7, �L T'�7. a. L.-...���_ }� r... v � �re�� n�t}tni.r��j�.'� t.a�}. . . � t�iZ'� LVGL_a.i iil L't1l3V.dL'1V11 1L�.ICWLL. LliLi'vtFiLs 1�t t:.i. :s.uv.a�... . those benefits heretofore ena.cted by the City of Saint Pau1 in be- ha.lf of its employees, specifically those pertaining to severance pay as embodied in Ordinance No. 11490, approved June 12, 1959, as amended; health and welfare insurance benefits; retirement pro- grams; and, further agrees to abide by and be bound by the action 2 . , ; ._...__. �.__.._,..__ . _ _ : . _ - -- _ _ .......... � . . � . of the Council of the City of Saint Paul pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 6446, adopted Janua.ry 23, 1925, as amended, from time to time, as it relates to Civil Service employees, including those of the Board of Education. II. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT The Purchasing Department of the City of Saint Paul sha.11 � act as Purchasing Agent for �Independent .School District No. 625 and perform the necessary and usua.l duties incidental to proper purchasing as provided by law. The cost��to said School District for services to be rendered by the Purcha.sing Agent sha.11 be computed by applying a formula using a weighted unit value to the total number of purchase orders and bids, both formal and informal, and contract claims and pay vouchers processed by the Purcha.sing Agent during the calendar year on beha.lf of the School District. The School District shall pay to the City the actual costs incurred by the Purchasing Depart- ment as measured using the aforementionec� forntula. The estima.ted cost, using the aforementioned formula, for the year of 1971 is Sixty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($60,000.00). III. CITY COMPTROLLER The office of the City Comptroller sha.11 continue to furnish service to said Public School District, including but not necessarily limited to the ha.ndling of appropriations, bonds and interests, general administration and clerical, payroll audit, vendor dis- bursing audit, receipts, and sha.11 continue to advice the Board of said School District in regard to bond ma.tters. The pro rata cost to said School District during 1971 for this aforementioned service shall be Forty Seven Thousand Thirty-seven and no/100 Dollars ($47,037.00) . 3. ,' -� _ . . IV. CITY CLERK The office of the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul shall continue to furnish services to said School District in the ma.tter of registration of voters and the handling of all elections pur- sua.nt to law on behalf of said Public School District. The pro rata cost to be paid by said Public School District for the serv- . ices to be .furnished ,during 1971 sha.11 be based upon thirteen percent (13%) of the total expenses incurred for elections and registration of voters . The cost for 1971 sha.11 be Nine Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-nine and Ninety-five Hundredths Dollars ($9,569.95) . It is expressly agreed between said City and said School District that the School District shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of any election expense incurred due to the necessity of �any special election called solely for the purpose of determining school issues, except that in the event a special election is called by the School District or the City and the other body also calls a special election for the same day, the cost of that election sha.11 be sha.red equally by the City and the School District. . V. PARKS AND RECREATION Due to the existence of a prior policy agreement between the Depa.rtment of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings and said Fublic School District, which provides generally for a sharing of facilities for the mutual benefit of the. parties, it appears desirable to continue this relationship. It is herewith agreed that the Depa.rtment of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings shall pay to the School District the custodial costs involved - for its use of facilities operated by the School District and 4. . _ and that the School District shall pay to the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings the custodial costs involved for its use of facilities operated by the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings. It is- the intent of the pa.rties that the prior policies regarding this ma.tter be herewith affirmed; provided, however, that the Board reserves the power to amend or modify by letter agreement between the Board and the Department any prior policy provision. . - ' .�-- ---- : � � .: � :, � . . ._ . VI. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE The Department of Finance sha.11 continue to furnish service to said Public School District in regard to the ha.ndling of various fiscal affairs and said Commissioner of Finance sha.11 continue to act as Assistant Treasurer for the School District. The services to be performed sha.11 include the disbursement and ma.iling of vouchers, the handling of receipts, general administration, and bank account reconciliation. The pro rata cost to be paid by the District for such services during 1971 shall be Eight Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-seven Dollars ($8,687.00) . VII, DEPARTMENT �OF LIBRARIES AND CIVIC BUILDINGS The Department of Libraries and Civic Buildings sha.11 continue to rent to the School District facilities at Midway Stadium �for use in connection with the School District Driver Training Program at a rental of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) for the calendar year 1971. VIII. � JOINT COURT HOUSE AND CITY HALL COMMITTEE The School District shall enter into a lease with the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee providing for the rental of 5. I • -. � I .I � . twenty-two thousand six hundred thirtyieight (22,638) squa.re feet of spa.ce within the Court House and City Hall of the City of Saint Paul, at Six Dollars ($6.00) per square foot, ma.king a total of Seventy Nine Thousand Two Hundred 1Thirty-three Dollars ($79,233.00), said lease to contain the terms and conditions relating to the use of portions of the premises by the School District, and to fix the rental costs for the use of the said premises. 5. In consideration for the furnishing of the aforementioned services, the School District shall pay to the City of Saint Paul, on or before June 15, 1971, and on or before December 15, 1971, _ the total amount due for Ci�ty services in the amount of Two � � Hundred Sixty Thousand One Hundred Ninety-three and 72/100 Dollars ($260, 193.72), in equal installmeni:s. Payments shall be ma.de on these respective dates pursua.nt to this contract and upon Registered Bills bei�g sent to the said School District from the Office of the City Comptroller. Payments shall be made to the City of Saint Paul. 6. Nothing herein contained sha.11 be construed as a limita- tion upon either party to renegotiate the terms or provisions hereof or in any way to bind either party subsequent to 1971. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The appropriate officers of the City of Saint Paul and the appropriate officers of Independent School District No. 625, pursua.nt to authorization by resolution of each governing body, herewith executed this Agreement this day of , 1971. 6. � � _ . � , i CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Ma.yor Form Ap o ed: City Clerk Spec a s ' sta Commissioner of Parks and Corp o Cou el Recreation and Public Buildings Approved as to Form and Commissioner of Finance Execution this day of , 1971. Commissioner of Libraries and � � � � � Civic Buildings Special Assistant Countersigned: Corporation Counsel City Comptroller . � ,/���G.l� EPEND�,NT�OI�-�I S TR.I,�-r10. 62 5 � Form Approved: �`��'���`���� � .�Ml�""` � _.. C1131 '��� • n �� "-W'-a�-j�3�• /0� �vLt'r"a,+"r+P Attorn for Sch 1 District ,:_�, Treas er �C�.��, , � . �-�- J�=-- ;-;--t% Approved as to Form and 4�,�;,,�_.-±.�^..�—�• Executi this day of Clerk , 19 7� G.�� Attorn for ool District 7�