257477 �� �5��`�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIIE NO CO SO ION—GENERAL FORM coMM 5�NE Roger M. Conwa ; ATF in the matter of constructing a public storm s�wer in JEFFERSUN AVENUE from Cleveland Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd. , in BERK�LEY AV�NUE from �� Cleveland Avenue to F'inn St. , and from Cretin Ave. to Mount Cwrv� Blvd. , in STAN�ORD AVENIJE from Cleveland Avenue to Finn St. , and from Cretin Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd. , in WELLESLEY AVENUE from Clev�land Avenue to Finn St. , and from Crettn Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd. , in JULIET AVENUE from Cleveland Avenue to Finn St. , in MOUNT CURVE BOULEVARD from B�rkeley Ave. to J�fferson Ave. , in CRETIN AVENUE from Jefferson Ave. to Palace Ave. and from James Ave. to Randolph Ave. , in FINN STREET from Berkeley Ave, to Jefferson Ave. and from Juliet Ave. to Randolph Ave, all to be known as the JULIET-FINN STORM SEWER SYSTEM (S-1313A) . RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, under Preliminary Order No. 255054, approved July 22, 1971 and Final Order No. 256710, approved December 15, 1971 are hereby approved and be �t further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this �mprovement. 6,:"rvi �; �E- �L� � FEB 22 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeaa Nays �� �p APp e F B 2 3 1972 1s` �a�aen�- (--e��-���--�.-2 � � Levine n Favor T�ui� Sprafka V r A gainst Tedesco 'y�, .��!�,,,� p lLj3�l��� . Mr. Vice President Mered ;'�5 Pll�l1SNED FEB 8 8 i�'� � � o�.,�,�,�.�,� 25`74'7'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNU� l OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK p� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r��rrrEO nr Roge� M. Co�'wlay COMMISSIONF� DATF In th� �att�r of oonstrnettng a publ ic stor� saMwr in JEf'RERSON AYENUE frow C1�wlsnd Aw. to Mississippi Rtw� elvd. . in dERKELEY AYENl� fro�n Ci�wland Awnw to Ffnn St. . and fraa Cntin Aw. to Mount Curw divd. � in STANRORD A1IFNUE frow Cl�veland Awnus to Rinn 3t., and frow Cntfn Ave. to Moue+t Curw divd. , In MELLESLEY AYEMUE �r+ow Ciewland Awnw to Finn at. , and fro� Cnttn Ave. to Mount Curw atvd. , i� JULIET AYENUE fro� Clewla�d Awnw to Flnn St. , In MOUqT CURYE 80ULEVARD fro� Berksl�y Aw. to J�ftenon Aw. . in CRETIN AYENUE fro� Jefferson Aw. to �alat� Aw. and frow Ja�e�s Aw. to Randolph Ave., tn FINN STREET fro� B�rkeinr Av�s. to J�ff�rson Aw. a�d frow Juli�t Awe. to Randoiph Aw. sll to bs kna�n ss ths JULIET-FINN STORM SEWER sXSTEM (s-1313�►). R�SOLYED� f'hat tha pl ans �d spsai t1 cat ions for ths sbow na�sd fwprov�nt, ss :ub�tttsd ths Ca�wlsston�r of �ubl Ta Itorks, und�� Y Praliwinary O�Sr No. 25505 , approwd July 22� 1971 aAd Finai Ord�r No. 256710, approwd D�c�r 15, 1971 srs i�nb�r approwd and b� i t furtlNr RESOLYED� That tta �u�has t ng Aq�nt b� and h� 1 s�e n�n d i r�r�ted to adw�tls� to� bids on this la�provernt. �� s �� � � .�n.,. �, �� -� . ��� ��''� r�i 6'� 3�� Ol 1*'�� -V � -�i°�. � � �r- ,� ".'.'. �V -^"� �`- � � FEB 22 19TZ COUNCII.MEN Adapted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays , ��`' A�o� FEB 2 3 1972 19— ca�eea ��_ �°�e T� Favor � ffiayor Sprafka � Avauinat Tedesco � ,� Mr. Vice President Mer?d'±�, ��