257450 OR161NA1,�T0 CITY CL6RK 25'��5(� CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL NO — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' a U CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, geological studies show that ground water goes through refuse and pollutes the Mississippi river, and WHEREAS, the County of Ramsey is negotiating for alter- nate landfill sites in Washington, Anoka and Dakota Counties and said sites will be available to the City of Saint Paul TI�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Council, or the Department of Public Works will not make a formal application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for a variance to the closing of Pigs Eye landfill or for an extension of the July 1, 1972 closing of said landfill site. FE8 1 ? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �'Butler FEB 1 ? �g�4 '�•C'�.�e�--����-,.ti„��. A 19� ��Levine - � \ n Favor �Vleredith �prafka � • ��r �Tedesco A gainst l�ir. President, McCarty I�BUSHEU FEB 9197� � Feb. 17, 1y72. Mr. Gr�nt �T. Merritt State Pa3l.ution Control Ageacy 'Ta.7 33�1�we.re St., S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota De�x ;>ir: Enclosed for your in�'ormation is a resolution of the St. Fau1 City Cauncil� C. F. 257�+50, adopted , Febru�ary 17� 1�72. Very truly yours, ... AO C�.ty Cl.erk ng F�b. 17� 137� Hc�n. Charles P. McCa.r�y Mayor Building Dear air: 1�ttached for your infarmatic�n is a reeolution of the City Cotzncil, C. F. 257�F5t9� adap�t,ed February 17� 1y72. Very truly yours� City Clerk AO/ng FebruarY 17� 1972 ��on. �osaii� L, auti�� Comsr. of Finance �3uildinQ �ear P�Iadaw: Attached for yaur information is a resolution of the City Counc3.Ia C. F. 257450, adopted Febru�ery 17t 1�372. Very truly yours, City Clerk Ao%� February 17� ly'J2 Hcjn. k�o�er M. Conway Gbmsr. of Public Works Buildin� Dear Sir; Attached f"t�r your information is a resolution af th� C3ty� Councii, C. F. 257450, s�doptea I'ebruary 17� Iy'j2.. Very trutly yours� City Clerk A0�'t�g FebruarY 17, 1.97�' Hon. Leonard W. Levine Comsr. of Libraries 8� Civic Bldgs. City Hall Dear :Sir: ��ttached for your information ie tx r�sQlut�an oi' �he C11-.y CouriCj.l� C• I�'� 2574�r�, 8�dopt',ETd Februs.ry 37� 1972. � V'ery tru]y yours� Lity Clerk Ao/ng FebruarY �7, �97� Hon. llean N�e��dith Go�t�x� �f Public Safety �'ublic �a fiety Bu�.ldin� D�eir Sir: �tta.ched .�or your �.nfoz�mQtian ia a r�esolution of the City Counc3�l.f C. F. ?5'�5(7� adap°ted F�bY•ttEtr:Y �-`Ts 1�`7�. Very fi.r�ttly yours? Ci�y C7.erk AO�n�; Februar;y 17� 1972 �i��• �iQUert F. Spraf'ka Cam�r. af Public Utilities Huildin� lle�r Sir: Attached for your infarm�tit�n i� a reeolutian of the City Council, C. F. 2�7�50y as�opted February 17, 1972. Very truly your�s� City Cl¢rl€ Aa,lr�g . Februar�r 17� ly%'2 Hon. Vic�or J. Tec�esco Cc�mss�, ca�' r'arks & Recreation & Publ3� Buildin�s �3u32. ding �.l�Cw�J. �il 9 Attached �'ar your 3.n�'ormation is a resolution of th� Citgr Council, C. F. 257450, �.dopted February 17, 1972. Very truly yours� City C1erk AQ�r►�, 1'~ebrua�y 17� 1�7� llepa�rtrne�� af I'ublic Works 23� City Hall c�eentZem�n: Attached �'or your in�ormatiar► ia a resol.�tion o�' the �ity Ccyutrlcil' C. F. 257�+50� �.dopted , F�bruary 1'l, 197�. . Very tru].y yours� City Cl�rk AOing