257313 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �5'7`313 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� N0, t. ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"� � • • COUN IL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE �18SR��, the Cowacil of the City of �aint Ba�l, by ita Res�lntioa, Couacil �'il� 255905, apprcv�d Oatober 1, 1971, autha=ized asd approned am applicati�a for g�ant to the �ta�te . of Miane�ota Gc�vernor' s Co�ias�ioa �a Crime Bze��sti�a a�d �oatrol f0r the projeet eatitl�d Daytoa' s Bl�ff Yonth A�ctios Pr�gram, �aid applicatian coat�aplati�g that tl�e Cit� of • Saint �a�l w�mld act aa s�r�so= aad the Dayton' s Blt�ff Y�nth ��nacil wo�ld operata the pr�pc�sed Pr�graa= ausd 1�R�11S, th� Gcvernmr' s� �ri�a� Coanaia�sios, oa Dmce�r 17, 1971, apprmved the Cit�' � applic�tioa a�nd ia��ed a �taten�at of grant aivardf now, tli�refore, bm it RSSOL�D, That the C��eil of th� City of Sairat �a�l does hereby approve the grant agr�eaeat betvreea the City sad tl�ie Governar' a Coa�issiaa oa Crise �r�ventio� and ��ntrol for the said Daytoa' � Hlnff Youtk 2lctios Br�gra�n, aad the M�ayc�r, Citp �l�rk, aad C��aptroll�r �r� h�reby a�athorized and diracted t� ex�c�te t�ie grant agree�aeat oa behalf of the �ity of �aiat Panl= aad be it FIIRTHH�B b�SOLV�D, T'hat the Conncil d�es h�r�l�► ag�provw third- party agre�meat betweea the City and Daytm�' s B3.aff Y�uth ���n�il � auth�rizing the said Yowth Couacil to operate a� actioa pr�grau� � � from �'a�uary l. 1972, thro�agYY� l�dareh 31. 1l72, asd tYie May�r. �ity ° Clerk, sad Co�ptroller are hereby a�atharized �ad directed tm eRec�te � tl�e said agreea�nt �n behalf of t�e City �f Sair►t Pa�l. � � � `o n.. � � Q ¢ W FE8 4 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �Eg � �� Butler �e�$�y Approve� 19— Levine � ' �n Favor .3�I�e�ea.u�— ��� lJ �. �ng Mayor A gAixlst � Tedesco � " ���� PUBLISHfD FEB 12 1972 Mr. Vi�e P° -�' " ^'' "� ' �� , , � ) � ����c� AC� REEM � NT � TFiIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this 4th day of February , 197 2 , by and betk�een the CITY OT SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporata_on of the State of Minnesoi:a, hereinafte7° refer.red to as '�C�_ty", and the D�YTON'S BLUFF YOUTH COUNCIL hereinafi�er refer_red to as "Contractor"; WITNESSETH: W�iEREAS, The State of Minnesata, aci�7_ng through its Governor' s Commission on Crime Prevention and Control, hereinafi�er referred to as "Grantor", is authorized to grant and expend money pursuant to Titl� I, Section 304, Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public La`a 90-351, hereinafter reierred to as "Act", and �xecutive Order No. 28� December 13, I968p State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, Contractor has made application to Grantor for funds ; in the amount of $6, 132.00 for the purpose of conducting a _ Dayton' s Bluff Youth Action Program and, said application further praviding that Contractor would pr_a- vide as a Grantee contribui�ion to the proposed program cash and non-cash contribution in the sum of $ 2, 250.00 • and � WHEREAS, The applicable rules and regulations promulgated by and on behal� of Grantor provide that Federal funds expended pur- suant to the above�described Federal Act must be issued to a public goverrunental uniL, as Grantee, and that Contractor could not qualify as Grantee under the said State regulations; and � � . WHEREAS, The City, as expr.essed Uy its City Council Resolution No. 255905 , approved October lr 1971 , agreed to act as sponsor for Contrac�or and to administer the funds granted by th� Grantor pursuant to the application of Contractor, and it is the ini:ention of the City and Contractor to set forth mutually- agreed upon terms azid conditions which sha7_1 go�Tern the relations and actions of the City and ConLractor, resp�ci�ively; NOj�T, THT�'P,EFORE, Tn consideration of and in reliance upon the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the City and Contractor agree as follows � � 1. The term of this Agreement sha11 coincide with the i�erm of the Grant period set forth in the Statement of Grant Award made by �he State of Minnesota Governor' s Comm:ission on Crime prevention and Control, a copy of which Statement of Grant Award is attached hereto and marked E�hibit A, the term to commence on January 1, , 1972 , and�continue through March 31 , 197? unless otherwise provided by the Grantor. 2. The City of Saint Paul, in acting as the sponsor for the - Contractor, will review reports to be submitted by Contractor to Grantor and will transmit all necessary reports to the Grantor on behalf of the Contractor. 3. Contractor expressly agrees to carry out and complete the program in strict compliance with the Exhibit A attached hereto, and e�:pressly agrees to comply with a11 applicaUle Federal, State and local laws pertaining thereto, and, . 2. further, in strict accordance with the r_ules, regulations and direction of the Grantor and the City. AIl such work sh.all be performed and carried out by Contrac�or in a satisfactory and proper manner_ as determined by the City and Grantor. 4. Compensation to be paid Contr_actor by the City sha11 not exceed the amount. of the Federal suppozt received by the City frorn Grantor, pursuant to the attached �xhibit A, and it is further agreed that the local share to be contributed as part of the Grant A�,lard sei� i'orth in Exhibit A sha11 be paid solely out o£ funds supplied by Contractor. City shall pay Contractor on a monthly basis far work and services performed. Contractor shall suUmit all reports and requisitions for funds to the Comptroller of i�he City. Contractor shall in every case provide the City with an itemized requisition for payment in form satisfactory and subject to the approval of the City Comptroller. The request for payment shall specify i�h� work performed by the Contractor, L-hat the �work ��as performed in com- pliance with the Grant Award set forth in Exhibit A, and, further, that it is entitled to receive the amount requisitioned under the terms of this Contract and th� terms of Exhibit A. It is e�;pressly agreed by and between. the City and Contractor that Contractor sha11 not Ue entitled to receive any other additional compensation in addition to that provided above, and in no eveni: will the compen- sation to be paid hereunder to Coni:ractor exceed the sum of , $_6, 132.t�0 ; provided, however. , that this limitation may 3. be amended by addendurn �o Agreement executed in writing by and on behali' of City and Contractor. S. To the extent reasonably possible, Col�tractor shall be bound to a11 the terms, conditions and covenants set fori�h i�.z the attached Exhibit A and thaL- all references to Grantee in the attacliea Exhibii� A shall also b� intended to refer to Contractor. 6. Terms and Conditions . This Agreement is subject i�o and incorporates the provisions atteched hereto as Par_t :CI -- Terms and Conditzons . 7. PrevaiJ_ing Salaries . Not less than the respective salaries prevailing in the locality as determined pursua.nt to the attached "Determination of Prevailing Saiaries of Technical Positions" shall be paid to persons zn respective occupations listed therein employed in the performance of work under this Contract. 8. Independent Contractor. For the purpose of this Agreement, Contractor shall be deemed to be an independent contractor, and not an employee of the City. Any and all employees of Contractor or other persons, �ahile engaged in the performance of any worlc or serv:ices required by Contractor under this Agreement, sha11 not be considered emplo,yees of the City; and any and all claims that ma.y or might ari_se under the Work.men' s Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalf o� said employees or other persons �ahile so engaged, hospi- Lalization insurance coverages, social security and pension payments and benefits, other employee obligations 2nd benefits, and any and a11 claims made by ariy third party as a consequence ot any act or 4. omission on the part of Contractor, the einployee or other persoiis while so engaged on any of the worl.c or services to be rendered, shall in no way be the obli�ation or responsibility of the City. Contractor shall pay as they become due a�1 just claims for �vorlc, too7.s9 machinery, skills. n�terials, insura.nce prerriiums, equipmcnt and supplies furnisl.zeds rendered or p�rformed in the executioiz of thzs Agreement. 9. No Discrimination. Contractor shall be deemed a contrac� tor for. the application of all provis�ons hereof and la�as against unlawful discrimination ori account of race, creed or color hereunder. Contractor agrees in accor_dance with Chapter 238, Laws of the �State of Minnesota for 1941, that :in the hiring of common or skilled labor for_ the performance o�' any worl: under this Contract or any subcontract hereunder, no contractor, material supplier, or vendor shall be reason of race, cr_eed or colox, discriminate against any person who is a citizen of the United States who is qu.alif�ed and available to perform tlze work to tahich such employment relai�es; that no contractor, ma.terial supplier or vendor under this Contract sha11 in any manner discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent, or conspire to prevent, any person from the performance of work under this Contract on account of race, creed or color; and that this Contraci� may be cancelled or termina.ted by the City, and a11 money due or to become due hereunder shall be �orfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this Contract. S. Th�_s Contract i.s suUject to Title ���: of_ the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P. L. 88-352, approved July 2, 1964) and the rules and regulations (24 CFR, Subtitle A. Part 1) , iss�u.ed by the Housing and Home Finaizce Agency pursu.ant tl��e-reto. 10. Indemnification. It is further agreed t�hat the Coni�r.actor shall defend aazd save the City of Saint Pau1 harmless from any claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of any negligent act or_ oui� of an.y negligent omission on the part of the Contractor. , its agents, ser�Tants, or employees in the performa.nce of or with relation to any of the work or services provided to be performed or furnished by the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement. - TN WITNESS t�-I�REOF, Th� parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Countersigned: By , yor City Comptr_o er Clty er Approv d to'Form , i , . pec � �� , , ist ' t Corporat n Counsel Approved as to Form and Execution: DAYTON' S BLUFF YOUTH COUNCIL pecza Assistani� Corporation Counsel B Y In the Presence of: Its Zts ti- __ .J�?i- 2.r,�. , ��� - _ �,t,Cf'� . � � , GOVER(i0R'S COii^iISS:ON Oiti CRIt�;r PREVE�TIO�; �l?!D CONTROL ���'"� . �•� • GRAi�;T F�GREE�1Ei�7, TITLE I, SEC. 304 OM,NIBUS CRIhiE CGi�TROL Ai�D SF�FE S7REETS ACT OF 1968 Public Law 90-351 Pubiic Law 90-644 Thi s AGREEMEi�7, made thi s �=�— day of ,� ..� , 19�z-, � by and between tne State of Minnesota acting by a tnrough �he Governor' s � Con�nission on Crir�e Prevention and Control , hereinafter. called the Grantor, and City of St. Paul , hereinafter called the Grantee, pursuant to tne authority granted by Title I, Sec. 304, Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public Laws 90-351 'and 90-644, hereinafter called the Act, and Executive Order No. 3, May 27 , 1971 , State of Minnesota; ai�d 4JHER�AS, pursuGnt ��a �i�e Act the Grantor has been allocated funds by the Un+�ed States ��.. �.�;crc�i„�:�-c ;;ss;szance Administration for use in the S;.aze cr Mir�r�::s:, _,. :=:;r tne purposes set forth in the Act; and WH"1"-;5, �c"r�e Grantee has rnade appl i cati on to the Grantor for a por�iu., of swc:� allocu�io� for �he purposes contained in, and the manner descri�ed ir�, Gran���' s "Applica�ion for Grant," a copy or ��;nich is attached herei.� Gnd made a par� hereof as Exhibit "A" , and the terms o�f vahich shall goverr� and CGt1i.('0� thi s grant except as othera�i se speci fi cul iy provi ded 'nerei n. h0�d �n�REFORE, in consideration of and in reliarce upon t"e mutual cc�!�;�wrts and agreements contained herein, the parties here�o do coven«nt and ..��: ;:�, each for themselves and their respective successors ar�d assigns, as .. �Gr1 S . The Grantee shail perform and accomplish such purposes and activities as Ure specified herein and in Exhibit "A" , attached hereto: � Tf�e Grai��or s'r�all gran�t to �he U,antec ��he to�a1 surn ofi - � . ___S�,x tho s?nd� one--2�undred thi.rt�two - - - `_ - - ^- - I�ol l ars (S�r�.��i100 ) , and i;i�e Gruf,tee ��al l expe�;d �rom o�iier sources tne �o�al sum o� Two t�usand, two hundred fifty - - - - - - - - - Do?lars ($ 2,250.00 ) , t-ahicr s�m si�al'1 be t;^,e �ota1 �inunciul cor�mi�m`iit o� �he respective parti es hereto under this a��e`i..en�c, a�d t•;,�i ch shall be Q1 Sti"i bu�ed GI1C{ �X��i�d�d 111 C0�1�Of iilu<<CC V:;�fl ��i� p0 i l C��S , Y'U I�S urid regu- . la�ions of tne Governor`s Co:,;,,�iss�or or Cri�;i� Preverrc;c;; Gno Con�roly ' ' ' ' ' �nt only 11(.' Y'urii,i.� S{"td I � Ei: c;�G i U�IuS �fuii�i;G Ui;i:'`Y' i;��l:S i.GY'c,�;;�� TOt^ l.}ie �UY'�OS�?S uI;G 'uC�1 V i i,�i cS S�c:C i i 1 C'U ilP.i C'1 il ui1G l li tX�i J i T, �'ii�� dI1G' only according to �he a�proved plar and bud�et co��ained in Ex;�;bi� "A" ; i i�e Gran�ee sha�1 be bound by al 1 �che �er�s ar�d corui�i ons contUined �n the "Ap�licant's Agree�r,ent" of �he "A�plicatian �or G•rant," attacned hereto as Exnibit "A", except as othert�ise speci�ically provided � herein; :U�THER, 4�e parti es nere�o do speci fi ca17y agree tnat �he fol l oa•,�- - i ng cove�a;�s a�;d condi �i ons shal 1 bi nd the parti es hereto: ; . Gran-��c shGll a5id� by and cor;.ply with the Special Limital;ions at,d Spec;�i Cond;��i ons co�:��ai��ed i� the current Statement of GrG;� A�•�urd appl i cabl� �o Gra;�tee a copy o� �v{ii ch i s attached here�o and incorporaied herei� as Exhiui� "3" , the terms and condi�;ors oT w��ich shall ta�e precedence over and control the tC"�"ii�S c.tlC� C0�1G1 tl O11S 0 i Exi�i bi t ��A��� dtj:�ched 'nere�o � "r,rplicazion for Gran�. ° 2. When requi red �y the 1 a��fs of the S�a�ce o� f•1i nnesota, Gran�ee � t snall attach nereto , prior �o subi;�ission, certified copies of reso7utions , or o�her authority, by the appropriate governing body or bodies as shall legally authorize the execution of ti�is agreement on behalf of the grantee. -2- , ' I� 1JI7i�ESS 6v'ri��:EOF, tne Grantor has caused ihis agrcerr��nt to be duly executed on its behalf and i�s seal to be her�unto fixed and tne Gran�ee has caused i;ne same to be duly executed on �ts beralf tnis �� day of _��- , 19 ��.-. APPROVtD: • Com�i�i ssi cner oT Au�1�i ni str4�ion GRA�TEE: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' �-�z � � . �*=-,m,��� g y /..-�.%_�i._��`:, ;/f i:���'�':'� , ...m�'��-�'\,^a�.�.`�\ �,��� . . . �� Mayor \\ , � Cd te . �� ,:�-a�_� ` � �-----; . � City Clerk Countersigned: 7i tl e City Comptr�ller Approv�d as to form and execution this � �_'`day o� ' ' SiA7E OF i��Ti�i�;ES07F; by and througii �ne GOVERi�,OR'S C0��1i��ISS;Gi� C'� �g7 Z, ' CRTMiE PREVEPr'i IOi� Ai�C COi;TRGL - -"_�,,___.�--� -...1 /�_..��'=i'�_..�' �� z_ ���- - Title � Cate � �i = ���.%;..���.�_t_ .� 1 C '? 2 ATTGR��;'�Y GE?�;cr�AL ' STAT� r= hiIf;�i�SOTA �rJf i�►ai�lfR�r�� � � � ; ,� j � �b,�E 1�1� � % i �, t;; . ey �_ti, '�z.� �`�. �....t� L� �. �;, --- -. , __ ,;� ?;, ; . , _ T���C S�E�,�ri�. iJ���: i:' :i �- � r��/ - ����+a+w!�t�s;a'�►.w�sa�' ,,' , � •�� -3- � , , � 4 �, , i ; ! � .�..���wrv.. t � � � �'f'A7'F'O,H' 1�7iN^:i�.5n'1'A APPLICATI�I�1 FC)R GRAI�T � l�OVl�:itNC)f{'� Cnh1Ml�;in"I nPi CRJMF� ' I'a�;c 1 , P}iI�:V1�;NTIC)N Al�it� CONTRO�. ' � fiPPLTCA'?'ION NUA4F3ER 1 A��plirati��n is hcreby in:�dc fnr a �rant undcr (Lra�•c Blankl � �— - `�r'��"�� � � the On�nil��is Crinic Contrni an�3 Safe Strcets Act 1)AT�: R3�:CEIVf:D � � ��f 1'I��h (i'.1,. '.�II-.^,;l) in thc anu,unt ;,nd for thc pur- , 4 ' � ����,,��,; indic:�t��d. ' (I.ca��c•Blank} 1 � � � � �l. 7'itic uf I'rujecl: ; i�;�.'C.�'vi''., �;:�;Jr"r' `_'�. ';'';. ,.',;�„1t,'� � :;�. ..... : ( �. -.."r_ ;:;�.�:JIC:� C'�::���t2 ) 1 � . � . - :,' •I,�,��r.uf Ai,�,lic:itic>n: � , �, .,, !� _ , Q nr;�;in:il � ' .. - . R��v��,ion � i ❑ Cotitinuation o(C�,rant No. 1 _0�--'i�`��;��--����F'� -� 7 „ . i . N, , , �ti ti _�. y�� ti. ,, , � ::. I'r�,j�rcl Uuratiun: � , 4. Total F`cdcral Support,Sought: f .� ; / /, � �•�nu::.T';/ 1`,'7.1----�1' 'i', .. •�>,!�r �l,;�'-'.i� � , 5. Requcst f�r First Ycar: i ' � ,.� y � :::�j� >.. : � � i G. A����IicanL i. Pruject Uircct�r: t '� � (Nan,i•,a�idretis nnd telc�phone) (Name,title,addretis arSd telephone) �'.�.1:;}� Af ;1:. )':ti:�. i.T�:. . tTi::l�' •:,i�3_i[O:l �.L• '- •;�:i :�. 1��i ,:�. ,.:.. l::.il, ;i�t::�e::oi;� ,� ' ','.���"'�• 7; �,� � � ti. i�ins�nc�iul O(ticcr: 9. Ofiicial Authorized to Si�;n Application: (N:�n�c,tiU�•,addre�s ancl tcic�phunc) ' (Name,title,address a�id telephone) �l• 'i�':. ��'�i:: ..C11�_�:Ci:� �i0:;l�itrolle: v>1+'.i i?: Y�• l iCli%'-"j'yt l li�;r OY' • LJ.�,/ U1 ..�. 1.....111. .�l�j' Of u�• -�<'•lll. f � li(�l),.�.'v hCl1:.iG' • $ • , . :'�-jf:�3 3 111. '1'�•�u�uf Ai;�•ncy��r Instituti��n: 11. Typc of Go��ernmental Unit: i � 1 (-� � � Piil�li�r ❑ I'rivato Nc>nprofil ❑ Statc �:_.1 City ❑ County ❑ Olhcr � ; 1:. n�l��•r F�•�t�•�:�� 5��nn����: �3. 01hcr Fedcral Submissions: � � �� ~ , ��:��.Lc: � 1��)11f. .�'.�.1@ �,, /.. � 4`? ��� � ,� �, h .�,.. ; �. i>��Fc.���,, =�,, � r �f1 4..� _._ � �� ? 1!; ��i,n i � �n.� � �.., �• ,� . �``,,`r',7 I,.'`�{�'��� , � - -l.._. \ 1 1 � i ... .. . . � � '�.. 1 � '�� r. �, ' � . «� I i I , '� �, i , . � '� � , . . . . . . � fi'f/1Tr+��i�' b11NNf:SnTA APFI.ICATION FOR GRANT ` f;�)1,'1•:Ith�►It':; ('C�hiP,1lStiInN 'nN CR1M1�: Pagc 2 � t 1'I(1�:V1•;NTI(�N ANI� CON'I'ROL � , , � ]•1. T3u�l�;rt Su�nmary for Total�Projer,t: .._. , .-r� ' , � t ,�`:'°+�:: j ' '! .-- Bcyond 2 lst Ycar 2nd Year � � Tutals 3iu�l�:rt Catc�;�,rics (Fccicral Fi,�nBs Cn�S') ( � _-- ! , -� c v-• Z- ;-�O �_'>,7^�, 2u,1`�ij �--,)�.� i'�vsrmncl Jt'�` � _�_ ?xl '�0 5��� ('���r.ult��nt St�r�•iccs � � 'll•n.���l ''" _�l —0— � •• f i � � .�-� �� �.�,.�; -O_ -�J- � ' 1;<�ui��tnCnt ' . —O— i � � , � � ,i ' � ` � �� i ' � ;�!:� � � 1 O��p 1 �;)(� � C'c�n�,tructirm � _ ;_ �r � 011i��r (Su��rlirs�,1clophur�i�r� r�ntal,clC•) ! (•r��) •i OC1r1 I � �� r � � --- � " �' � �'1 :''�^ -�_'(i S>Ll %i0�j �7���'>.� : Tut:�l Fc�icrs�l I'unds Rcqtiosted '' $1�.�•�,t�0 S �i� + � ---- ---- � , , '� ' 7'ut��l Gr.nitr�o Cr,ntribution ` 10 S10 vul S'>1�0�1 S!�`,�;3�.? �,9�,7 , � 15. F:x��l�uuiliun uf (�rantrc Contribution: � � ;�c�: 1';�;�C : (�•.) � „ � : , ,. . S •� . � � ' . � ' � � � 1 . � �et: � 1��. i:x��lanationutIIudb ;;ec I':�.��,e ?_ (b) .,:� � � i � i '�... , � i � 1 i ; , � , _ . � ,. �_ _. . . ' i . . - - -�- - - � -� --���-`.-� __ ��_"_—___������...���a iv . .. ��, r.«�._..�.r�a�wvMWA4"7c�'iN1�yM1iAy►.�. ��� �l T /��'._-�:'�/�'M.�„i.�..wv..M..' �wF�w� .��•�;y�MVyyyM��"' , � ��f< . .i �` \ ' ' � ± , , f , �� r !' } . ���1�,0 � �11� � � . . � � .�� , i . �f 3 � Thc '�rr�,�i:ce Cont:ibiit�.on (iy,710 ) reflec�s t6io sources of r�oney� t,rhicn ���ill be u�ed 1;o funri Li�e "orer<<ti.nr; bn�1;;�t" of tn� service centei•. Thc two source� rzre : 1. ;;�3,�.1U----l�ri.or.it;� r�•;ve:�� th��t ���as eub.��ittec: to the Com:r�unity i:�;alth %: �:'clf.ire F'l��nnin� Council Ly !•1ei•r:i.c;_ Go;r�-.ur:it;,r �enter, ior u:;::oe in the Dayton's 31uff riizlti aervi.ce Center. '1't�c 1':Lc�.nr��.nj; Council j��•�. e�] tize rrior_t;; re�uest on to the L'nited ��ncl� and rer,uesf:ed � ti,<<L �ucl� be fun�led �,� oi �«nu�x;; 1, 19'r'.-:. �, $i�0�----14onie� th::�t h:�.-re t,ecn dedic��te�i ��� tl�e co:a,:;ur.3.ty �erviced bg the Center� ' tu Ue ucecl ir� t,�e arera;; o:� �l.ro�ra:a:,.in�. . • - , , It; i:� irnport,�.rit to note, t}�..�t white the �'r-xnt iii i,ide Ap��lica-::ion ref].ects 59�71.0 �.n l.ocal. :�}uar.c rnuna.ec� otl,cr :.;oc�.al .;�;encies h1ve c��ltri::uted Lheir tirie� s��ff .�nd monies i.n i�r�lcr to c!>in��1.�•tc i;he :�l;.�ftin„ of ri .;�'T'V].CB �cr.tcr. k�»n;;ey l'+ct.i on l�r�i;r.r�n:� 1►;�ve rlirected two �ix11 time s�aff ( Comrnunity Speciali�t--'r'.ducationa: � :;J�eci:�].i�>L ) tc, �•rork �:.., tc,tr� rne:;l�era oi' t: e .�ervice Center. In e.::ence thi.s re1�retier�ts tui i��•✓�:.i:�ncni: �,f �vcr ;;1��JC>t) i:► :�taf�� eervice.�. In ad�.�ition� the VI:�'��.� Voluni:eer� uf �•�:»_r,l, tl,crc ti•riJ..L i�e t�,•r�� wi1;. cor.,e iu �ic= �i:e �up�:rvision of i2ar.i�ey P,ction Fro�r•am�. '1'l�oce t�•f.� -i.ne]:i.v:i.clualr; iaa."�l ti����rr: ?:� tlie �:rf;:z„ :f ::ealtii ai�d Youth i•rork. � Mer�•icl; Jommunit;� h.as �.:.: i�;n�:d two ful��. ti:.e r,taf� neinbers to thi� project, who wiJ_Z � �.• wurl: :i.�i i;he cori���u,l�ty �:r r;c-i;ach�•d worl:e.s. :sotn individuals--one male, one I'cn,.�;le-- t��i.l:1 �lirect {�l�cir a{;i;cntiar;.� to r�or::in� �.ritli ���c delinqueiit and pre-del�.n;�uent ni:�1e and i'c�n��:l.e yuixl;l� c�f the c��nuiitniL;J. �;efer�•al� fro-� �'ie Sc},00ls, Court�, Policc Dcnru•Lmc�it� Cc�u�•t ::�:i•vice:., etc. 4�i1.:1, co���titute tz^ir ma�cr ��ork responsibility. This coiitribiatibn .1' � will i•el�i�e::ent over ;s1E�, UC►0 in ct:�ff .:,��rvice��. , . , It :i.s our ini;ent�on to cc,ntc.ct tr,e T�ci.�;':0���70��� Youth Corps and Jet•�isli Vovational Services� ta �eciare yotxi:h f'i•um t}.c c�:,�:.:uii�t;; to ��orl: in the .zre�.s of r�aintenance c�nd off'ice ai��es� . It a.:, �.��.:::::+.U:L�� ti�::t the invc�lvement o� �1:�;..,e t�f:o �,�;encie� wi11 reflect over i,>,OUO iri :.,trzff •.�<_�rvice:.. ; . . I�i or�lcr to e::t �hli.�h �� coordinat�d apa,roacli �o � I•:u:lti Service Centcr� the Senior Coordina ; of' '1'��r�;et Arer� "�;", en}>lo;�ecl ny }tamse;� :.ction Pro�,.•am, and the Executivo Uirect��r of tierr�c; ¢ Co:.�;�:u�ii.t;�r Center� will. Ni;aff thi� ::enter in an acivisory capacit;�. It is tho intent of tl�ese " tiro i.nd:i.v:icluul.r� i:o be re:.aurco people for the Ji.•ec�or of the aervice Center ,�nd its �taff. t . 4 r S 1 1 1 1 1 } l � 1 � � • - i- � ' Page 2 (b) � � `- lfi. Explanation of Budget: � The local or Grantee's Contribution is explained in item �15, page 2 (a) of this proposal. The remeinder of the propoaed total� budget ($24,528) breaka down ae followe: � (1) Director's Salary - $10,460 Thie salary is in line with other Tcderal Pro�ect Directors Salary + and falla well w3thin the United Fund's W�g�c & Salary Adminietration � Manual for such a position. The Uirector will be reaponsible for the direction And supervi�sion of 8 s�aff and implementmtion of all iprograms. � ; ! I (2) Youth Coordinator - $7,200 ' Minimum entry level far this poeition. ' Individual will be reepon- sible for all "In-House" progxa�nming sucfi ae progz�.m achedul,es, speakers, planned activitiea. . In additian worker will provide individual and group eervices t� persona using center. (3) Secretary - $2,400 �- Based on 1/2 time (20 hour weak). R�uaaining 20x will be secured through Neighborhood Youth Corps individue.l. �.- (4) Bookkeeper - $2,000 Baeed on 1/4 time. Individual perforsning this task is cur�ent3.y the head bookkesper��at Merrick CenCer. (5) Frin�es . Social Security - .054 of $9,000 Health Insurance - �22.70 per month Disability Ineurance - $.62 per $100 of benefits Unemploymant Ineurance - 1X of $4,�04 (6) Consultant Services - $250 Will be utilized in funding of pro�ect to provide educational and training opportunities for the Direetor 6 Youth Coordinaeor in order to increaee their ability to perform the aseigued taska. Such train- ing may include: University of Minttesota FSctension Seminars - ClaBSes� Minneaota Welfare Association Sesein�ra; National Federation of Settle- ment Training Sessions. (7) Construction - $500 �- Due to the nature of the preaen[ facility there ia a definite need to partition the large roo�s �or multi-uaage. The ma�ority-if not all of the "canetructioa" �a1I1 consist of r�ovable ite�ns (folding `'" room dividera - screene fox verious cli�ics� �tc.). - s ��. ,, i ; ; � `r 1 . � I. , ► I � 'i . � � � ,1 . . ; ; , �' ti'1'A1'�E OF MINNESOTA ' _ (����'1•;R�CJI�'S COMMISStON ON CRIMF. � APPL,ICATIOI�I EOR GRAhT • PHF.�'E:NT(ON AND CONTROL 'f Page 3 � _ ��' '� ----- . '.: � , ]7. :\E���lirant's Agrcement: �; ` i i . Th�� unJ�•r�i�;ned re{�resents, un behalf of the applicant, that� F �;ii l�n�• �rant a��•arded E�ursuant to this application shall be subject to and �vill be administcred ui r�,i,l��ri»it�• ��•ith ��und�tions anplicablc to thc Fiscal Ad,ninistration of Grants under F'art B, . 'Titl�� I. ��i P L. 90•351, General Conditions Applitable tu Administration of Grants under Part ' B. 'f�tl�• I ��f Y.L. 90-351 and other pvlicie,, rules and regulations issued by the Department •• ' �.: ' ��( .tiutir�• ur the Gu�ernor's Com�t�ission on Criine Pre��ention an�i Cuntral for the administra- ti�ni ��( tirant pr���e�ct�; t+i�der the OmniUus C�•nne Cuntrol and Safc Streets Act of 19f>8. \ , 1 r�, ` rR � �. f �� (1�1 An� Iundti' ati•arded pursuant;tu this applic.iUun ��•ill be �xpended onl�.for the pur�oses and ' � artnitie. c���c•r��d by the ,�ipplicant'� appro�•ed plan'and b�udget. � � � ' � � , � , (c► An� (unds ���c:u•dc<1 purt�tant to this applicalion ��•ill be'used t<� supplement and not to �up_ � E,I;iut I��c��l fund�"ot�iZ;r���ise a��ajl�blc (or la��• enforcemenf�prog��t�is and, to the cxlent prac- � Uril. ��•il,' I�( u�ed t�i incrense such funds.• ��, ' (d� 7'1,�• ;,E�E�Ii�'ant ��•ill ha�e a�•ailable :,nd ��•ilr exNeKi]'from non-federa) sources, as necded, adr- � yu.�tr rrwurces lu defra}• that portion o� th�f�� total costs as set forth in this application as "Granti�e C/mtribuliun" and as approved ba•,��the Commission. `— (el Thi• :1���,1i�:�nt ��•ill coinpl}• v��ith and will it��ure compliance ht• it, contractors with T;tle VI of ` th�• Ci�i! Ri�;ht, A<•t <�i 1964 (P.L. 88-3521 and all requirements �mposed by ur pursuant to rr�;uL�ti��n� ��f th�• Department of Justice i+sued pursuant to that title, to the end that nu per- .un ,hall, ��ii the y;rounds of race, color, or natiuna) origin, be excluded [rom participation in, � bo d�•nied the 1>enefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or . �cti�it�• for H�h�ch the Applicant recei�•es Federal financial assistance; and gi��es further assur- .�nce that it ��•�II prumpth� take an�• measures necessar�� to effectuate this commitmrnt. (() The AppGcAnt �•ill assume the funding of improti�ements tunded under the Act aEter a reasc,n- abla period of Fcdcral �ssistance. (�;► :1n�• ;:rant a��•ardcr� p�n•,uant to this application ma}• bc tcrminated in whole or in part 1��• thr (:�����•rn��r's Cc�m��iis�ion on Crimc Pre�•ention and Conlrol or its designee at any time. (h) Thi, appLcatiun cansi.ts of the following in addition to this form: Detail Projrct Audget For First Year Project Plan and Supporting Data • 1R. Date: 'l0. Signature of Authorized OAicial: .., ' l!1. T��tal Pages in Application: '�'`� ��...� , _ P+b � `1.. - • \ /' STATE Or MINNrSOTA GOVERi�'OR'S COMi�4ISSION ON CRIME �pPLICATIUN FOR GRANT PRLVL:NTION AND CON'i'ROL Page 4 Detail Project F3udget for First Year: BUDG�T ITE11� Federal State/Local Project Share Share Total A. Pcrsotuiel: %o: Atir�tial Fosition '1'imc Snlar�. Director �.00;;, 10,4GOs00 261�.00 Youth Coordin�tor 100"p 71200.00 1£30U.00 Secretary 50; 4�800.00 600.00 Bookkeeper 25� 8,000.00 500.00 � � � Soci� Securi�y � - 290.00 Healtr, Ins. 70�p� nis. zns. 42.00 Unemp. Ins. 35.00 �5 947.00 � � E, Cs��sultarit Services: (I,ist) Consultmnt g 60.00 C. Travel: (Itemize� $ $ $ D. Equipment: (Itemize) � $ �v E. Construction: (Itemize) $ 125.00 �$ 125.00 $ F. Othcr: (Itemizc) � � 2�125.00 S G. Total I'edera]I'unds Requcstecl �"?(�I32.00 �i. Total Grantcc Conii•ibution (Page 2, Itcm 14) S 2�250.00 : PROJ�CT TOTnL5 S a,382. �- o��,�,�.��,� 25'7 313 � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � • � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�g�� COMMISSIONRR �ATE Nua�s. tw �i o: �a. �itT oi ,eas�.t �s�. �r it. �r.elaritiio.. +�ora�oil rii. :i�los, •�ponrnit 0e�.s 1. 1t71, rantl'i�si�d a�i �� a� a�lirtt3+at !�t �rart tA '�M it�tt� o�E Mi�sisf�a �►��t's �i�si�e ea @=!ar lsw�t� aai �altsrl t�c '1�'!M p�eja�at qtt.illrirt Dtrt�s'• �la!! '�t1�Y �tti.e�1 ls�r�. �+rid �►lieat�at os��ss flatiy tlaat t�wr 1ti/� et fai�►� :l�ut3, �A�tli aeet a� ��eqc s�i tl�w� D�yt�a'+r �l�! �r+r�t � �o�neil wrtld o�t� t� �ar�a�d �ca�a� �at 1��i, t� Oo�w��ri• R�cis� �is�i�, �w Dranr�ir 17. ' 1l71, �ac�rr�d tlir �il��,r a�lioati�r► s�4 i��+rd a �it��t , �! �s�t a�ra�d� aai►. !]�s��is�. Dr► it �/iOLrilt. �#uat i�t t�te,�], e! t�rr titr �! #ist �l ler�s �r �yrps� t1� qs�ao! �x�r�ra�t �t�t t1a �ti1� +�t tlwr il�tsa�r's �i�► �t �ri� �ti� a�t �atso�. �or i�i�► •tit �a'N il�t!! '�titk �atti�w �sawtr awi l�1n 1in4�nc. I�.tt� 41rtlt„ a�ri �►tsM�ll�s a� l�s+�� atit�ao�rl�d �i iis�Ott�i 1r+i► �aa�a�[� i� �E �at r� L�1al! af liw� Qit^r � �a#a�t l�ir � a�t � it l�Rt �@�iM�i�� 'i7�iat �ta M�w`etil �� �' _i�rw tltisi- �st� a�sMwi� I�t� tla @1tY aat �I�a�►tew'� �i�t!'�" �nt#�t �wseril .�1�1�slacis�r 1�r .�3,a �e�ta R�su to vp�t.t. �► aar�i�a �r.A �'�+a�t J�u�tsatr 1, 1»3. tfits� � �l, t!?�, a�,t t'IM Iq�s. �"i� �ll.�s'l�, awM �pts�i]�r asr� � a�rttirssis�t air� aisral+�d i�i �ar►t� ttis �ai� a�ak N, Ir�al! ot ti� �dit� o! iai�! �anti. FEB � i97� COUNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Coimc;� 18— Y� xa� FE8 4 �J72 Butaer ,i �� � Approv� 19_ �°�e Tn Favor �� � �� ro°'�►---.�n-.A-t Tedesco JVIr. Yice President Meredith �8