02-625City of St. Paul APPROVING �o� L LE o. o�- �as � B a a FIXING TIN� OF BEARING T�REON File No. 599086 �� � � � � !�� �!� � Assessment No._0738 Voting Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for Sidewalk Reconstruction (Work already done) 599086 - Sout side Prince Street from Broadway Street to 225 feet easterly. Preliminary Order: 01-478 Final Order 01-587 approved: May 9, 2001 approved: June 6, 2001 �' The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 28th dav of Auaust, 2002, at the hour of 5:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays AH -$enanav �lakey (.BOStrom �2oleman vI3arris t�,antry ��Reiter � Sn Favor �Against \ `(��sew� Adopted by the Council: Date �� �c�y�_ Certified Passed by Council Secretary �i�.,�� . � T.M.SJREAL ESTATE ontaM Persoa ana Pnone Number: Peter Wlrite SION' Da�� June 28, 2002 EPAR7MENf D 266-8850 "'TO� _ TA l 7� i7DGET DIRFl1v Green Sheet Number: IRECfOR COUNCII. ci.Exg F7Pil.IVCIAL S�'CS. beonComcilAgeadabSF v' I I �YOR(ORASS7SfAN1) 1 COUNCII.YFCF � 1 TAL # OF SIGNATURE PA ES 1 (CLIP ALL LpCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) :ON REQUESTED: ing date of public hearing for the ratification of assessments for sidewalk improvements in various tions throughout the city. NO. :RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: HasthepersooffirmeverworkedundecacontrectForthisdepaztment? YFS NO PLANNRiG COM1AfISSWN crva senvice co�x�ssiox ceconmfrrr� A s'"m' WIIICH COUNCII. OBJECTIVE? Has this peison/Firm ever been a City employee? Dces this pecsodBcm poss�ss a sldR not norniallY P��� b9 �9 carrent City employce? all YES NO YES NO COUNCII. WARD(S) 7 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. � 7 NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORY'[JNITY (Whq K'hat, When, Where, Why?); F Projects are completed. Ratification is necessary to begin to collect assessments to help pay for - the projects. AGES IF APPROVED: Same as above. .NTA�GES IF APPROVED: Benefitted property owners have assessments payable via property taxes. NTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: To not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. �ovrrr oF TxnxsncTTON: $436,262.64 $ 7,579.66 PIA 2001 $366,543.30ASSESSMENTS souxcE: $ 62,140.fi8 STAR GRANl' L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlh ���. � � Zd02 COST/REVENOE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) ACTIVII'Y M7MBER: YES NO