257391 � 25�391 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The Council did by Resolution No. 257133, approved January 21, 1972, authorize the issuance and sale of $2,000,000 Water Pollution Abatement Bonds, Series 1972, to be dated February 1, 1972, and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertise- ment required sealed bids to be submitted on February 14, 1972, and as the bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated by the City Comptroller, and the City Comptroller made the recommendation to the Council that the (joint) bid of Bankers Trust Campany & Associates was found to be the most advantageous, therefore be it 1tESOLVED That the (Joint) bid of Bankers Trust Campany & Associates be accepted and said bonds awarded at a price, namely, par and accrued interest with coupon rates as follows: 1975 - 1979 4.00 1980 - 1988 4.75 1989 - 2002 5.00 and a premium of $16.70 ; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approved each and every act of the Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the sale of the said bonds. ;�0 M API'ROVEP� �'��'r � . ---._. __ .. _.. Asst. � "'► Ado ted b F E 8 14 19Z? COUNCILMEN p y the Council 19— Yeas Nays But'�-- - FEB 14 1972 � Conway pro 19� Levine �1n Favor � Meredith ---_ _ Sprafka � __ _ . Ma Tedesco Against 1 1� pUBL�SHED F ,` Mr. President, McCarty � i � 25'7391 ou�ucwn to ptun�e CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EN�� NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESBNTED CY COMMISSIONEe DAtF �, The Council did by Resolution No. 257133� approved January 21, 1972, authorize the iesuance and eale of $2,OQ0,000 Water Pollutioa Abataa�ent Boad�, Series 1972, to be dated February 1, 1972, �nd aa the proper city officers have fullq ca�sad tha said bonda to be adwrtised for sals and said advertiae- mant requirad sealsd bids to be tubmitted oa February 14, 1972, and a� the bid� wers submittsd aad opensd, ex�tminad and tabulatad by the City Ca�ptroller� and the Citq Comptroller mads tha reco�eadatioa to the Couacil that [he (�oint) bid of Bank�rs Trust Campatty � Associates �aaa found to be the moat advantageow, thereforQ be it RBS�VSD That the (Joint) bid of Bsniters Truat Ca�anp � Associat�e be acc�pted and aaid boads awarded at a price, aamely, par aad accrued intereat With coup�a rataa ae follawss 1975 - 1979 4.00 1980 - 1988 4.75 1989 - 2002 5.00 nnd a premium of $16.70 ; be it FU�R RBSQ.VSD, That the Council h�ereby ratifi.a and approvad each aad evsry act of the Sinking Fuad Committee ia connectiaa Nith tba aale of the said bondr. � Y� �� COUNCILME�i Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y� �a� F�EB 14 1972 But�� � ��y Approved 19� �� T� Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r ' t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� - CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' LIST OF BIDS RECEIVED FEBRUARY 14, 1972 « �2_,000,000 WATER PO�LLUTION ABATEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1972 ��� OF BIDDER COUPONS PREMIUM NET INTEREST CC���'' Bankers Trust Company )Joint 1975-79 4.00% $16.70 $1,744,095.�50 Blyth & Co. , Inc. )Managers 1980-88 4.75 � (4.9095%) Chemical Bank 1989-2002 5.00 Robert Garrett & Sons, Inc. Kohlmeyer & Co. Parker/Hunter, Inc. The First National Bank of St. Paul Wachovia Bank & Trust Company Baker, Watts & Co. Boettcher & Company Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. ) Jt, 1975-84 4.60% $1,520.00 $1,745,295.00 DuPont, Glore Forgan Municipals, Inc.) Mgrs. 1985-93 4.90 (4.9129"/) 1994-2002 5.00 The Philadelphia National Bank Crocker-Citizens National Bank Shearson, Hactanill & Co. Incorporated The Connecticut Bank & Trust Company A. G. Becker & Co. , Incorporated G. H. Walker & Co. Incorporated Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company 3anco Credito y Ahorro Ponceno New York Ada�s, ;�cEntee & Company The Bank of Virginia Rand & Co. , Inc. Tecott, Jackson, Wilson White & Co. Lombard/Wall Incorporated Detroit Bank & Trust National Bank of Connnerce of Seattle R. D. White & Company Ball, Burge & Kraus Halle & Stieglitz, Inc. George K. Baum & Company State Street Bank and Trust Company The National City Bank of Cleveland The Heitner Corporation Hibbard, 0'Connor & Weeks, Inc. r1, Duncan Williams Inc. Mullaney, Wells & Company " Shelby Cullam Davis � Co. Hallowell, Sulzberger, Jenks & Co. A. Webster pougherty � Co, , Incorporated Lyons, Hannahs & Lee, Inc. Raffensperger, Hughes & Co, , Inc. iJells, Townes & Company Inc. Sellers Securities, Inc. Co1in, Hochstin Co. ti'o��d Brothers-Peebles Investment Corp. �[unicipal Securities, Inc. List� of $ids Received February 14, 1972 Page .�. $2,Ob0,000 Water Pollution Abatement Bonds . DiAME OF BIDD'ER COUPONS PREMIUM NET INTEREST COST The Chase Manhatten Bank, N.A,) Joint 1975-82 4.75% $202,70 $1,768,184,b�? Harris Trust and Savings Bank ) Managers 1983-2002 5.00 (4.9773°I,) Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated First National Bank of Oregon John Nuveen & Co. , Incorporated `?eattle-First National Bank L. F. Rothschild & Co. First National Bank in Dallas �'irst Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee Marine Midland Municipals Co. Franklin National Bank First National Bank of Miami ;;anc Northwest, Chicago Fidelity Union Trust Company �hester Harris & Co. W. E. Hutton & Co. Trust Company & Georgia, Atlanta �lunt Ellis & Simmons, Chicago City National Bank & Trust Co. , Kansas City ;,o�erce Bank, Kansas City Johnston, Lemon & Co. , Washington, D.C. �einholdt & Gardner, St. Louis �rnst & Co. �olger Nolan Fleming Douglas Incorporated, Washington, D.C. McMaster Hutchinson & Co, , Chicago J.A, Overton & Co. , Coronado :-�haughnessy & Company, Inc. , St. Paul Suplee-Mosley Inc. , Philadelphia !�ells & Christensen, Incorporated '�irst National City Bank ) Joint 1975-86 4.50% $2,700.00 $1,770,775.00 First Boston Corporation ) Managers 1987-96 5.00 (4.9846%) Bank of America N. T. & S. A. 1997-2002 5.20 First National Bank of Memphis Drexel Firestone, Incorporated Wertheim � Co. �lark, Dodga� & Co. , Inc. United California Bank Weeden & Co. , Inc. Bank of the CoBSnonwealth Indus[rial National Bank of Rhode Island Barr Brothers Roosevelt & Cross, Inc. J. C. Bradford & Co, Wood Struthers & Winthrop, Inc. The Fidelity Bank �farine �lational Exchange Bank Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. I'he C�icago Corporation �orth Carolina National Bank �nited 4`irginia Bank First �ational Bank of Atlanta :.oewi & Co. , Inc. (continued next page) Ligt of� Bids Received February 14, 1972 Page. 3 $2,�00,000 Water Pollution Abatement Bonds NAME OF $II?DER COUPONS PREMIUM NET INTEREST COST Craigie, Incorporated (continued) Fahnestock & Company Model Roland & Co. , Inc. Pacific National Bank of Seattle Virginia National Bank Anderson & Strudwick Austin Tobin & Co. , Inc, Juran & Moody, Inc. Schweickart & Company Kidder, Peabody & Co, , Inc. ) Joint 1975-90 4.70% $879.25 $1,775,365. 75 Phelps, Fenn & Co. ) Managers 1991-95 5.00 (4.9975°G) 1996-2002 5.20 and Associates The First National Bank of Chicago (Mgr.) 1975-2002 5.00% $35.00 $1,776,215.00 The Northern Trust Company (4.9999%) Continental Zllinois National Bank and Truat Company of Chicago Mellon National Bank and Trust Company W. H. Morton & Co. Diviaion of American Express Company White, Weld & Co. , Incorporated Dean Witter & Co. Mercantile Trust Company National Association Girard Trust Bank CBWL-Hayden, Stone Inc. Elkins, Morris, Stroud & Co. Bacon, Stevenson & Reeves William Blair & Company Robert W. Baird & Co. , Incorporated New York Hanseatic Corporation ' Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. Altgelt & Co. , Inc. Van Kampen, Wauterlek & Brown, Inc. Ferris & Company Pacific National Bank of Washington Rowles, Winston & Co. , Inc. J. A, Glynn & Co. American National Bank, St, Paul Wheat, First Securities, Inc. Davenport & Co. W. A, Stevens & Co. , Znc. The Indiana National Bank