257495 s ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��� A v� . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoEN��� NO. ICE OF THE CITY CLERK . �' ` RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF Resolved, that the City Primary Election, March 1I�, 1972; the City General �leetion, April 25, 1972; the County and State Primary Election, September 12, 1972; and the County and State General Election, November 7, 1972 shall be held in the 159 election precincts of the 12 wards of the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, at the places named in �he list on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and be it Further Resolved, that for the following precincts the eleetions shall be held at the places desi nated outside their precinct boundaries in accordance with Sec. 203.0� M.S.A�. Ward 1, Prct. 3 Our Redeerner Church, 1390 Larpenteur Ward 1, Prct. 5 East Consolidated School Ward 1, Prct. 10 New Harrison School Ward 7, Prct. 3 Seton Residence, 355 �arshall Ward 6, Prct. 4 Dunedin Terrace i�,pts. Ward 7, �'rct. 12 Hill School Ward 7, Prct. 13 Central High School Ward 8, Prct. 8 North D�le Playgrounds Ward 8, Prct. 9 North �nanuel Church Ward 9, Prct. 2 Rice St.Library Ward 10, Prct. 16, St.�►nthong� Library Ward 11, Prct. 25 Groveland Pk. Scho.ol Gym Ward 11, Prct. 32 Jewish Community-,,Center and be it Further Resolved, that the appointment by the City Clerk of the psrs ons namsd as Judges of F�le cti on in ths "Cert ificat ion of Ele cti on Judges" binder in the OPfice of the City Clerk in accordance with Sec. 203.21_M.3..A,. is hereby confirrned, and be it Further Resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to give notice of the elections in the manner provided by law, and that the registration records on f ile in the Buresu of Re�istrations and Elections of the City Clerk� s Off ice shall be used as provided by law, and be it Further Resolved, that the Ci�y Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to equip the said polling places and for such �aurpose the City COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine -ln Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �`?^�.:� AF'FROV� � C.Oti�URa"ftC���t CS2UIVSE"�� �� OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK . ��yy � � • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0, j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ., " s COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Clerk is hereby authorized to enga�e the nscessary labor a.nd skill and purchase necessary tools and material, the cost arr3 expense of the s�e to be paid out of t��,e F�l�ction Expense �►ccount, 0800, oP the General F'und, and be it Further Resolved, that the City Clerk be and Y�e is authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necsssary suaplies required for said elections and to do whatever else is ne�essar� for the condu ct of such elections, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Election Expense �►ccount, 0800, of the GenePal Fur�d., arxi be it F'urther Resolved, that the City Camptroller is hereby authorized and direeted to audit cl:aims upon certification b� the City Clerk to be paid out of the Flection Fxpense �ccount, 0800, of the General Fund, and the proper City OfPicers are hereby authorizad and directed to make such payme nt s. ... . � �i'� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �` F EB 2 3 1972 �se� E�-�-z<,� pr 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka v r A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED FE B 2 6 1972 � o�,G�,�.�,� 25'�495 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITI( CLERK ` ' � . COUNGIL R�,SOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ►��e,r COMMISSION A� . �aet1� 1��� t�► �i�� !�r►L�Bl�stia�, Mas�h 11� 19'��t� ir�. �i� o.�.�t �..,e��«�� �►�rii,��; � �qq�� � aa�u�r �t a�at. �s� s�..��.w►, : ��t�► l+t. 1'�1 '� `t►� �:v�nlr�r +� ,�a�i ��ar�1.E��ic�� �at�rae��r �, � ly7�t ���;1 �� 3w�1� 3�nn i�?� �;�9' �i�,l+�t� p�i��r �t �l1� ,� �r+��Alr �� �� 4t� �".'�#:lac�3 �i:w���ca�, a� �t�ar �,a+�►s �wt .ia:*I� �l�sl� � �'#►�,Mr ��t tl�wr + 0�! e�����t�r t��#�� al�r�c,: +a� b+� �,!� : � � �: . , !'a�1�ar►� �+I�r�i, �isa� �l�r !���I►�,wr!� p�rt�ti� �tr�ur ��,i��+�c��La'�1 b� �rrl�.,a'� "#�r �a's��e '��i�nafi��l� +iwt���+� itla�f.r p�o#as�' i��,��r;� as�a�s�► �t�;if�s. �0�.tfa K.S�A« 'Mi�t �f �-lht�l►"�� � - �Aaa� ��drr�w�N'�:�Itlts 1��0 ���1�A�' .. tt�lt ��r �±s�� � s.rt ao��13�� a.i�.�►. , � . �Ma�i ��► �#r�� �,0� ��'r Barst�O�t ss�wtil� , : � � Nr�ri �..��:� i�r��us lt�r+ri�inss�� �5� �a�rtl�all ' � � ,, ; i�f� �i �#. � �dia i`�'�rol� �M«�, , � . ' MM�� T. �#�: ltt Ei�.l, S�i . �t�si ,; Fri�it.. l3 #J�ni�r�l Si�t d��r�i i�. -. l�ri�;� 8 lr�at�h- �ts, �'1 , , . M� ;� . Pri��► ! : �ea�h �l i�prk�t �a�i, '�s,� �1�.. �' �i�a St.L!►O�We� iia� 30, ����' �,� : 3��ita#,hoa� &L lrari �.�. �1� `�t� ��'�'�►�l�uad t�������i�, +�t � , i�``r�[�i �►, ,P��t, .� drrialr Qa�rowu���� t3�sa� . . , . . , � . ' �I�d 1i+� �R: ?��i7� i���►3;vii�,, 1�1�tl� !!�r a�o1s'#t�tt tr,�► � �3Sf� Q1ix�t' �t tlu► p�t�r�raa� �a�� +� 3�i�a o�t' �e�i�t i�► �� '"Q���'i�ala�a� a►! �l�►a�ias ��r �ir�d,+� i� .t� �,t�'iar �'� �r t3�,1�' �r1t #a• a+�aa�as� vi�r l�ra,. ,��.�1:�.�,.�►. ia �irrrb� sonti�rr�ri,� a�d br it . : ' ` �iat�lm�r �aslr�+d� th�t� #� Q�,1t�► C��il�t !� I�t� �iMi;�!�� +�r�R �i�t�+ri to: siiii ao�3�N" �E' � fl�of�t+�mr lu t� u�s 'pu��r�d b� �atr� '�L tLN► ��► �►�#a��#�a� �r+rirsd�s a�s lil� in t�h+r �urs� �' Ri�#:,��ru�l� aad si.ot�c�s �!' ��##+� a3,�x A3.rIt;s �t�. ,�►13, a. a..a a. p�u.� D�r la►,� � s�i � �i� � l�1�r►* 1t+s�+oisr+i, t�at �C?�r 4�� al��lt i� ��D� aulha�#�t+�,r +il►��o�i� ao�t d3��r�i to �rv,t�ip t�� �al�d y�oll�g �laata and to�t +r�ok pvu�p�rr�► ��#� �it� COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Co�nc3� 19— Yeas Naya ButI�r Carlson APP�o"'� 19� Le°ine T*+ Favor Meredi�h �� S�� .. rod'A;11Af, . Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � A o�,�,n,���� � 25���95 • � � ` �inr oF s�r. PAUL �uNC�� No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' `' `� COUNCIL aESOLU�ION—GENERAL �ORM � ►rtr���,r COMMISSIONER �A*+� O���t �� �ur�L� avtallta►��,s�►d t4 ��� 1�ba as+N►i�a� lalror +u�d �rlti3� � P��a �r��raar� t�„� a�d s�ltlw�rr al� #�r ooa� �i �sp�►xu� o�' �,�► sa,�r� 1��► � �it o�� a►� �� �„�a�l�o�a #�t�aaa lss�u�l, t��, � 1� t�arra�, lM�l, �8 1» �t . � �#�r l�s�.�t, hi�►� -�► Qit� Qi+r��c lr� aal � ia ar�ri�+rd a�, �t�sl�rt ta p�a� �rt� pre^��,d� tl�ut ,�s�r�ar� euPP�,�� �+�►4u� �"o* aa�i ���e�i�our aad �o +�r rria���rar �►3� �a �«r��a� ��ar 11�u aeaia►� a�' rn�+► ��iotioar�� �l�► �+�si� #�a�+at �a 1� �,a �att et �a► Sl+rstior� S��tR� �►arnt, �• � �► �,�al !'�aR, a�ai 1���t� , ; � , ��*� l�s�►oltt�ll� �a� t�s �� �e��rll��r � l�tr�i� a�►or�sai +�d asr.�l� �4- �,t .+�latar �p� s.�w1G�'ieat��a 1hr 1�. asl�f t�l.�c �e� 'b�. p�i �t� o�' #� �,isol�i� i�itp�►a�► xti�t�reyd►#„ 0�� ot �r �i�l �, .a►�d itl�s pre�P�' �t�� t�t3�r� ar� Lss�b� tul�a�is+� �►t ti�s�t �o �t�r �u+� p�a�s. . � FEB 8 3 �9�'2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmci� 19_ Yesa Nays �T FE� 83 197.2 � Approv� 19� Levine Favor Meredit�h � Sprafka � �� . Tedeaco • A�a�t . Mr. Presideat, MCCarty ��