257332 OR161�AL TO CITY CLBRK �5`�`�3� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL fCOE NCIL N0. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF W a�+ Resolved, that the Northern 3tates Pawer o�K. C�pat�r be given permissian to install �-� appraximately �+1.0 ].ineal feet o� Ge,B Ma�;n on Winthrop (e�st side) between Ho3rt and P�ebra,ska under px�c�vi.sions of Qrdinea�ce No. 14786, approved M�,y 27, 1971. . ppR E F�RM oUnsel � t► n Pss � � FES a �972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays sut�er ��Zl ..;:..F��$..,8 1972 rov 19� Levine �p F �'�� —In avor Meredith Sprafka � r A gainst �+e�ee-- Mr. President, McCarty PUBUSHED FEB 121972 ��