02-620Return copy to: Real Estate Division(lal) 140 City Hall Presented By ����ii���L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Referred To U Committee: Date � WHEREAS, on May 22, 2002, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File #02-452, said z Resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the Towing of Abandoned Vehicles from Private Property s from August, 2001 through part of December, 2001 (File No. J0201 V, Assessment No. 0936), and s WHEREAS, the property at 1461 Westminster Street, being described as: Lot 15, Block 21, Dawson's Lake Como and Phalen Avenue Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, io with the property identification number of 19-29-22-14-0013 was assessed an amount of $917.05 for the towing u of an abandoned vehicle, and iz 13 14 �s 16 ]7 ts 19 20 zi WHEREAS, the usual amount assessed for the removai of an abandoned vehicle is approximately $600.00, and WHEREAS, the L,egislative Hearing Officer has recommended that the assessment be reduced to the amount of $600.00, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the amount of the assessment for this proper[y be reduced from $917.05 to $600.00, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of $317.00 be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. � a ,�'` Council File # O a G�Q Green Sheet # 111666 �� � 0 Ol-C.ao ' T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: June 21, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 111666 ��� Confact Person aod P6one Number: �'�+ m„�� �';= 2 DEPARIINENT flfE CIiYCOi7NCII. ��"�$ a �'r �; Peter White 266-8850 . — y 1 crrYnz crrrci,fixcc � ,..��k� �,C.�'�. ' BUDGET DIItECl'OR OFFICE OF FINANCIAI. SVCS Mus[ be on Council Agenda by: ���� �� � � �,. 3 MAYOR (OReLSSLSTAN'l� RF.AI, SSTATE DR7SION x ,i,? �,. c �s. "� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCA170NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACITON REQUESTED: Approve a Council ResoluHon to reduce the amount of the assessment for removal of an abandoned vehicle from the property at 1461 Westminster Street RECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) ORRE.iECi (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACTS MIJST ANSWER TfiE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depar[ment? YES 1V0 rLnnrvwccorvtm�ss�orv A srnee 2. Has this persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crva sExnce coM�ss�orv 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by auy YES NO C� comnnrree curreot Ciry employee? Ex lain alI YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WHICH WUNCIL OBJECTIVG? COUNCII. 5 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL r� � ARD(9) INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): It has been determined that the property at 1461 Westminster street has been charged an amount for the removal of an abandoned vehicle that is higher than the typical charge for such work. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Assessment for removal of the abandoned vehicle would be reduced to be more in line with a ical char e for similar work. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Reduction difference would have to be funded by the City's Exempt Assessment Fund. DISADVAN'I'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Pro e owner would be assessed at a level unusuall hi h for this e of work. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $317.OS COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �rrrnsre souxcE: Exempt Assessment Funds ACTIVITY NUMBER: GL OOl-O9OS1-OS4L FINANCIAL INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIN) . Original Assessment: $917.05 � ��, �;� � � t Amount of Reduction: - $317.05 ��� c���p �- �' '--° ° Proposed Assessment Amount: $600.00 9 � � �7�t� �. �; �"�tuM ���� �� ����� �� Page 1 of 1 Roxanna Flink - Re: 1461 Westminster St O 1- (.�o From: Racquei Naylor To: Flink, Roxanna Date: 6/17/2002 8:46 AM Subject: Re: 1461 Westminster St CC: Godfrey, David; Kera�, Janice; Reiter, Jim; Sanders, Donna; Strathman, Gerry; White, Peter Ro�canna Flink: Regarding the assessment for 1461 Westminster Street, Florence Benjamin, File J0207 V: This matter has already been ratified by the City Council, but Councilmember Reiter referred this assessment back to the Legislative Hearing Officer. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, heard this matter at the June 1 t, 2002, Legislative Hearing. He recommends to the City Council that the assessment be reduced from $917.05 to $555.00 plus the $45 service fee for a total assessment of $600. He reduced the assessment because he thought it was too high, even though ihe issuance of this assessment is proper. Please write a resolution for Councilmember Reiter's consideration regarding Mr. Strathman's recommendation on this assessment. I would write a resolution myself, but I know that your oifice would rather write it so that ii is worded correctly. Thank you in advance for your time. If you have any questions or if you need anything else from me, please tet me know. Sincerely, Racquel Naylor Secretary to Ge�ry Strathman »> Roxanna Flink 06/1'I/02 03:18PM »> Please don't ask the Council Person to write a resolution to retluce the assessment. Instead, write us a letter to reduce the assessment to $???.?? because the cost was excessive. We can then write a housekeeping resolution to fix it. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW }00006.HTM 6/17/2002