257411 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 25"�41�
;��� � I ;�' - February l5, 1972
RE50LVID: That Applic�,tion L,14013 for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Bevera,�e
and Cigarette Licenses, applied for by Patrieia A. Raymond a� 1105
SElby Avenue, be and the same are h.ereby granted.
Informally approved by Council
Janua,ry 6, 1972
Old Location.
FE8 15 �72
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council . 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler F E B 1 5 19�
� CONWAY ved 19�
Levine sr �
?1n Favor
Meredith .
Sprafka � yor
Tedesco ASainst
Mr. Preaident, McCarty PU�LISHED FEB 9 1972
` Capital of Minnesota t--
• � Q � �7 ��.
. �`
�e. art�nevtt o u��cc �a et
p �
ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiaeioner HEALTH
RALPH G.MEBBILL,Deyaty Commissloner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieeme Inspeetor
Janaary 6, 1971
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen and Madam:
Patricia A. Raymond makes application for Restaurant'
On and Off Sa1e Malt Bevera,�e and Cigarette Licenses for 1105
Selby Avenue which is on the North side of the street�
between I,exington Avenue and Dunla,p Streets.
This location has been licensed for a similas
business since 1933. The last licensees held the licenses
from December 21� 1970 until they expired Decembe�1971.
They were Donnie A. and Glenn Hofman. �
There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks.
The &loseat On Sale Li�uor place is about six blocks and the
closest Off Sale Liquor place is about seven blocks. The
nearest school and church ar� about five blocks away.
Mrs. Raymond has been doing waitress and bartender
work and recently emplo;�ed by 0'Brien's Halfway House in
Ea,gan Township.
Very truly yours,
�9���P�x` _
License Inspector
��c � �
' ��.
� ;
.�� ��
CIT� �C�e S1�.IP�I� Pt1Li.
, � P��F'.^,�.'�tLT1�' �. �'tJ�LIC 5�.�LTY
� LIC�"°:u� DIVISIOrd � � ��
➢ate �'/ 3 19� �
~ �3 •.� ��c 4 T—`--
1. Application for � License
2. Name of app�icant �l�T7QlG�/a A . ��i y/1'10�� _ _ . ����j
3. I3usiness address /1 p f S�C-L � "`,� Residence vZ 3S 0 ���.S S/n( /9✓�
4, Trade name� i f any ���'`�U)/`�'� g��
_ 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stam�_�Retail Lir;�uor I+ederal Tax Stamp b�rill be used.
6. On what floor located ���5� I:unlber of rooms used o�
N- oF S�'c�f�y
7. Between what cross streets �C.�c.�(/„lG;6,,�/ �° �unl�-A � l�hich side of st�eEt W pF �.�Xi�/GTC:J
8. Are premises no�+� occupfedy�5 ��h�t business '-�•� BA�, Hoda lo�g � �:�fR�-
9. Are premises noer unoccupied iioc� long vacant — Previous Use 3�a ��'
l0o Are you a new ownery�s ti�.ve yau been in a similar business before NO
Where '�' j�lien —
lle Are you gofn� to operate this business personally y�• 5
If not� who will operate it —
12. Are you in a�y other business at the present time N U
13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place NQ
When -- , Where —�
14. Have you ever had any license revoked �/O What reason and date -- -
15. Are you a citizen of the United States �/��, Native ��� Naturalized � -_
16. Where were you born�/e/�G��a�T �dN� Date of birth ��— ��7 — �� \ �
1?, I am married. Niy (�vife's) usband' ) name and address is
�� A 5 /�' �//n a�//.� �_,?3 S a ��'�S S�/✓ �q d�. � ,
18e (If married female) my maiden name is /}�f � �f�►� �1�^/
19. How lon� have you lived in s�. ��.ul /� ��/��S
20. Have you ever been arrested K O Violation of what criminal laer or ordinance --
-.- _
21. Are you a registered voter in tlze City of St o Paul - 3�es��T fen�L�c,TA r�'��TS�o�
(Ans�ver full and co�Rletel�. These a lications are thorou" _�. checl�d ansi ��n
falsification will be cause for denialo ' � �' �
(�VER) .� � - �
22. Plumber of 3.2 place� ��,�i�Lin tt�ro blocl�s NO 1N �c._. . '
23. Closest intoxicating liquor pl�c . Qn Sale 6 B�COG�s Off Sale 7 ��dC/�S ,
, .��,i_.00KS � �
24. Nearest Church � S :'e?earest ichool c '- � � � � � ` �y��-oC�S
25. 1`Jumber of booth,� 7 T�.'���ti / Chair� '� �tools ��
26. What occupation have you fog�oc.,ec� ior tize �a«�t five yearu. (Give nam�s of �mployers
and dates so emplayed.)
G%���� NS yN� �w�9v �lavs� ��9�p,�0 7'otv.vs���
_ GL�h7 fT�'��5 - �l9 �E'%� !V ,[��. �
f� u Cr .� �Q ,�-�,� , 7 �
2?. Give names and ��c'r�re�ses of �ti�o per�ons� residents of at. Paul� P�Iinn.9 ati*�o can give
infornation cos�cernin� ,�oue
LO•57 ��v,C, �D<iC� (��i�G�/1��.
Name GJ/•C,.t, 1AM A• C Ov K rLddress
Name � i9��l � � �_ r�ddress 3 / tcl • /�u�f' �.�/ -�.�. . �3
X ,��GGGGt. �L�Q:�-�/`
Si nature of Appli nt i
State of r:inne�ota)
County of Ramsey )
�j�% /�/C l � �� ��y�I��v�� �eing first duly s�rorn� deposes and says
upon oath tizat he has reac� t�3e �ore�oin�; st�.tement bearin� his signatur� and I�noi�s
the eontents thereof9 and i;hat �t�ae s�a?a� is true of liis o���n �cnowlectge e�ccept as to
thc�se rnatters therein s�ated upon information and belief and as to those matters
�e believ�es them to be truee
Qi��� �
S'gnature of App c
�r.�Ia�cribecl and sworn t� before me
this���day of ��'1� �t J� /�� 19 �Z-
ROBEKT SF�� St. Paul �
Notary Pub13�a�� �t�i���:�i,p�&iarsota
My Cor.nnis�i�n �;;ai-e:(�ct.i 3, 197f3
My Commissfon expires
(Noteo These statement farms are in duplicatee Both copies must be fully filled
out, notarize�� and returned to the License Division. )
8-23-�i 1
, ' :�.a, {I�t�JI� i�Y �'z�PLICt�Fz'�
� Y VLl
F',��:.�� �:+'":� C� �,I�U�� LIC�TduL
� ` Pe: �_Salel��,L(/ ���,icense
Pdar�e of ar��icwn�t pA 7-�/C /A � � ��1 y /1'1 c�iU'�
i�usiness ac?cares: ��o S S� L l'g y l�1 �/rc ,
Are you the sole oti;•ner �:i �I�iN 1su�i�i���? �S. I�' r�o�, i� i� u p�rtaaeru�i�a?
corporat�on? — 9 o�.�er? —�
Others anter^s�eci i:� 'uu�ir.��,�� �.x�c.�.uc�e f;i.o�e 'a� �.o�.n of rione;�, property or o�P�erdvi�e:
t�1�r�e /�6 �/ �C____ ::c��res� �;oa�r
If a corg�oration� �ive i�s nar�e --
Are you interested in any c��a�T i:� �:�y* ��;I�er retail aeer or lic�uor business? /�/O
�� sole ot��ner? /�/O �^r�ner: �C� S�oc?r!`zol�er? /�/ C�
Ot�er�Tise? (Throu�;Dz �o�:�� o� rn�a�e�ye e�;�. �.,�l�iaz) �l/ D
Address of sucl: �usi���� an� n�.-�u,=.^e of intere.t ir. u��me
� �nature of a� ic t
State of 1!:innesota)
County of Rar,lsey )
�� i�/C l A � � 7� 1��-/�/0 yt���acin� fs.rst duly sicorn' deposes and says upon oath
tl�at he i�as read the fore�oing atfici�vi� �earing his signature and Isno��us the cnntents
ther�of; that the same is �rue o:�' �i� ocrn ��aaob��leclge� except zs to �hose ralatters therein
stated u�on information �.nd 1�eliV� 1rn�. as to t�aose matters d�e believes em to Tae true.
��7aLCCCtt L�c�
ignature of a ��li t
Subscribed and si�orn to 3�eiore r�e
this�_day of '�j�/U U/Q�'y 19 7�7i
l�otary Public9 �, �
AAy Co�:smic�i�n �.;:.3xP,S G��f. e ,I ��
l��y commission expire� �.�
a � •
�� T�/C It� /7 , �/�y��6 /�✓� being first duly sworn9 doth depose
and say that he makes this affidavit in connection with appli�cation for
� (11� Sale" malt beverage license) in the
City of Saint Pau1g Minnesvta; that your affiant is a resident of the State
of Minnesota and has resided therein for /'t years� rnonth,s4
and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of
said State and that S he no�� resides at �3S Z �sC�� S S //✓' �v�
?� Address
�'��/V ,J UT� /�`G/�f�7 S , Minnesoi:a,
City or To«n
Q'�//�CQ.�ji '�, . • �,_
Subscribed and stirorn to i�efore r�e
this � day f J ��G2�� y 19 7 �--
���� ��
Notary Public' R�msey County' P�'flinnesota
l�ly commission expire�oiary public, R��;sey�ou�ty,Minn.
Y�ornmission Ex,�i�es Oct.i 3, 1978
•, , y
JAD• 6t Y9?�
�. De�un Mereaith
Caotar. of Pub13e Sa!'ety
Public aafety Huildiag
Dear sir s AL�t�atian s �lr. Daniei l��gh].in
T!� Citay tlont►cil tracl�y intbrma].ly �ro�ned the spp23ca�►#.s�s
o! Pafi.riciMt A. Rqymoa�! ior Hestauratit� On and Otf Ssl+e l�lt
B�veraag� sn� ClgaretteR Licease�t !or 1i0� 8elby Avre.
tr�1]. Yo� pl��e� prepare t�ee cnstomaz�y resaltt�Ciaa coveris� �
thts m�t#�tr?
Y�'3� t�`t�.Y Yours s
p.ty Qerg