257311 ORI6INAL TO CITY GL6RK � ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF R���LVBD, �hat the Conscil �f the �ity mf Saint Paul doe: h�reby appsov� agree'ent l�et�ee� the �ity aad the Ranse�r �C�mnty i�lelfare &��rd, said a�re���t pertaiaiag to thm op�€atima of the l�herst H. 1�ilder Fonndatioa' s Day Care Ceater aa part �f the Saint laul 1[od�l �itiea prm- gras for the period af Jaagary 31, 1972, thr0ngh 1,uc�u:t 31, 1972, and th� 1[��0�, Dire�tor of l[od�l Cities �part�e�t, City Clmrk, and �o�ptr�ller ar� authorized tc ��ec�te smid agreaa�at an behalf cf t13e City. FORh�4 V As . C n o sEl FEB 3 11� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler FE8 4 19�2 � �o�ay Approve� 19— Levine � T„ Favor �� Mayor Sprafka � flCtlil� Tedesco A 8'��t ��' PUBUSHED FEB 12 1972 Mr. �ce President Mereditkt ��