257374 ORI�INJIL TO CITY CLBRK �. ����~�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NO c_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f " _ COUNCIL LUTIO GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE O @ OLl 8 �-'"t ,,7F WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as Widening and Overlaying of MARYLAND AVENUE fr� Johnson parkway to 200 feet east of Prosperity Avenue, Camptroller's Contract L-7339, City Project No. 70-P-0529, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specif ications, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessarq to make the �ollowing Additions: ADDITIONS As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 - $3353.55 and WHEREAS, Th� total addition is $3353.55, and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $3353.55 is the correct sum to be G���added to said contract, therefore be it � I f RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accotdance with the Specificstions in the swn of $3353.55, said amount to be added to the lump suia consideration namcd in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-7339, and which amount is to be financed from 1971 County Aid Funds. ' � " `� "'y"° iEORM P R E � I Co ora , el FEB 10 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er F Eg 11 1972 � . p._ e� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor � A ga��t g 1 �t PUBLISHED Mr. President, McCarty �� • `*! . �► . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W�DRKS � r`' ' . ,�`����,� � � - � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT = �.: N0. 1 PROJECT N0. 70-p-0529 CONTRACT N0. L-7339 CONTRACTOR Ashbach Construction Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Widening & Overlaying of MAFtYI.AND AVEM7E from Jahnson Pkwy. to 2Q0 ft. east of Prosperity Ave. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADDITIONS • • Remave portions of existing concrete bou culvert and seal enda with treated timber Lsbor $807.21 + 40� - $322.88 = $1130.09 Material 264.00 + 1Sx - 39.b0 = 303.60 Equipment a 603.50 $2037.19 Construct manhole on Birwingbsm St. to provide outlet for catch basin no. 43 Type 1 manhole (15' deep) 400.00 Furnish & Install anchors for type 7A catcb basin curb asserably 13 assemblies @ $23.30 � 302.90 Driveway revisiona at northeast corner of Clarence St. and Maryland Ave. Labor $74.71 + 407. - $29.88 = $104.59 Mat�ri81 18.27 + 15X - 2.73 = 21.00 Equipmsnt = 11.d0 136.59 Remove forms, regrade and reset forms due to grsde revision on west side of Prosperity Ave. north of Maryland Ave. Labor $67.28 + 40% • $26.91 a $94.19 Equipment a - 5.50 99.69 Sub-grade correction on Proeperity Ave. north of Maryland Ave. I.abor $99.79 + 40� - $39.92 � $139.71 Equipment � = 22.01 161.72 Furaish & install 1/2'� tie bars for concrete island extension at riaryland Ave. r�nd Frosperity Ave. • Labor $6.65 + 40,G - $2.66 = 9.31 Haterisl � 1.44 + 15� - .21 � 1.65 Equipment s 4.50 15.46 � Additional dapth for type 7A catch basins to accosmodate existing utilities 4 lin. ft. @ $50.00 � 200.00 NET TOTAI, ADDITION TO CONTRACT $3353.55 This additional amount is tio be f inanced fraa 1971 County Aid Funds. �^ �� T"'�"� ( �f`�:�L'' 9� Ashbach Construction Con�anv �,� E ine r Contractor �► . F` � 19�Z B , J� _��� �'��' �/ 19 �� '� _��� Ch f n ineer 19� �� � �� °'Z" 19�°� Commissioner . Comptroller 0 riginal (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer ow•�sc�►�•,e'�nn rn�R �5�'3"14 � CIN OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` ,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM��IONE� �Y M. C011� �T DAiF W�EAS� A��t.lif�ti M�C�t ��tt j11'OV! t0 bi tMf;�Nr� �1 �ti �IO��M�it d�rcrib�d u Midia��tag a�d Owrlhring of HARYLAND AV611t18 lraN Ja�aan Park�y to 200 �Mt �aat a� Pto�p+stits► Awm�, Cc�ptroll�r's Caatrsat L-7l39, Cit�r Pro j�•_ Ito. 70-p•OS29, AsLbaah Cv�stsaotic�n Co�pany, Co�tsactos, '6sw baA prav3d�c1 fo�r in t.ht 8paciticativna, snd � WBERBAB, It bas b�n ��ound n��essary to ask� tlw lolloMiu� Qdditionat ADDI?IOIIS As pas �ttached Contraat Chst�ge A�r�uwnt No. 1 • $3353.SS and WHBRL�S� TZa to�al additiou is $33S3.5S, and tl� Caoeaissiarr +oL' Pt�blic Worlu haa a6r�ad vith tla Cantraetor ttrst t1w �so�u�t o! $33S3.SS i• ti� eorrac� au� to b� addad to �al,d contract, tl�er�f or� b� it RBSOLVED, Tbst tht City of St. Paul tturough ita CiCy Coue�il approa►�s t!� foragol.ng additiosss wd� !.n accordanc� vith the Spseificstioas in tha s�a at $33S'.SS, aaid Mount eo b� add�d to th� Itoip aa� c�onsideratt,on arwed in tlu aontsact, kn�a u Caa��roli�r•s Conttaat L-7339, s�d whi�h rmonnt is to bs #i.�aoc�d fra� 1971 Co�mty Aid lu�uts. � � Q ��� COITNCII��dEN Adopted by the Cotmcil 19— Yeas Nays FrEB 11 19�L Butler � Approve� 19` Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� A aninat �� Mr. President, McCarty � � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ��-'y��� ai � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 . - . PROJECT N0. 70-P-0529 CONTRACT N0. L-7339 CONTRACTOR Ashbach Construction Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Widening & Overlaying of MARYLAND AVENUE from Johnson PkWy. to 200 ft. east of Prosperity Ave. In accar.dance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. ADDTTIONS r Remove portitms of existing concrete box culvert and seal enda �,rith treated timber Labor $807.21 + 40"G • $322.88 s $1130.09 Piaterial 264.00 + 15� • 39.60 a 303.60 Equ3pment = 603.50 $2037.19 Construct meahole on Birmin�ham St. to pravide outlet for catch basin no, 43 Type 1 manhole (15' deep) 400.00 Furnish � Install anchors for type 7A catch basin curb assenbly • I3 assemblies @ $23.30 • 302.90 DriveWay revisions 8t northeast corner of Clarence St. and Maryland Ave. Labor $74.71 + 40� - $29.88 = $204.59 rietQrial 18.27 + 157 ' 2�73 = 21.00 Equigment � 11.00 136.59 Remove fozYns, regrade and reset fornts due to grede revision on west side of Yrosperity Ave. norCh of riaryland Ave. Labor $67.28 + 40� - $2b.91 = $94.19 Equipment ° '� 99.69 Sub-grede correction on Prosperity Ave. n�rth of Maryland Ave. Labor $99.79 + 40x - $39.92 � $139.72 Equipment � 22'�1 161.72 Furr�ish & install 1/2" tie bars for concrete is2and extension at Ziaryland Ave. an�l Prosperity Ave. � a Labor $6.b5 + 40SG - $2.66 = 9.31 Material 1.44 + 15� - .21 � 1.65 Equip[nent � 4.50 15.46 Additional depth for type 7A catch basins to accoAanaiate existing utilities 4 lin. ft. � $50.00 � 244•d� NET TOTAL ADDITION TO CONTRAL"P $3353.55 This additional amount is to be f inanced frott 1971 Caunty Aid FundB. �.�' T� ,. -� ' f ��"��9� Ashbsch Construction Comuanv � -" ,yy; E ine r Contractor �, �,� t� � � -�� /' ►� 19� B y�/����/�.;�>�.�.�� .�/ 19 ��' Chi f �n ineer _�� (' ,.�'t 19,� �� G �.�1,t� oZ' 19�� Commission�r . Comptroller tlriginal t�lhite) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. • To Comptroller To Engineer