02-616�RIGI�IAL 1� �.�. o�.-��� Green Sheet # �.� �. d� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Truth in Sale of Housing Board. APPOINTMENTS Member Representing Term Expiration Date SunilBawa Financial Community March 25, 2005 Tom Burt General Public March 25, 2005 Toumoua Lee Real Estate Business March 25, 2004 REAPPIONTMENTS Member Gerald Beedle Clayton Larson Re�resenting Buildmg Trades Contracting Business Term Expiration Date March 25, 2004 March 25, 2004 Adopted by Council: Date �_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Appro by City Attorney � ����1. � _ Committee: Date Mayor's Office I 7-1-02 4CS PERSON 8 PFipNE Rurt Schultz 266-8512 �� GREEN SHEET o a -�tt� No 2022$3 � �.,R,.��,�.«, � ��.. _ iUNCILAGENDA BY (DAi� l�a 2�02 A4SIW1 'L KUNHERFOR arvA _ dNCtiR1(� ROUTING ORUFJt ❑ A1�IICWI.aFRV1CFfOR ❑ HW1C41.tiRVlat[fC ❑ Y4YORIDRASIDi�Ar�7 ❑ TOTAI # OF 31GNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointment o£ Sunil Bawa, Tom Burt, and Toumoua Lee Yo the Txuth in Sale of Housing Board. Approval of the reappoinCment of Gerald Beedle and Clayton Larson to Che Truth in Sale of Aousing Board. PLANNMG CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this �rm ever H+oilceA under a contract far this depaAment't YES N� Has thie pereon/firm ever been a cily emObyee7 YES NO Doesthis Pe��� D�g a sldN r�ot nwmallYi��� M' �Y curteM ary emW�Yee? YES NO Is th's persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoY7 YES ND CBS?#B[ IF APPROVED �OUNT OF SOURCE. � ", �€`#��� COS7IREVENUE &/DGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNITY NUMBftt (��M o a • c.��. CI'I'Y �F' SAIN'I' PA�.. 390 Ciry Hall Telephone: 651-266-85l0 Randy C- KeZly, Mayor IS WestKellagg Bouler�ard Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Saint Paul, MtV SSIO2 To: Saint Paul City Counciimembers Counci] President Dan Bostrom Councilmember 3ay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Hanis Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor Date: 7uly 1, 2002 RE: Truth in Sale of Housing Board Mayor Ke]]y has recommended the appointment of Sunil Bawa, Tom Burt and Toumoua Lee to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board . Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Gerald Beedle and Clayton Larson to the Truth in SaIe of Housing Board. The terms of Mr. Bawa and Mr. Burt will expire on March 25, 2005. The terms of Mr. Beedle, Mr. Lee and Mr. Larson will expire on March 25, 2004. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications of the two new appointments. Please remember that certain infocmation on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feei free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the appointments and the reappointments. Attachments cc: Connie Sandberg, Truth in Sale of Housing Soard Staff Person � ��+ �e.l� iuway vational bank 651 643 8466 P.BL02 �• � S� u �T� Application for Committee, Board, or Commission o � -t.l1r Piease return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Blvd_, Sai nt Paul, MN 55102 Phone:65I-26b-8533 Fax:651-266-8>13 Thc �linncso[a Govcrnncnt Data Ptacti:cs Act (Minnesota Sto[utc> Chap[.r 13) guvctns th: City's usc of t6c inFoqna[ioA con[aiped in �his appiication. Somc of [he informa[inn <eught ia :his 2ppl�tx[�ou is pnva[t daia undcr the Ac[. Thc requtsttd information wiil bc uscd by [hc appointing au[horiry w tarry ou[ [fic Qty's ofEicial appoiaimm�[ respunsibilities. You are not required �o proviCe any iafotma[ion. I�Iowe�er, Cailure lo answe: thc:ppLicaUOn qucscious may cavsc the appoin[ir.g au[horrty to rcjectyour applicaeion. The m�joriry ofi�.-m5 �oncaincd in thi> application arc pubiie, inciu6ing name, sddress, emptoymenc, skilis, [raining and expericnce, and src therefore availabte w anyone requesting i[ Tne r<maming itcros on the applicanon form arc classified �sprivate. T6e priv�te dao is available oniy tu yon and tu oiher per5ons in thc Cily who, becausc otwork assigmnen[S, �easonab�y �cquire �,:�es5 to Ihe int`ormation. Name 5�tutc. t�� Home address �q (� (ZQY1A.� �£►,j((,� S! .. �k�ifL /1�1j'l� S'S'��E .a�e� ei�y :u�c mcr . Telephones (�S/�696-3°1�5 6S/-6�3 �05l-6�j3�F< PleaveincluAcArn oCrs nome wark ras E-mail addrsss _ SFJRW��wtrclWcry�jqh� • �� Planning District Council City Council Ward Preferred mailing address .�,«< <�� =��<<• z� Occup¢[ion ���(,�� C.JM.I O�F(G� Piace of employmeni iMtp WRy �.1/f'ZcySt}{,_. Q�4iJ{C� Emp]oymentaddress IS$$ (ti►alV�S(T�( /�V�. G.J, Sj.��L MrJ Committee(s) applied for TR�'�'( �►J tZU(,tst�('C--� What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? . R���- �is'cYtt� c,tc€r,�s� . F�uP�v.�Gcwfc� co�wts,�r.cia-r� PRoP��t�s (� kuc,�n���us�� . i2 Y��s ExP�t��z.� !rJ ��nz �s`t�,"� � ��� � � lkPPR-tkcs�t,S '� SM A1L (�UISt ' �J��.[t.�Cj � �i1h�� page 1 of 2 ... .���. _��� .�. u� ���� ..�_ �_ ��13 Midway National Bank 651 643 8466 P.02/02 :sonal References Name tV(A�K IF10(Z1C1(��SO►•J DO�� y` �P Address �"tt�U��( �jf��C. ^ U.` . TcicQhones �St- G�F 3- g�Z 6 Please inclode Arca CoOes home work othcr Name p�. SIKK� — OW�•54(L. JR�S'iY�'kfz�ti�.1T (.3ROlG4,(�S �� Mt� Address (,o lo t�e�`-( � c2. wu�s P�i� �,J SS (� Tclephoncs ��2—�12R— °f2 "'�-3 ` Please inclnde Araa Cudes home work uiher Name C- YO�tfJC� Address Telephones �' �1 2 — ° l 4'7 —S'1 �i �- Picnseiacludr Arez Codes homt work Reasons for your intcrest in this particular committec athcr j o �� ►vtuR�, tuvvws D rr� caw���„��T y Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? if so, when, and under what circumstances? n►v In an attempt to ensure that committee �epresentation rcfice[s [he makeup of our comtnunity, plcasc check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntaTy. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Blacic (African-Amcrican) � Asian or Pacific islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Malc Pemale � Date of birYh Disabled: � Ycs No � If special accommoda[ions are needcd, plcase specify /�(�-- How did you hear abou[ this opening? � GL40v WR�7�jeS —{LrlbWF}Y Ckt�B�Q _ bF cowuu£2cF page 2 of 2 TnTAi p A� 07i0Ji2002 1fED 07:17 FAS 612 372 5572 Rellastar �� agplication for Committee, Board, or Comm'sssion PIeaise retum to Mark En�ebretson Mayor's Of�cc, Room 390 CityHall I� West Keltogg Blvd., Saint Paul, M�155102 Phone:651-2b6-8533 Fax:b51-266-8513 r.� � , va -C�.� She Miaaeso�u Gowernmeat Dail Yrumices nct (Minncsota Staxuws Chapmr 13) oovcras thc Ci[y's ¢sc nf thc �n£ormscio¢ co¢wiued in �L.es applicacioa. Somt of ihc iafosmiltioa sought in chis npplicscion is pzivacc daca �ndcr tRc Ac�. ihc requested informs[ioa w�11 be nsed by the aDOOin[ing antcocity [o catty out iha City's official appoiatmeai respoasibitisies. You arc ¢ot ccquiredco providc 3uy infocmacioa. Howcvcr, failurc to snxwcz tnc epptic�tion q..esxionc mxy n„se the appoin�ing nuthoriry eo rojccc your applics<ioa. 7he majoricy of itcas contained in this spplicstion arc public, iacludias nsmq addrc�s, cmploymenc, ekit)s, tr9ining snd experience, aad sre shereCoze o�ailab?e ta aayoae requtsli¢g it. Tbc rcmaiaiag itcros on the spplicstion form sr< classi£cd as privatc. The privsic dsta is svailsblc only te yon and co othe�erso�s in chs City who, beeaust of work assignments, reasonably requirc access to the informa[ion. I3ame /n �.•.� IIome sddress � TeleQhones (o�J (�(z-3�a.,i$Ql PlcaselncladcaroaCOdcs l�om< wotk � �7az E-maii address Planning District Council � City Councit Ward ( Preferred mailing address a_�a3 F�re.w, � Occupation_ � ..t�.��!11R.7'�1iL5���'U�-�l---. F � Place of cmploymcnt � � G Emp2oyment addzess � A� page 1 of2 What skillsltrainin3 or experience do you possess for the comroitiee{s) for which you seek appointment? M/� �1 n 1 r.� � f-�--{-�Ix.�� ,.d 612 J72 5572 Reliastar r. � � tersoaal Rcfcrences �a''� �`'� Name Addre Telephones (osj �7(� —�77� GS r-���( �o� 1 Ylcuse inetude Arca Codcs hemc moik o2her Name /(� i 1C p �a:�SO �2. 11 Address � �U �1J o `' j'� „ �f,L�� "' —���— 7'clephones �(� � , (i��� �o / ' Please iociudc Area Cndes homc work o[hu Name Q � L �,aaT�ss f'1�—.� ,�►� os-e ��' I( r�___________� _ Tcicphones �S'( � �j Pteaseln�ludeprcuCodes home � work oiher Reasons for your interest in ihis particular committec ✓�U � �rn. __ .Q n _ .. � _ l. .. . 1 _ n D,r.w L�/�_ � I _ . �� P .� `�--' 1 Have you had previous contact with the committae for which you are making application? if so, when, and under what circumstanccs? In an attempt to ensure that committcc represeniation reflects thc makeup of our community, Qlease'check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluutary. Q WhiTe {Caucasian) � Iiispaaie �Black (Afriean-Ainerican) � Asian o� Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �'Male Femalc� Dxteofbirth /��o��/p0 Dtsabled: � Yes No � If spcciai accommodations arc aeeded, ptcase specify FIow did you hear about this opening? page 2 of2 r � Jun �5 U� U�:54p � �r Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Kaom 390 City Hall IS \VestKellogg Blvd., SaintPaul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 p.i V ��' W �� 7hc Minnesota GovcrAmeat Data Ptactices Ac[ (Minnesota Slatutes Chap:cr 13) goretns the City's use of ihe information contained in this application. Some o[[Le informatioa soughi in this app7ication is private data undezlhe Act. The requested information wiil be used by the appoinfing authoti.y to carzy out the City's offlcial appointment responsibilities. You axe not required to providc any information. Aowever, failure to answert}:e appiieation questions may cause the appoiating authority to re�ect yonrapplication.2'he majority ofitems contained in 1hi� application are publie, iacluding name, ad6ress, employmcn:, skilts, iza.,iiag and experienee, and are :hetefoxe available to anyone requesting it. The remaining items on ihe application form are dassitied as private. The privale data is available only to you and to otficr pe:sons in the City w•hq bewusc of woxk assignmeats, reasonably require access to ihe informatioP. �� Name � f7it w� Fliaca �--S�sZ ,— Home address �}'�Ai, �j�l��l Telephones ��7� � 1 4 �i`L � `� 6 3� Pieae<Ie4ndeAteaCedes �_ hunc /� work faz E-mailaddress 1 �� ,�y��j��(,�, (�f � �'Yi YY1 �%f'Y`G -�+��-� Planning District Council City Council Wazd�_ Preferred mailing address Qccupation Place of em Employment address Committee(s) applied for �`5�r � N � ��tx��l� �� / Z?!� �� page 1 of2 � What skil(s/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? � / _ ua:Sq s� Personal References Name P•� O �. � i.11� Address Telephones Ylease inclode Arsa Codcs homc Name Address Teleghones Ptease inclnde Area Codes homc I� ame Address Telephones Ptease inciude Area Codes hos.e work wark wo:k Reasoas for your interest in this particular committee other ot]:er other In an attempt to eusure that committee tepresentation Tefiects the makeup o£ our commnnity, please check the box appticable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. �Hispanic �Black(African-American) � American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo ,� ;1 Male Female � Date of birth l��-���i��" ��� /�� Disabled: � Yes No� If speciel accommodations are needed, piease specify /2,` � : � White (Caucasian) �Asian or Pacific Islandei Ho�v did you hear about this opening? page 2 of 2 Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and undez what circumstancas? ,