257451 ORIOINAI Tb CITY CL6RK ��� "'�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. . . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . . CO CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ,�TF W�R�AS� The �ity eP 3aint Pavl, Departm�nt of Parks a,�rrd �ear�stiau aad Publie IIuild.ings� lm,s ini�i,a�ted 4ppa�opria�Q +��t3.oa ia aa�ardaaee xith the provioions of the Feder�7. Opes1 3psae T,a�d Progra� �o acq��3r� ae�a,in l�nd� for �he Cros'by Farm - Hid�en Fa11� Park 5ite �sian; ��ur�t'ort� be it R'�4LYY�� T�t in accordancee �rit� Ord,indnd� 1�. 1�,'37.� C. F. �37�#tig� apprc,v�d �arah �4, 1968, �he C�is:3an� of F3nsnae is hereby aro�t�ri�ed to hirt, refi.a�in� �rd e�plcy �ur�t Aelson and $icl�ard �t. Parre�nt�, r�l es�a�e apprai�ers, for the p�r�rse of agpre,ising rse„1 �o�erty �o b� aaqmired for the �ro�by Farm - F�d,d.�n Fal�,a Park 3its S�r,@aasion as dtscarib�. aurd vn tYls in fih� B�re�u of ValnatiQna �aad inaorpc�rated l�tereia by reter�ne�� a,nd the t�r�aa and aond3tian� of the appra3.ssa1. ass3gr��nts be3n� ��e t�i].ly set forth ca doaumenta� de�3,gr�t�l Appraisal Assigmnents l�cis. 1�7 A �tnd 1�7-B on fil.� 3.n the o�'tice ot' the Cc�ptral].�r �f �h� City 0f �siut Pavl. EORM A P OV D: 1 As t. C a io Cou ei �EB 17 1g72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya �972 Butler F E8 1? ��_��_ pprov 19— Levine �in Favor Meredith Sprafka �/ Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLlSHED B � 91�� � � w�.�.� ;M, � �, . . . � ..,.� . � t "a`P ,°, ���x�r�T'�°a'�+� KMl £��' � °.°`-.ti� ������.���� ��, �� �� ; �5`���� � � , CITY OF ST. PAUL `.' �"�Na� NO .� � •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �;; - ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAt �OItKA � PRESENTES�ll COMMISSiONER nATE � W�AS� The City ot Ssint Psul, Depes�ta� o! Pa�r]cs I�ad Aecreatio�'i ae�d T�ublic BuiLdi�a�gs, bss in3.t3�ated app�op�3at►e aation ia aacoraeusce �ri.t,h the provisio�s of ths Federal. Op�a Spac� L�ad Proatati to aaq,uire certai.a 14nds ror t}u Crosby Farm - Aidden Fa1].� I'�rk Site �asionZ tlyerefore, be 1t R$80LYED, Tbut in accorclsnce xith Ordiaana� �o. 13�S1� C. !. �37'�05� appraved Marah 20, 1968, The Cam�miseianer of �'ine�nas i�t herebg authorized to hite� zetain� a,nd e�qp].oy Curt Nel.san a�id Rict�Td M. Pa�rs�t�to, re�,1. •�tste sp�aiaers, for the purpo�e of appre►ieing x�1, p�ap�acty to be �equired for t.be Crosb�r Fari - Hiddea Falla P+�rk Stte Expansia� aa <Lesaribed �nd on fil� in the Buree�u of Va►luations and incorporated hsreia b�r reFerence, a�. the terma and conditior� oY the appraie�l aasign�u�t bei.ag moare fl�].ly �et forth on doc�ents desig�ated Appraieal Aa�igmaeats Noa. 147 A auAd 147-B an file in the oPfice of the Comptroller o! the City ot Sain'� Pau].. FE8 17 t�l� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc7 19_ Yeas Nays sut�er F Eg i7 1972 �.� Approverl 19— Levine _.sn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka Againat Tedesco ��;,����;''? ?�--f r----, - c , - n� Mr. President, McCarty �r`"`'"'`-' ,_ !r ;;�r ; � ��� �� K,� ' � �� s �' . _ - : , I ., . � , ' , I C�^Y CF SAINT P�UL AP�RAI�AL�ASSIGIyME�rT N0. 1�7 A � i VALUATION Bu�EAU Februszy 1�+� lg'(2 �I 286 CITY HALL DATE: ST. PAUL, M�INN. 55102 17595 II Fin. Dept. File Na. Mr. Curt Nelsmn Pro�ect• Crosby Farm - Hidden Falls Paxk ! ' �mil H.�elaon, Ina. , 921 CaomnerQ� Builcling 8ite F�cpein�ion Saint Panl� Minn. 55101 Covncil File 57 51 ' Authori A roved Februar 1 1 2 �Y�� ��.� , PIl� FSwrid o00-502 L-7237 & L-723 � Dear Sir: Fund:to be re�uraed t�rom �na. g769-46�-005 , You are hereby requested to make, appraisals of certain percels of real estate in the above referenced pro�ect 'located southerly o� ldisaisa3pp3 River Boulevaxd �'rom approxime�tely Prior Avenue t.o East � of Davern Street� _..._. - said parcels being designated as follows: Pareels No. l, 2, anci 3 On or before APr'�- l, , 19 7� , you will furnfsh the Valuation Durenu of the ��ty of Sairt Paul, 2 copies of your appraisal report for each of th� above listed parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with the City of S3;nt Paul Valuation Bureau appraisal specifications, a capy of which is attach��l hereto. Failure to provide documentation in aceordance with these specifica-Cior.s will require resubmittal to the appraiser for further support at no additional cost to the City of 5aint Paul. On receipt of your itemized invoices in duplicate and satiafactory completion of thie a�signment you will be paid the sum of Six hundred and no/100 dollars ($ 600.00 ) . or on the following basis: .— -- � Upon your written request after personal investigation of properties to be � appraised the Ca.ty will consider ad3ustment of fees to be paid. In the event that before completion of this assignment, the City de�ermines that such appraisals are not required, payment will be made on a proportion- ate rativ of the foregoing basis. � In the event that a court proceeding may develop involving any parcel. of the : as�ignment, �t will be required that yau support your appraisal in such proceeding. . Enclosures: X Legal descriptions Yours very truly� X Rignt-of-Way or condenmation plan X Parcel sketches ; X Land data Comm ssianer o Finance X Eui�.din� sketches • /� � X Euilding data B (�C �'-Miscellaneous data (Ass't Valuation Engin r H �' Ownership transfer information � , APPROVEll: Accepted: �- � ��, , ���-�; ..� . : , ,, Appraiser ' Dete 4 1, 'n � C,romptroller : � — : By: �.e_Q-.z.�-.__ ,,{,. � � , _ . � �. .. , . . , - • i F �I � C�i�C CF SAINT PI+UL APPRAISAL ASSI�PLMEt�T rIQ. 1�7"B I VALUATION DLi�EAU Februar�r 14, 1972 '� 286 CITY NALL D11TE: � ST, PALII., MiraN. 551Q2 '� Fin. Dept. File No. 17595 I I�r. Richard M. Paxrarrto �=oaby �'e.rm - Iiidden Falls Paxk I, pa,rrarrto Bros. Inc. Pro�ect: Coffinerce Building Si�e g�ps,nsion St. Paul� Minn. 55101 Council File 57 51 Authority: Approved February 17, 1972 4UA�r�� PIl� Fnr�d 60�0-502 �L-7�32 & L-7238� Dear S�'i.r: Fund: �e b� am �se� Fund 97d9'��60-005 You are hereby requested to make. appraisals of certain parcels af real estate in fihe above referenced pr�3ect 'located southerl�r of Mississ3p�pi River Boulevard f�om approx� Prior Avenue to Ea.st of Davern Street� said parcels being designated as follows: Pa.scels No. la 2, and 3 On or before April 1, � lg 72 � you will furnish the Valuation Durer�u of the ��ty of Sair.t Paul, 2 copies of your appra3sal report for each of fihe above listed parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance wit?� the City of S�:nt Paul Valu�tion Bureau appraisal specif icafi ions, a copy of which is attacra3 hereto. .cailure to provide documentation in accordance with these specificatior.s will re�uire resubmittal to the appraiser for further support at no additional cost to the City of �aint Paul. On receipt of your itemized invoices in duplicate and satisfactory completion of this a:signment you wi.11 be paid the sum of S� hundred and no�100 dollars �$ 600.00 , . or an �he following basis: Upon your written request after personal invest3gation of properti�s to be appr�is�ed the City will consider ad�ustment of fees to be paid. In the event that bef�re completion of this assignment, the City de�ermines that such appraisals are not required, payment will be made on a proportion- ate ratic� of the foregoing basis. In the event that a court proceeding may develop involving any parcel. of t�e assi�nr:�ent, i� will be required that yau support your appraisal in such proceeding. • Enclosures: X �,egal descriptions Yours very truly� Right-of-Way or condert►nation plan �""X Parcel slcetches �- Land data Carm ssioner o Finance • Euildin� sketches �-�Euilding data a � � � � Miscellaneous data (Ass't aluation Engineer X Ownership transfer informatio» � APPRONEll• Accepted; CLE� ::.. . . . . ,. , Ap raiser / Date � t;. ;� ,i Corntroller , B �'��".�,-..�-�z<��_�� Y= �i . � . . �' . .... .�i ...�. . . . . . .. '