D00984, � U City oE saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BtIDGET REVISION Current Budget Chanee 8,079 (7,000) 2,394 (2,000) -0- 5,000 -0- 4,000 5,409 -0- 15,882 -- ADMINZSTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Libraries to amend the 1996 hudget of the Be11a Havens Memorial �, the Direetor of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amand said budget in the following manner: Rella Havens Memorial Fund Rella Havens Memorial 534Q3-0121 53403-0439 53403-0857 53403-0898 A11 others Part-time certified Fringe benefits Computer equipment Building improvements • 'repared by: Activity Manager �'� ��/�=e�.�- equested by: Department Director No • !.t- v L Date: �-��� � Amended Bud�et 1,079 394 5,000 4,00� 5,409 --- 15,882 �►e.. .�� ,_ c � ,�r`�.. -°.°— - •.. .'�!!. . . Date -� �- z °t --� � �m , .xy�, d' ` .}rm � V� Libraries Susan Cantu 242-639� # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7/12/96 � GREEN SHEET � DEPARIMENT DIRECiOR O FIN COUNqL O CT'ATfOftNEY � EfFY CLEflK � BUDGET DIRECTOP � FIN. $ MGI $ERV �MPYOR(ORASS4STANT) � Flilr3l'1('P (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREJ ttumauonff Approvai of Administrative Order-Budget Revision moving funds for the Library sign at the Highland/Hiilcrest Center and tfie expansion of the Central�Library LAN. or _ PUINNINCa COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICf fAMMISSION _ CIB CAMMRTEE _ _ SSAFf _ _ OISTF4GTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHIGN COUNpLOBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTlQNS; t. Has this persoNfirm evei worketl untler a coMrect tor Mis department? YES NO 2. Ffas this personKrm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill noi normally possessetl bq any curcent city employee4 YES NO Explain all yea anawera o� aeparate sheet a�tl attaeh to graen aheet Need for exterior identification of the newly remodelled Highland Park Branch library and the Hillcrest Community Recreation Center. Request for expansion of the Central Library tAN for Central Public Access for CD-Rom expansion. Identification of the Highland Park Branch antl Hillcrest Community Recreation Cent��. Increase computer access, by reducing down tiroe and slow downs, and an increase to the use of CD-Roms for additional information. None. RECEiVEi� , 3UL 311996 CITY CLERK No clear identification of the building and lack of direction. Computer access wi11 he limited and the public wi11 not have access to a11 available CD-Roms. DiAL AMOUNT OF?RANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp iCiRCLE ONE) YES NO �005�. uNO�«�so�ROE Re11a Havens Memorial fund pC71V17VNUMBER 53403 ( VANGIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) ry �A I u ��v