02-636Council File # O 3. -�, 36 Green Sheet # 3..o n G� OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 2 WIIEREAS, University Avenue is the major commercial and transit corridor connecting the Twin Cities, 3 and one of the great historic streets of the region, and 4 WHEREAS, in Saint Paul, University Avenue eatends 5.5 miles from the State Capitol to the 5 Minneapolis city line, crossing numerous neighborhoods and business districts, and 6 WHEREAS, twenty five years ago a group of progressive citizens had the foresight to establish an 7 organization that convened representatives from residential and business associations along the corridor 8 to discuss significant issues of mutual interest that transcended neighborhood boundary lines, and 9 WI IEREAS, University LJNITED is the successar organization to that original group, and today the 10 membership of University UNITED is comprised of seven district councils and four economic 11 development organizations, and 12 WHEREAS, University LTNITED continues to convene its member arganizations in an effort to reach 13 consensus on issues of importance to the corridor and the city, and continues to promote the development 14 of the Avenue. 15 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Saint Paul congratulates UniversiTy 16 UI�IITEB on the occasion of its 25"' Anniversary, and expresses its gratitude to the thousands of people 17 who haue worked with University LTrIITED, and its predecessar organizations, in making the University 18 Avenue corridor a better place to live, shop, work and recreat Requested by Department of: � Approved by lv�ay�r/ Date /" L—� j �'-3''� Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date o � Adoption Certified b�ouncil Secretary o a - ��� City Council Councilmember 3key 266-8610 BY (DAT� DATEINRWTm July 10, 2002 0 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oE..ar�rowECrw No 200688 urvtowt�. ❑ anwnowEr ❑ cmrnm�c _ ❑ nuxuatarnurFSnce ❑ wuwru�mnu�ttro ❑ WYOR(ORAfffi�MR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Congratulating University UNITED on the occasion of their 25th Anniversaxy and expxessing gratitude to the thousands of people who have worked with them in making the University A corridor a better place to live, shop, work and re�reate. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persoNfiim everwalced uMer a contrad tw fhie departmeM? YES NO Fies this persorJfirm eve� been a dty empbyee7 YES NO Daes this petsonlfimi poasess a sldll not normalrypossessetl by anY curtent citY empbyee7 YES NO �S I�115 D��MIfRI 8 hdlaH8f1 V211dOr1 �$ � COST/REVENUEBUOGEfED(dRCIEON� SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER YES NO INFORMAiIINJ (FXPWN)