02-635Council File # O�. — � 3.S OR1�1�1,AL SAINY,F'A�L, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WI�REAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the license application (ID # 20020001517) for 2 an Entertaimnent A License by Monkey Boys, Inc., DBA Di�e's Baz and Smokehouse Grill and Saji-Ya, 695 3 Grand Avenue, be approved; 4'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Councii of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license 5 appiication. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey �/ Coleman �/ Harris Benanav � Reiter � Bostrom Lantry r/ p b 14 Adopted t 15 16 Adoption 17 By: 18 Approved 19 By: Requested by Deparnnent oE � Form Approved by City Attorney � Green Sheet # 113746 :d by Mayor for Submission to Council 02-- � 35 oEaaztt�iwrro�o�ca,NO�t onrE ixma�o City Council Offices July 3 Zooz GREEN SHEET No 1 l 3746 COMACT PERSON & PFIONE wu,wy. mwawme Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 , o ,,.� MUST BE ON WUNCIL AGENNW BY (DAT� MsIGN ti11Y8ERFOR ��T�oiIEY CltYpiNY ROIfi1NG OROER ❑�U11CtaLtFnUCF9oR ❑fsUI+CI�LaERV/ACCfC ❑1111YOR(OR11i96f1111I) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTED Approving application for an Entertainment A License by Monkey Boys, Inc., DBA Dixie's Bar and Smokehouse Grill and Saji-Ya, 695 Grand Avenue. RECOMMENDATION APPfOV¢ (A) Of R2JEC� () PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. FtastlrisPe��+�eweruvrkedundereoontractforthiedeP�rtrerd? PLANNING COMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMffTEE 2. Has thia persaNfirtn erer been a cily empbyee9 CML SERVICE CAMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this petsaMnn possess a sidll not nam311ypossessetl by any current aty emD�oY�� YES NO 4. Is.N� pe�soMrm a targMetl vendof7 YES NO F�lain all yes answeis on separate sheei and attach M preen sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WFa, Wlre( Whs�, Where, Why) ADVAMAGES IF APPF20VED ��� ^��' V �� ��� � � LO{�+ DISAWANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNflY NUMBER FINANCIPL INFORMAl10N (EJ�WI� �