257489 . . �� 0 ��� . ; • . INT�RMEDIARY ORDER �QUNCIL FILE Na By File No. � 17623 In the Matter of improving FAIRVIEW AVffi� from Minnehaha Avenne to lierce Butler Road (City Project P-0345) as follcq►s: aidan, grade and pave;canetruc� eurb and �utter; construct street, alleq and driv�aay returns; conatruct atora water drainage facilities; construct ssver, water and gaa aervice c�nnecticas; and construct concrete walk aa both sides af Fairviev Aveaue froa Minnehaha Ave- nue to Pi�rce Butler Road, except where �ood aad sufficient walk no�w exists; and do all other work Which is necessary aad incidental to cvs�plete said improvement, , under Preliminary Order 255847 approved 3e�t�er �8, 1971 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is to improve FAIRVI� AVENEJB fra. Minn�haha Avenu� to Yierce Butler Road (City Project P-0345) as folloas: widen, grade and pave; construct curb and gutter; construct strest, alley and driveway r�turna; conatruc� atorm water drainage facilities; con- struct se`►er, water and gas aervice �onnections; and construct cc�ncrete walk on both sidea of Fairrriew Avenue from Miunehaha Avenue to Pierce Butler Road, excspt where good and sufficient walk now existsi and do all other work which is necessary and incidental to comple�e said improvement, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 123,000.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 21at day of Z�ar.ch,19.7� , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, sta:ting the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN F E B 2 3 19I2 Adopted by the Council Ye�s �_Nays F Eg 2 3 1972 . ;:.�NWR,Y �jpp '_::VINE ERt^f?"H / �. ::,�R A F!�A �U�n Favor i-�:.D�SG:� A�syor iV1cCARTX. �g�n�t PUBLISHED F�B 2 6 1972 �.� .. • � . . -' �', a OFFICE OF THE COMMtSSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS ' . �5��8.,' � REPORT TO C0�9MISSIONER OF FINANCE � � _i[F / . � � . ' . � ��, � .�� �,,:�°� Janua;r"Y u� 19 72 �- �.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works. having had under consideration the pre- limi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 255�7 approved_ October 19, 19 71, relative to improving FAIl3VSEW AVENt� fx�am� Minnehaha Aveaue to Pierce Butler Road (City Pro�ect P-0547) and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� 123,000. ___. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached arrd made a part hereof. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X •�45678 ��� 4. tm� vement i s asked for upon peti ti on c� � �� n u . 2 �� � F � �� � � � G p e> �� p� � �•��� ������ Commissioner of Public Works '��?�Z�?��' � , � � � ������\ V��'���'�T�V f L���I ROY W.HOIZER CLiFFr'�<D W. Hl��tELlN .� ��,fr, ��a�„g�� S�Jt��� �'AUL, M1�INESOTA s�P}.of D�sfr�bution . ' eoARn or- ��,�.�rc� ccr,,,%�ss�c�E�s ,,,,.�.MEUWISSEN C:L�1f:R A. HUSET Supt.of Wa4or $upply As:t. e.::r�cial t.iona�er CdtvtMISSIQNER RGG�RT F. SPRAFKA, 1''r�s�c':nt � ROGEit M. CQNWAY ,,::...,.�,:a RC;:"-.�:1E �. uUTLER . SllPPLY MISSfSSiP°J RIVER LAKES 7REATMENT PUMPING DISTRIBUTION 2�ovemb$r 17, 1971 l:r. Claude Z. Thcmpson �'ubl.ic VTorks Design Engineer 23l� C:Lty ha1Z Res 72-P-03l�5 Fairvi�r Avenue - M3.nnehaha Ave. to Pierce Bu.tler Rte. 72-P-0�74 Gecu�ge Street - Ohio Avenue to Concord Street Dear Sirs The �^later Depart��rent Schedulc of Charges for new or repl�cemerit ser�rices witiiit� the above referenced projec�s are: S7.ze FaLi�ieW Avenue (60�) George Street (60 �) r;o sure�t repair w/concrets base renair d,__..._.� � 3l1�U �205.00 � �z80.00 ��� 225.00 3oa.00 1��, 320.00 395.00 2�' �and "lar�er Actual Cost Actual Cost Th�se pr�ces do not 3x�clucie bitt��in�us street repair to ra�sview Avenue as it is assum�d tn�.s cun ba acco;�plished �b, your contractor c�i�°ing t�e repav3.r.� ��era'�o�.s. �J�e guarante� the prices sj�ated unti.l Jaru�y 1 , 1973� . �jQ request you seud us prints of �hese pro�ects as soon as they are availablo so i-re raay re�i��r them to de�ermine if any of our facilit.3.�s t��.11 b� aff��t�d. Very tt�tly you..rs, � � ����� � ��/� � � U �oPer �. i�iohror . � Office Ex�f;3ncer R�)C/da �j ,� � �,. i� � � ����� .. �r..��1.,f J�:i . � ,Y:'.F� . .J I .,I��' 1� � � � ��\J���:����� � � � . � �. ` ,,. � . . � ,ny y� - „ . . � ::.. 1 1 2. . J .! J i , �.!'c„ _..., l'113•:1 �' dl ��� -��.�I �� �• � 4 Y� d �11 � y...- I�/'�..��ti,':, x D;is7��..e._�{ �c_.. i.WJL._.Ji _��II_�G� ����f �,C.� 1 �tP,� 1 ta .,.,� r . . , � �� ����.��.�� I� Yt� 1 �JAy�'//�4 ����'�'p L_..1�.�.-t� � ����r±•� � . �al�� ����JL�L�I='�.)V/��Il��Tin f'"i��m� ����f1 �,i _ . �. 1 VAt-IG-�tv_+ q� . ,�` r �- ('�t - /�'� 1�J 3 �--�—'P }` ,�.;Y V/�.��� `��1\p.J���j��� 5l._ � /.�J�`� � 1..- ..�� �( _(['��I I. � �_��< �<C�I..��,�,J \ ♦ �,(L .�\�� �� r ♦ ' ���l_J� , • rri,NO,.i�=p J� z♦ __1 t 1�'�. i i.o c ; '' � j ��. 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