257367 . ,cJ d«�7 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N� �5���j� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF J WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3250 aulihorizes and pravides for payment f or overtime work, and WHIItEAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has authorized avertime work in the Water Department during the period from Jan. 22, 1972 to Feb. 4, 1972; theref ore be it RE�OLVID, that the proper City officers are hereby author- ized to pay the employees who performed such overtime work in accordance with the provisions of Ordinances No. 6446 and No. 3250. FEB 10 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er FEB 11 19?2 �on- CC'�-Z-<-<... '�-�oeqe _ 19� �T,:,. Levine ��� n Favor _�...,.. Meredith . : ... . Sprafka � � -_..._y our �^ A gainst Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED FEB 1 1972 ��