257385 . 25�385 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK � �ITY OF ST. PAUL HLENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �" ATE RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and direct to enter into an agreement with the Village of Maplewood for the joint use of a parcel of' land, owned by the Ramsey County Detention Authority, as a practice pistol ran�e; the terms and conditions being fully set forth in the agreement, a copy of which is attached. 1�'� .3 :;r ' S : C� � L C; � �A O o� < � � c � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co,���� FE8 1 1 197219— Yeas Naye Butler � �� Conway e � 1� 19— Levine n Favor � Meredith � ___.______ ___ ; Sprafka a� A gainat a'�desco Mr. President, McCarty _ PUBLISHED FE� 1 �g� . � w. !. . ; - _ • : - • -.• . - ... ,�_ ' � ' . . , , � � y . _ , .. ._ . - , - - 1 • . t • • . . � �"�'� �• . I _ j � ;,._ _----- - ' , � _ ► _ _-^�W�_'____.�' ' . - .�. . 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" _ '; �.. � � ;l _ ; I. . ,� . . _ _ _ ` .. - , , -. � � - � . �hf . � � _:�., ;�,� 7 3 �s'� A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into thi� day �f , 1972, by and betw�en the City af Saint Paul, a mu�icipal corporation oP the S�ate of M�.nneso��, hereinafter referred to as "City", and th� Villagc of Maplewood, a municipal c�rporation o£ the State of Minnes��s, h�reina,fter referred t� as "Village"; and declaring v�id and at' no effect or f�rce a pri�r agreement between t�e parties heretv dated January 7, 1�63, WITNESSETF�i: WHEREAS, in order to facilitate and improve �he training of police �ff2cers of the City, it has become desirable to ernploy the training device known �s an, a�tdoor practice pistol range in the training and in-a�ervice +�duca�ion of sa.3d polic�men; and WHEREAS, said Cit�r has made ar�an�ements with the awner of certain property located in the �T1.17.e.�e, to-wit; Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint Paul mnd Caun�y of Ramse�, in order that the City might have the use of certain proper�y belong_ in� ta said Authority and located generall� alflng Linwood Road, �aid proper�y being described as fo113ws and as shown on the attached exh3bit, marked "Exhibit An and made a part hereof by referenee: r'The w��t 600 f ee� of the sou�h 525 fee� of the southea�t one fourth �f the sdutheast quarter of S�ctl�n 12, Township 28, Range 22, aG�ordin� �o the plat there3f �n file and �f record in the office di the Reg�s�er of Deeda in and for R$m��y �ounty, Minn�sota. rr anc� WHEREAS, the proper maintenanee of the afor�-dE�cr3bed area as a praetice pi�tol range for the benefit of the pol�.ce of�'icers of the City demands that ther� be a clear und�rstand��g between the City and the V3�1Zage of their �espec�ive ri�hte, duties 1 and mutually dependenti obli�ations, the Vil3age, in consideration �P the p�rmission h�r�in �ranted for access to and use of said praat�ce pistol range by its police officers, and the C3�y, in consid�ration of the permission hereln �ranted it by the Village, and both the City and �he Yiila�e, in coneider�tion o� the various mutuaily dependent pro�ises and covenant� h�reinafter set forth and agree as follows: 1. It is a�reed by �he Village th�� the Gity may construct, expand and m�intain a police practice pistol ran�e within the lim�ts �f the afore_mentioned legal d��cription �pon the afore-described property, �aid property b�in� � port3on of the property owned by the Detention and �4rr�ctions Auth�rity of the City of Sa3n� Paul and County af R�mse�, located in the V�.11age of Mapl�wood, and It ie further a�re�d by �he V311a�e that the supervi�ion and con�rol �f �aid pistol r�n�e shall be the r��pon- �ibility of the City, �hieh shali e�ercis� it� supervision through the �ff�ce af the Chief of Police of said City. 2. In consid�ration for the agreemen� by �he Vi11ag� recit�d next above, the Ci�y agrees that aceess to and us� of the practice pistol ran�e shall be made avaii�ble at a11 times to members of th� PoYlce Department of the V9.11ag� upon reasonable notice to the Chief of P�lice of the C�ty, and that, in eonn�c�ion �herewith, no char�e ahall b� made to said V`3.11age 4r its p�lice- men by the City. 3. It �s agreed by the Village and the City that �he use of the p�actiee pi�tol rang� sha11 be confined ta the dayl�ght hours, and i� is furth�r a�r�ed by th� C�ty that 2t wi11 maintain a locked gate at the entranee to the ran�e tagether wi�h such other protection as the �ity d,eems nec�ssary, The C3ty further agrees to construct and maintain praper �anitary faciZities �p�n said 2 pistol range for the use of the personnel authorized to� u�e the range. St is a�reed further between the C3ty and the Village that if at any tlme �he Vi11a�e receives c�mplaints from residents of the vicinity in which the practice p�stal range ie located relative to the use being made �f th� ran�e, bo�h the C1ty and th� Villa�� �ill c4op�rate so far as possible t� eliminate the source and cause of $ueh complaints. �. It i� a�re�d by the City and the V111a�e tha� no use shall be made of the practice pistol ran�e unless the same be authorized by �he Ch�ef �f Pdlice of the C3ty, and, further, that use of the ran�e sh�11 only be m�de when a desi�nat�d ran�e of�3cer, appointed by said Chie� of Police oF sa�d City, i� present and super- visin� said practice pi�tol range. It is further a�reed that the use of the practice pistol ran�e by any pers�n� �ther than personnel of the Police Departments of the Gity and �f the Vi3lage �hall be a3l�wed by the ChieP of Police of s�id City only after reason�ble notice to and approval by the poliee Chief �f the Village. 5. It is a�reefl by the Villa�e and the City that the term of thi� a�reement sha11 be ten years frflm and after the d�te of its execution, and it is further understood �nd agresd by and b�tween the parties hereta that th3s eontract �ha11 automatically renew thereafter for succes�ive p�ri�ds of ten years each unle$s one party ar the other notifies the othe� party in writing at least six months prior �o the end of the firs� ten-year period ar the end oF any �ueceeding ten-year peri�d. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Countersi�n�d: By ayor � o�n o e y er Form approved: By � �mm ss oner o u c a � y _.� �Cn � �� VILLAGE OF MAPLE4JOOD ss . or ra on o Approved as to �o nd By s exECUtion this day of , l q72. By s ss . r o n STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this d�,y oP , 1972, before me appeared Charlea . c ar y, a ry Marsh�?I;'-"t�an Meredith, ancl Clemens Schleck, to m� psrsonall� kntawn, who, b�ing first duly sWOrn, did say that �hey are respectively the Mayo�, C3ty Clerk, Com�3ssioner of Pub12c Safety and Citq C�mptroller of tt�e City of Saint Paul, a munic3pal c�rporation, and that the seal affix�d �o the foregoing instrument is the seal of said City of Saint Paul, and that said instr�ament was signed and sealed on behalf �f sald municlpal corporat�.on by au�hdrity o�` resolation �f the Council aP se�id City, knnwn as Council F31e No. , and said �harles P. McCarty, Harr� Marshall, D�an ere Q nc�wledge sa3d instrument to be the free act and deed of s�id munieipal corporation, Notary Public, Ramsey Co. Minnesota My eommission expires (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COU�112'Y OF R.A.MSEY On th�;s day of , 1g72, befvre me appeared and to me personally knawn, who b�ing f�.rst duly sworn, d3d say that they are respectively the and of the Village of Maplewood, a munic pa cnrpora 3on, an a a seal aPfixed to the f'oregoing ins�rum�nt is the seal vf �aid Vi11�ge of Mapl�woc�d, and �hat said instrument was signed and sealed an behalf �f eaid mun�.cipal corporation by �u�hority of and sa3d and ac�en�owledged said ins rumen c� e � r�� ac an �e o sa corporation. (SEAI,)