257435 RIRJGIhAL TO CITY GLCRK _ ������ . CI7Y OF ST. PAUI. HLENCIL NO. OFFIC� �r 7S-�� CiTY CL£f�iC _ . � CO 1L R�SOLUTIO�!--G�NERAL FORM iRESFN'FL+ pY COMN,iS5i7N&R__ A1E RESOLIIED, that the proper city officers are hereby autF�orized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul the Agreement betti:een tl;e C i ty ar�d tlte Stat� �! t�iiu�s�ta, � �epsrt��st �t 8i�rnqra� `� � � —,-----� . `�- sa id Agreement � isg a stippl��eit to agr�q�st N�. 5�757 lNtw�� th� Cit� and said Sighwa� D�partaeat aad udii�in8 Para6rapk ,S.J •i said Agr���st N�. 56?5� ts del�t� 66 2/3 p�rc�at aad sutiatitnt� 75 �er– � a�nt a,� th� Statd� ahare of the aoata of aigaal rorlc .�•�� • A ccpy af ;a i d ;y-;-eer„en� be i ng attacned heretc and i n- ;` , corporated herein by refcrence. . f`_ 3 � �; y � � .�_� FUP.TIIEP, RESOLVE�, that the costs i ncurred by the C i ty of �= � St. �aul u�u'er the terms of this Agreement sha11 be paid from � ,� code 6� to b� r�i.amurs�ai tr� �I.H.D. e�ppl�aent to a�gr��aeat � c' N�• 5675'7 � � ,, � , � �EB 16 1g72 COUNCILr�ZI N _ Adopted by the Counci� 19._ Yeas Nays � L'utler FE� 1 'j 197� . A o 19— Levine �n Favor I�Iereciith Sp�afka Tedesco --�-��ainst 1tTr. President, i1lcCarty PUBLISHED EB 1 Form 1277�5-71) ° � 2��4.35 Cf�Y OF Si'. PAt�! �6�" NO. � OFFlC� OF ��-iE C1TY CL�RK . � � � - COUNCiL �t�SC)L.UTiOV--G�NLRAL FORM ►RES�NTFb BY • COMI�ISSIOt+FR_._ �A� � RESC�LVEQ, that the proper city officers are hereby autFrarized and directed to execute. on t►ehalf of the City��of St. Paul the Agreeme�t bet;leen the C i ty and � s�� ot �li�la�eota ' a►pe�rtMnt of Hi�hwayre said Agreement bitistg a toppl+rs�tnt to a�n� �1�►. ,g6,7g� bf�nea �►� Chtty aa�d aaid Highr�► ]7�pe.�tm�nt aad sodi!'J►in8 paut'a�ral+�h S.J ot' +p�id �tt 1b. gG�3? !�o del�i�� 66 ?/,� p�rosnt end swb�Zit�t� 73 p�rr ` � a�nt a� th� States � ot th! cos��e �t d�a�l rio�le • A copy of said Agrcement being attached hereto and in- corporated herein by refcrence. FURTIIEP. RESOLVED, that the costs incurred by the City of St. Payl ��der the terms of this Agreement shail be paici from code bW� tp b� i'���!'ki�Ndi tZ'OS N•$.n• Bfi�NtIIt t0 B�NA!!'� �O• �f757 . . � FE8 16 19'�2 COUNCILhS�N Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays ' Bi�tler � ' Approve� F E B 1 ? 197$ .I9_. I.evine r„�n Favar _ Me�•eciith S�r�fka . . ; c� Mayor Teclesc.o . � A�ainst 1l�i•. Presicie�jt, llcCa.r;.sr , ' � Form 1217(5-71) , 4. . t�:IF;i!:�.`;C1`::'. 3iICt1';;.'�Y D ''t:=t`('i'.:..�i�T f ,� ;� , ���J , � � �; ,' -- _ - ,{;,r , '�;',l'�T).•:....�2' l� aG.������:rr{�r �To. .���?rl`� Ii';i);�;X TI'EP�7 AI,`LQT. QTR. �(TPJD F�aTI1•:�1TE A;�iOU:VT R.F,Cr,IV��B �� Ai��Ot�IT E�vCUI�i�3i�.REll lTone-- _�g�7�U.4G 5/2.0�71 Additior.a.l None Sup�J_en�nt i,o. 1 to A�:ee.nent P1o. 5b777• betwe�n the Stat�e oi I"_innesota Departr�ent of Highways, a.nd the C:�t Yr of. St. Pau)_ i�e: Traff�_c �igr:al :�ork 1.H. 5 (6�1est Sev�nth Stree�) and T,H. 1�9 (Snuth �venue) . S.P, b 201-t�8 ' SUPPL:���:��,NT I�?0. 1 ��+'HEREAS, there e�.s�s in fu11 force and effect a cooperative Traf�ic Sign�.l Agreement No. 55757 dated i�fay 20, a.9�7i entered b;� ar.d between the State of I•:innesoi:a, Department of Highways, hereina�ter referred to as the "State", and 1;he City of St. Paul, hereinafter referred to as �he "City", �^1:L7.,I�1��SSETH: 6�JHEFiEAS, Highway Depart:�ent Regulations 5-910.2 Policies -- �'inancing paragraph B.l. states in part "The constructicn cost shall be in the same ratio as the nurnber of entering legs of �the intersection under each jurisdiction beaxs to the total number of legs enteriz� the intersection"; and t•+�iEREAS, the intersectibn of Trunk Highway No. 5 (i�lest Seventh) and Trunk Highway No. 1�9 (Smith Avenue) has three enter�ng leg, under State jurisdiction and one leg under City jurisdiction; arri r;HisF.EAS, said Agreement No. 5b757 doPs s+ate ::nder paragra�ii �.J for signal work at said a.:iterscction that the ,�tate's share is 66-2�3 percent; and 'vh�REliS, under the provisions of Highway Department Regulations the State�s share is in fact '75 percent. r ` • 1 �f r•,�-( J � ;�,�, -1I rp• [� ,,���T r .J,� 1��•IY� 111iJ�L���aI�J� � J_�� I:U1�LJ� E�.l LL.Jf�G)t�. . �. Uncier �c1T�c:�••c�.�t1 �.c� OY uc3.1C3 �1��I'C:Er^'C':1t 1'�i0. 5G75rj '� (�v 2/3 �.:i hereby deleted and 75 stic�stitu�:ed therelore as i;he Stai;e 's share. 2. Excepf; as mod�_fieu herein, all terrus ar.d condi�•icns of Agree:�ent No. 5b75'l shall rer;,ain in full fo�•ce anci eA�ect. � , i s.�, ra�. 1 to 56�57 , � . , .�, �.,-, �,�. r CI�Y GI� ,�.t . ; �,� , � ��;CO?,n����,rt���D ��o� nU�:�o�1aL: bY __d______ g.� - - - -- r:ayox• Co;r;�issionei• o�:' Pub1.:_c l�;or�:s COUI�ITERSIGT?ED: (Seal) gY BY Comptroller Clerk APPROVi;D AS TO F0:?�2��: � � � �f �,� BY � ' ��-- > � �� � �_�/...:..._.:'��_ t1s�1;. COI'LO��a�i�n G�unsel. �,`i _.. ; �.E � � sTr.TL o� :izr;�;:�a�A RECO:y-�NDED FOR APPF�OVAL: � By Leputy Corr��nissioner of Highi�tays 'T'raffic P;n�ineer Depart:�en� of Hi�hways � � Dated: —__�__�___ District �gineer Department of Highways APPROVFD: D'�PA�ZTi��P�i OF AD,'�iIP�aIST�1TI0N: APPROVED: By Dated: Assistant Commissioner Design and tLight of �'Jay Departr..ent of Highwaya APPROVEll AS TO FORt✓ AND L�CU'�ION: Special Assistant Attorney General S.A. ATo. 1 to 5G757 _ 3 _