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Theundensignedhereby pmpoeesthemalcingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement bq the City of se►int Paul�vis.:
co�demn_.and,_take.,an_ea�emen,#„in,_�,h�,,,��d.,�g��,�s�Cy..fQ�..t��„�,�ope�,,,,cuts„and fills�,__i.ncluding
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right,of_ removal.__of_lateral._support..from._sub�,ect_„land or__remainder_.thereof, occasioned by
ex�,avations„thereof or.,cons��u�tion„Qf,.�,lo���,.in,��g,grad.in,g..�nd,surfacin�.with_.bituminous
m�ri.d.l...Xh�..A1.1.�,1f...�in�..�l�,lS.►...��..�1R�I11�GHA�M.'.�..ZN1�..ARRa..f.1:�►J'1..�1rd._�.t.,.._t4..�1.�ndrau St;�.�,G-2001)
Dstedthie........................dsy oq................................... ...... .. .......� 19 ...._..
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Co noilmsn.
WHEItEAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.:
condemn..ac��._.��k�..an..����m��nx---i.c�...xb�..1�ua�..n�s��s�r.x...f.Qx..x�.�..�lu���....�!A��..aP.d..f i.l i s x..i nc 1 ud i ng
right of removal of late�al support_ from sub,�ect land or remainder ths-eof, occasioned by
-----•--------�--•..........................•-•----.............. --... .. ..--------..........----..........._._..._............._....._......................_...._......
excavations thereof or construction of slopes__in..the..�radi.n� and surfacing witM bituminous
-------•...............••--•-•--............------...................._...___...---....... .
material the A1_ley_.in..BLK.,,2.,.,BIRMINGHAM'S 2ND AI�D. from Kennard St. to Flandrau St. (G-2001)
................_........._. .. -----............._.._.................._........_.................._.._......-----...._....-•----._....._.......
hsving been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul....--••--•----------------•--••---•--.........-----....--•--•----....._......_.......
t6erefore, be it
RESOLVF.D, That the Commiesioner of Publio Works be and ie hereby ordered and direated:
1. To inveatigate the neceesity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvemen8.
2. To investigate the nature� estent and catimated coet of said improvement� and the total ooet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. .
4. To etate whether or no�eaid improve�ent ie asked iFor on tthe petition of three ar more� owner�.
5. To report upon a1D of t,he foregoing mattere to the �nmmieeioaer of �nanoe.
Adopted by the �':ouncil..............J/�1 N..,',a_,.,�'�,,.�I'1.�.............----•.............
Y�►g J AN Z 5 t912
Councilman Butler
GAlicbdA�Conway Approve�fl.............................................................._....._..._._
Meredith d .
Tedesco ..-..._.:. .. _._..._..:� ...._......
Mr. President McCarty
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