257441 r, A ORIGINAC TO CITY CL6RK �L.i� � ,�, � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��N�� NO. � � � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � ' C CI RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM . ,� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE A� Whereas , The Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 has, by resolution passed by such board, ordered a special election to be held on ;�4arch 14, 1972, which is the same day as the City Primary Blection, and Where.as, the Board of Education has contracted with the City of St . Paul for election services in accordance with Chapter 705, Laws of Minnesota for 1965; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hereby orders a special election to be held on Nlarch 14 , 1972 on the Bond Election ordered by the Board of Education, and be it Further Resolved, that notice of said election be published in the St. Paul Legal Ledger on February 25 and i�4arch 3, and be it Further Resolved, that notice �of said election be published in the St. Paul Dispatch and St. Paul Pioneer Press on hiarch 3 , and be it Furt�er Resolved, that the City Clerk shall prepare ballots stating the a£oresaid question in the manner prescribed by law, and b e it Further P.esolved, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said election in the manner provided by law, and !'� that the registration records on file in the Registration and Election Bureau of the City Clerk' s Office be used as provided by � law, and be it � Further Resolved, that the said special election shall be � held in the 159 election precincts of the 12 wards of said city, and be it � Further Resolved, that the polls at said special election �;; � shall remain open during the hours provided by law, and the polling � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19� Yeas Naya � Butler ��sYc�i C onw ay Approve� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A 8'���t Mr. President, McCarty � ORIGINAL' TO CITY CL6RK �5� ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��-� ' t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. � - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF places and the judges of said special election shall be the same as those at the City Primary Election, and be it Further Resolved, that the proper city of£icers are hereby authorized and directed to prepare the necessary printing and ' election supplies to be charged to Special Election Account 3007, and be it Further Resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give such notice and do whatever else is necessary for the subraission of said question in the manner prescribed by law. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co,��i FEB 1 8 1972 19— Yeas Nays Butler F E B 18 1972 ��bi� C o nw ay APP� 19— Levine � Favor Meredith � Sprafka J or Tedesco Against pUgLISHED FE Mr. President, McCarty � •� . DUPLICA�(6 TO�RIM�I! �/5��4„ , , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO • , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n��serrt�.,r COMMISSIONER �A'�'F Nh�roas, The �oard of Bducation of Indepsndent School District Mo. 625 has, by resolution passed br suah board, ord�red a spscisl election to b• held on March 14, 19?Z, which is the su• day �a th• City Pria�ary Bl�ction, aad Mh�s�as, the Board of Bducation has contracled Mith th• City of 8t. Paui for el�ction services in accordancs Mith Chapt�r 705, Laws of Minnesota for 1965; noM, therefore�, be it • Resolvsd, That ths Councii h�rsby orders a special •l�ction to be h�ld on March 14, 1972 on the 8ond Blection order�d by the Board of 8ducation, and bs it Fur�hsr Resolved, that notice of said �lsction be pubiish�d in the St. Paul L�gal Ledger on February ZS and March 3, and b• it Furth�r R�solved, that notice of safd el�ction be published in th• St. Paul Aispatch and St. Paul Pionesr Press on March 3, and b• tt Further tteso�,v�d, that the Citr Cl�rk shaii pr�pare ballots stating th• afor�said question in the aann�r prsscrib�d by laN, and be it Furth�r R�solvtd, that the City Ci�rk is h�r�by osd�r�d to givs notice of said election in th• �snn�►r providtd by 1aN, �nd that the r�gistration records on fils �n tae R�gistsatioa and Bl�ction Bursau of the Citr Clsrk�s Office b• us�d as provid�d by laM, and bs it Further Resolv�d, that th• ssid sp�cfal ilsction shall b• h�ld in the 159 elsction preaincts o� th• 12 �asda of said city, and bs it Further R�solved, that th• polls at said sp�aisl •l�ction shall se�sin open during th• hours provlded jry lap, snd the golling COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mcil 19_ Yeae Naya Butler �#� Conxar Apl�roved 19— ��e Tr FavOr Meredith � Mayor Sp� A 0aninat " Tedesco " Mx. Preeident, McCarty �� o�.�,�..�,��.� 25�7441 ; CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO y' ' OFFICE OF THE CI�1( CLERK � . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��,�� COMMISSIONEA �A� places and th• judges of said speciai election shall bt ths sa�e as those at the City Prisary Elsction, and be it Further Itssolved, thst th• proper city offieers are h�r�by authorisid and direct�d to pr�par• tho necfssary printing and election supplios to be char��d to Special Blection Account 3007, and bs it Furth�r Resolved, that the City Clork is h�r�by authorised and dir�ct�d to give such notic• and do Mhat�v�r eise is n�c�ssary for ths suboission of said question in the aanner prescrib�d by law. F EB 1 $ 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeae Naya �g 1 8 �� Butler �� ConMay � Appm� 19— Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka � �Y� , . rooA�fl$ti Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �5'�44� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. '�' E OF THE CITY CLERK - RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM .. ` PRESENT BY COMMISS E ATF Whereas, The Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 ha by resolution passed by such board, ordered a special election to be held o March 14, 1972, which is the same day as the City Pria�ary Election, and Whe eas, the Board of Education has contracted with the City of St. Paul f or elec ' on services in accordance with Chapter 705, Laws of Minnesota Por 1965, now, therefore, be it Resolved That the Council hereby orders a special election to be held on March 1l�, 1 72 on the Bond Election ordered by �he Board of Education, and be it Further Reso ed, that the aforesaid resolution be published in t he St. Paul Zegal Ledg on Feb. 25 and March 3, and be it Further Resolve that the aforesaid resolution be published in the St. Paul Dispatch and .1'aul Pioneer Press on March 3, and be it Further Resolved, t t the City Clerk shall prepare ballots statin� the af oresaid question in he manner prescribed by law, and be it Further Resolved, tha.t he City Clerk is hereby ordered to �ive notice of said election in the m ner provided by law, and that the registration records on file in the Re stration and Fslection Bureau of the City Clerk �s Office be used as pro 'ded by law, and be it Further Resolved, That the sa d special election shall be held in the 159 election precincts of the 12 war of said city, �nd be it � Further Resolved, That the polls t said special election shall remain open during the hours provided by law, a the polling places and the 3udges of said special election shall be the same as those at the City Primary �lection, and be it Further Resolved, that the proper city o icers are hereby authorized �:d directed to prepare the neccesary printi g and election supplies to be charged to Special Election Account 3007, and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve 19� Levine _�n Favor _ Meredith Sprafka yor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �ORM APPROVED ____�0�""'�r� � 2r�T�0 � �_ ��� i _ , _ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK �� ^������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0, �''� � •�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt DATF F�rther Resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give such notice and do whatever else is necessary for the submissi�on of said question in the manner prescribed by law. . \ '� ., •� ��. � ___ _ � � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co ��� F EB 16 197219- Yeas Nays Butler B 1 � 197�4 ���� rove 19� Levine �n Favor ` Meredith Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � OIiIGiNAL 7U CITI' CLEN�( t �y {�� °� '` ' /.� �LE�� C1�! �tV S 1. �.�q4.i�.. COUNCIL �`i'.._N R ' OFFICE OF TN� C;lTY Ct.r f�tl: FILE �a COUNGI�. RE�CJLUTi����---�G�i����.�1 �C�P.NE . , PRESEN�iED BY r COMMISF.IONEa �—._ ._._ DATF Whereas, Tha Board af Educa.t�.on of. Tndependent School Distr. ic� T3oo 625 has, by resolution passed by such bc�ard, orderea a special el.ection to Le l�e:Ld. on March I1�, 1972, wiiich i.s t�.e sara� day as the City I'r:i.mar.y �le cti or., �nd Y.'hereas, the Board of ?:ducation has c�ntracted with t�.e Cit�r of S�c. Paul f or electi ori service� irl. acco�dance wii;�z Chapter 745, �aws of ��inr_esota f or 1965 y now, there�ore, be it Resolved, That t.:�e Council her�by orders a sp�;ci�.1 el.ectiozz tc be hcld. on .:arc�i ll�, 1972 an �he Band �;lection ordere� by t�i�: L�aard o.f_ �dtzcati�n, and be it c ( � �r- T�� '1��.'f i G � Q�T J"'�) .i. �°-'��.'(/s�. Further Resolv�d, that . b�; �ublished in the St. Paul Lega1 ��edgez� on Feb. 25 �nc� Nias�Gh 3, ana b� it; Furtner i�i�SQli=ea, that � . bc vubl.ishec� in 1�he Sta �'aul Dispatch and St. Yaul Fioneer �ress on 1�larch 3, a.rid be �.� Further Resolved, that the Cit� Clerk shall pre�are oa11o+.;s s�:atin�; th.e aforesaid question in the rn.anner prescx=ibed by- law, :�rid be it Furt��er Resolved, that trie City Clerk is h�reby ordered �ta give notice of said electa.ox� in 1;he maririer provided by law, and tl:.a� the re�istrati on records on f ile in the 'rie�istrat�.on and �le ction IDareau of th.e Cizy �lsrk � s Off ice be used as provided by law, and be it Further Resolved, That the said specia.l elec�ion sha1.1 be }leld in the 159 e].ection precinets of the 12 wards oi' said city, a�.d be it Further Resolved,�That the polls at said special e�.ection si�li. remain o�er, dur�.xk; the no:.�rs �ravided b�r law, and the pallin.r� p�ace;s an.d tk��� judb�s of said special election shall b� th� sa�ne as those at the City Primary Election, and be it Fur.ther Resolved, that th� �roper city officers are heraby al�thorized �d direci,eca to arepare the neccesary printin�; and election supp].ies to bc charoed to SpeciaZ L.leeti�n Account 3007, and be it COLTNCILM�I'�T Adopted by the Counci] 19� a'eas Na3T� But.lEr " Carls�n Approved 19� Levine T� Favor _ Nleredith - MaS ar Sprafka, _--1�gains� Tedesco �17r. President, RZcCarty c�d�.�^"�'3i FS r A ���� 1� ORIGIY:+!'TO CITY CLERK �'�� ,�F S�• �/':�� COUNCIL NO. ,.� PILE- . OFFICE OF TF-EE ClTY CLERK ► COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORiwt . . PRESE7iED BY _DAT� COMt�iISSiOKER-- ---- �'urther RPSOlved, that; the �ity C%Ierk is hereby authorizeci and directed to give such notice and do wnatever else is necessary for the sub�nission of said question in the manner prescribed by law. F Eg i 6 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas NaY� � 1? 1�a2 Butler. Approve� 19-- , on , Levine �n Favor Meredith Mayor Spraf lca �gainst Tedesco �VIr. President, I�'IcCarty � �:���