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� � 2�'7�92 � y F��AL "ORDER COUNCIL.FILE N0. By File No 17L24 In the Matter of eaart�+aatfa� eoeesrt� ca� asd �tt�t a� tfw �t �l�it wt�� ot �13�8fa ftR� �ras iyt i�r te I�iaiM �a�w. COSli under Preliminary Order �xi! approv� � 1s,, I!"l�. - _ Intermediary Order approv� A publie hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon du�notice, and the Cauncil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ftESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to aantrdet cwsa�+�ta ami ast �t�s at !�t �st siis o�l� �i 8tfl� � ts'e • 1f�t � t+� Id�lte i�. C0�16 _._. ..�. _ __._.__..__ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ r and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FLTRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby instructed and d�irected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby authorized'and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN ��B 15 1972 � Adopted by the Council Yeas g U T�F_R Nay$ � � �8 15 1972 CC��J',1,'AY \ Approv LEVi;u� M���:-;,,-T�,,.� , S i'�'^,.-i�A _..—sn Favor TEt:;SCO McCI�RTY �Y Aro�nBt 1 197� pUBL1SHED �� f ' �. , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' MEMO DAT'E: February 11, 1972 T0: A1 Olson - City Cler k's Office FROM: Commissioner Rosalie L. Butler COMMENTS: Attached is letter from Leroy Jackson of 1576 Duluth Avenue pertaining to public hearing to be held on February 15, re: File 17622, Page 1, Prel. Order 256749. Will you please read this at the hearing. L.P. � ! � ,'1 1 l;�'=�- � • ��_ ��� t • y, �C ��''-�' l`'� �-r,'�. � , �.� ��� �� � � . , � LEROY JACKSON � i��� 1NTERNATIOIVAL UN1ON . � , �// GENE�AL VICE�PRESIDENT � ?/�l. �l.t_. % -��� OF LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS Ll � 1576 DULUTH AVENUE �� r���-� ,� 503B PLANKINTON BUILDING ST. PAUL B, MIPLN. ' ""��"2�'^''" �2"�' � , z �� � � MILWAUKEE 3. 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The estimated cost thereof is $ 4�120.00 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works �� 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition XX �� C � s i one r of Pu b 1 i c Wo <s � � � � , . _ ---«.. . � ' <ITY �. ♦ �� � � . . • �, � r i: � . .. . . . hi4.: � . � � � iai:::ti�y ,, � . � RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Capital OT Mlflfl@SOtO Deputy Commissioner DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner January 4, 1�72 Nonorable �1rs. Rosalie Butler Commissioner of Finance Room 113, City Ha11 QUILDINr: Re: C-0516 Dear t1rs. 6utier: I transmit here���ith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing concrete curb and gutter on the E`c3St side only of DULUTH ST, from Noyt Ave. to ic'aho �ve. , C-0516, under Prelininary Order No. 25G749, approved Dec. 15, 1�71 . Estimated Constructed Cost $3,600.00 Engineering 45�.�� Inspection ��,�� Total Estinated Cost $l,� 12�,p� �56789� ��'3 � �1�� . � �A� �gJ� � Yours truly, ______,. � �;r CEiVED � �� � '°� DEPT. OF �, �-,'�� ����.��_..,_� ��� ��' �'�'�ANCE ^'`' . ' Roge r M V Conway �� °+z� `9c's+�� ,�h�� Commissioner of Public Works � ,, ° Z Z v/l4'H/gh r� ,�, cc: Richard Schnarr I<en ��le���comh � Clem Schleck � � �Y,�yyz���� , . +�' 13� � �t. thtit��r �nri�/ Ltra1 ��s i�t�e Dr�.�s� �t �13�tt t�1i�r �►�R � llrr.�M�l�rr►: �rt �o�i �. ss sd�r,rN�� �. w �r�r�► ��r.�R t+� MMr �'��M l�►3�t �s+vr�� �� �r: � i ��� � � � � � � � � �! �� � � � srr �r#ai �1�t a�r� s+�w�ert� 1� �+amwt�wl� !�r �3s�••�41�+�r�i +Nt 111Mr lr�i3,ar3�: i��s�+�t �wri�+���w► � � l.�t. �M�e �slip��0� 'Na"�,,�iba� at�i �s�M��1�R �tl�M "�'I'.UO 1�N. �is�t� �I�'1� a�i a�1�R +�+r ���,�� ��11rt �i i�Eti�rM� . �d �' � � �Q.O� l�IRllM�nt �M �we Jla�,r !h� � i.�t3 �! !M� M+�M, w '1�► �,� 1iw� �e^L� M 1iM �is#�#�.4�► �s �rw� Ra�Mw�ir� � !� �M �t l�atf ad' �,, �. �" � ��� �rI � i+�M� A�. ��M� ��� �� �ti� +Ni �� �i. � � �� L4 ' c� • � f 4 ,.� � �a. , � � � � ° ,. � - ati - � J �� ��,,,,_�---•�, . • 4 �-+-��-�f�-_��-� ��G.� - • . . . . ✓�!r..; / � � _� , � � � � � � _.-.�...� j� ��'°� � _�4�'°",r..,,,�.�� � "^``�.....�; �-� I � �� , `` i � V �// �, i � � � � i � 1 f� �� � � ; � y , I � � � � � j C � � i � c� � M� _` �.� L� � S T. . tl � � � W \ a ° o � � � � �.____�______—� � � ,� ��.��.�-ri� s r. � � - _---., y � e � l _ � ____._ _ _ � � ��� � � � - -� ,� ., _-��..�� �� r . � l��f�,'�r�.�r._� � S T. f� � ( � � � ��---- � — ,4";�, 'r"� � � .c.�/ � _ �.r,}-�--- -- �� t...,. :'�• �J Z " � . , �...� �,�_ � � _ � � .. � II�