257173 ��a�, ..����-�'3 File+ No. PROFOSAL FOR IMFROVEMENT anci PRELIMIII�iAItY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeesthennal�ingofthefolYowingpublioimpmvement bythe Cityof�aint Psul�via.: reconstruct the side�ralk on both sides of Plorth 3rd. St. from Arcade St. to Maple �._......--•.................____.......---•--................................._._..........._..._.........._........._.................................................:.................. St. and by.doing� all:other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said ��;ovement.._____. ....... _... .--•...........................................•--...............................---.........�...................,..:..................._.... Dsfsd thia.... 25ths.......day of..........................Janua ._... ... . 1�D .��. -� -•--. .. ... .... z. .................... . ..........._.. ...... ....... .. . ... ....-•-- ' Co noilmen. PRELIMINARY O1tDEIt. WHEREA8� A written propoeal for the making of the follawing improvement, vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of North 3rd. St. from Arcade St. to Maple ...............-----•--...._....................................................._.........---•--_�...._..................._..........................---...---.._......_..........._..........�__ St. and by..doing_.all.other work which is: idecessary and incidental to complete said .._.............•---.... . ...._._..............__....---...._.... ...._........-•---._..._.._........_......_._....._...---••------•--•-•----........._...... _.im�rovement. ...............................................___................._...._..�._._.................._......-•---........._......_........._..--•---....,.........._...... .............•-------..._._._..._.....-----..__.......__...................____.._.._..._...._.._...__......---....._.....-•-•----•..._...._.._.....---.......-----..........._._...._._........... 6sving been preeented to the �Counail of the City of 8aint Paul..............•----•-•---......_..........._._..----...._..._...---...............__.. therefore, be it ftF$OLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Put>lie V4'or�cs be and ia hereby ordered and dirented: � 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malung of said improvemen8. 2. To inveetigate the nature, eatent and estiffiated coet of eaid improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To fwnieh a plan� profile or eketch of eaid improvement. , 4. To state whether or no�eaid improvemen?t is aekedl ifor on ttbe petition� o1f three �ar mor� �awnere. 1T. To report upon all of Bhe goregoing ca�attere to tho �C�c►mmiesioner af Finanoe. Adopted by the f7ouncil..............JA� a � �'�`E .................................................... Yr,ws JAN 2 5 1972 Councilman Butler �w �pprovec9.................. ......._....._..._....----•--....__........._..._ levine Meredith S praf ka Tedes co _._......: ..*.��;. ... .......:_.._._. Mr. President McCarty Ma �000 T-sq � � � Qu��.is��.� N 2 9 1��.