02-634Council File # o a. — 63�{ Green SheEt # 10 � S � � RESOLUTION �T PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has in place a license requirement for establishments wishing to provide live 2 entertainment for its patrons in the form of music, storytelling, and readings; and 3 WHEREAS, the City currently has issued approximately 8 such licenses to establishments who provide this type of 4 entertainment and only restawants aze specifically mentioned in the Legislative Code as being eligible to apply for 5 these licenses; and 6 WHEREAS, the City Council fmds that such events work to build neighborhoods and a stronger sense of community 7 among the City's residents, and that venues other than restaurants, such as music, book and depar[ment stores and 8 coffee shops may wish to provide its patrons with this type of entertainment; and 9 WHEREAS, the requirements incumbent upon cabazet license recipients, such as occupancy and noise regulation 10 may be redundant with other sections of the code also applying to these establishments; now therefore be it 11 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby requests Council Reseazch, in consultation with the 12 City's Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP), to review the policies underlying the 13 City's cabaret license requirement taking into account restrictions on applicants and possibly overlapping 14 requirements; and be it IS RESOLVED, that the resuits ofthis review be presented to the Councii no [ater than August 28, 2002 and that the 16 review include a recommendation as to whether current ordinances should be amended, and if so, specifically how 17 they should be amended. Requested by Departrnent o£ � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adopted by Councit: Date � c`� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Appro � f 6a— 63y Councilmember Benanav �isi2ooz: s,���oa, Lioco �noios 7/3/2002 GREEN SHEET No 1 �4��J�. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE RAGES � �.,u,�,.��,� v �,,.� _ ❑ �,...o�„ ❑ a,,,� _ ❑������. ❑..�.��n,� ❑wmrtpaumrxm ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of a resolution requesting Councit Reseazch, in consultation with LIEP, to review the City's cabaret license policies and requirements and report back to the Comcil no later than August 28, 2002. PLANNINCa CAMMISSION qB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION When.Where.WhY) RSONAL SERVZCE CONi1tACi5 MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: H35 tt16 PQISOMIfRI EV2lNOIkEd U(IdM 2 COIIf18C1 fOf 1h16 �2P01�1112f1Y7 VES NO Has �his D�Mrm ever heen a cilY emPloYee7 . YES NO Dces this pe�eoNfirm posaess a sldl not namallypossesse0 by any curterR city employee? VES NO Is this pe�soNfirm a tarpeted �etMo(t - YES NO AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST�REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ONE) _'� I tI r` �: [ r.�'..T 7 YES NO - :�'�ii!�`!T�.:7�!!}1