D00983White -City Clerk Pink - Finance Dept. Canary - Dept. Accounting Slue - Engineer �reen - Contractoi No. '-'�^-' Dat � 776 � 'Z(1 _ fn �) ts CITY OF SA1NT PAUL - OFFICE OF TI3E MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMINSSTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, addidons which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described q .. ..•.u: .e:� a.e known as activiry 292�6 _ City Project No. 95-V-8070 L.P.D. Electric �t1C. Conttactor, is composed of the following: 1. Add conduit and foundations on West Seventh St. from St.Paul Ave. to Maynard. $3,730.00 3. Add 1 light on Benson St. East of Aiton St. 2 317.90 Total: $6,047.90 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, Through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- coidance with the spec�cations in the sum of sideration named in the conuact, Irnown as acdvity Log S-6604 � Page D-17 ; C95-2T528-0784-29216 $6,047.90 a said amount to be added to the lump sum con- 29216 , and which amount is to be financed from: ���Z �9 �'C �ll� 19� � �� 19 �'G � is �9� __, ._ . __, ..._._._.._ - �1(1f��Q"� '� Works - Traffic '""'"'�° f GREEN ]G ATTOANEY aET DIaECTOR ]R (OR aS51STAM� UF SIfaNATURE PACaES l (CIIP ALL IACATfUN$ f-0R SIGNANRE� No. 33170 cm courvca FlN. & MGT. � Contract Change Agreemenf No. 1, Contract No. 95-V-8070 to install additional lighting, and fioundations on West Seventh St. and Benson St, on the Maynard/Stewart CSSP; LPD Inc., contractor. PLeWNlNGWMMI$$ION __CML3ERVIC�iD,�AlI$SION f:� '� j CIB COMMIiI'EE _ STAFF _ " . �tIOC O&IECTVE? r ;,AA'�'v�� as���%c PERSONAL SERYiCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: 'I. Has this persoNfirm sver wotrced under a conmact for this departmeM? YES NO 2. Has this person7Fm� ever been a city emptayee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMfirtn possess a skill not'mrmally possessed by arry curtent city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNYfY (WHO. WNAT, NhiFN. WHERE, WHY}: Citizen requests and opportunity to instali conduit during street reconstruction. r �: � � �j J1lL 17 1936 Will enhance visibility and safety by facilitating removal of utility poles and save revenue by conduit whi{e street reconstruction is in progress. None. RECEIVEC3 JUL 2 91996 CITY CLERK IF NOT APPROVED: Loss of opportunity to improve visibility and safety conditions for vehicles and pedestrians. DTALAMOUNfOFTRANSACliON$ $6,047.90 UNDINGSOUHCE CIB MSA NANCIAL INFORMHTION: (EXPWN) IB $6,047.90 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO j acmmNUMe� C95-2T528-0784-29216 y �—•1'J