257305 � ` ORIGII.�TO CITY CLlRK � �^' /�o� � CITY OF ST. PAUL CF.OENCIL N0, v � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ~ COUNCIL OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� ltESOL1�ED, That Conncil File No. 256015, approved October i4, 1971 is hereby cancelled, annulled, and rescinded in its entirety, and , FURTHER RESOLVED, That the application of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company for the construction and maintenance of a news-stand at the following locations: �1 . West side of Cedar Street between East Seventh Street and East Sixth Street, 3 feet south of the property line of East Seventh Street and 3 feet from the face of the curb. 2. South side of East Seventh Street between Cedar Street and Minnesota Street, 12 feet west of the property line of Minnesota Street and 9 feet from the face of the curb. 3. East side of Minnesota St�eet between East Seventh Street and East Sixth Street, 12 feet south of the property line of East Seventh Street and 2 feet f rom the face of the curb. 4. South side of East Seventh Street between Minnesota Street and Robert Street, 12 feet west of the property line of Robert Street '"� and 2 feet f rom the face of the curb. _:�b p . h � 5. North side of West Sixth Street between Wabasha Street and St. Peter � D Street, 73 feet west of the property line of Wabasha Street and 2 feet ..� f ran the face of the cu�b. � � 6. West side of Cedar Street between East Sixth St�eet and East Seventh < � o Street, on the property line of East Sixth Street and 2 f�et from the o face of the curb. � � 7. North side of East Sixth Street between Cedar Street and Minnesota — Street, 157 feet �vest of the property liee of Minnesota Street and 2 feet from the face of the curb. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty �� OR161N�.TO CITY CL6RK J��'{■e� a CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa f�� v" � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO � `� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN'!ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _Z_ 8. East side of Minnesota Street between East Sixth Street and Seventh Street, 2 feet north of the property line of East Sixth Street and 2 feet fraa the face of the curb. 9• West side of Robert Street between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street, 12 feet narth of the property line of East Sixth Street and 2 feet fraa the face of the curb. 10. Mest side of Wabasha Street between West Fifth Street and West Sixth Street, 5.1 feet north of the property line of West Fifth Street and 2 feet from the face of the curb. 11. West side of Cedar Street between East Fifth Street and East Sixth Street, 12 feet north of the property line of East Fifth Street and 2 feet fran the face of �he curb. 12. South side of East Fifth Street between Cedar Street and Minnesota Street, 12 feet west of the property line of Minnesota Street and 2 feet frem the face of the curb. _ 1.3. East side of Robert St�eet between East Fifth Street and East Fourth - --� SEFSet, 12 feet south of the property line of East Fifth St�eet and 2 feet from the face of the curb. 14. West side of Cedar Street between East Fourth Street and East Fifth Street, 12 feet north of the property line of East Fourth Street and 2 feet from the face of the curb. 15. West side of Cedar Street between East Fou�th Street and Kellogg Blvd. , 4.5 feet south of the property line of East Fourth Street and 2 feet from the face of the cu�b. 16. North side of East Fourth Street between Minnesota Street and Robert Street, 4.4 feet east of the prope�ty line of Minnesota Street and 2 feet from the face of the curb. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approvp� 19— Levine __jn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� OR161N/�.TO CITY CLBRK 25'73�5 . • CITY OF ST. PAUL NLE NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ~ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF -3- 17. North side of West Fourth Street between St. Peter Street and Wabasha Street, 156 feet west of the property tine of Wabasha Street and 2 feet from the face of the curb. 18. East side of Wabasha Street between Fourth Street and Kellogg Blvd. , 12 feet south of the property line of Fourth Street and 2 feet from the face of the curb. in accordance with Ordinance No. 7633 and rules and regulations as prescribed by the C�mnissioner of Public Works, be and is hereby granted; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this permit is granted with the distinct understanding that there shall be no advertising matter of any kind displayed on the news-stand and tMat the news-stand not be tied to any sign or signal poles nor be anchored to any sidewalk. FEB 3 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays "Y�utler �E8 f4 19T� ' � Approve� 19— Levine � _�n Favor �����6� * N'�t�� J Sprafka � ACtltlg �Yor Tedesco ��t Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBUSHED FEB 12 ���� �� DVrLICAT�TO MtIN7�R cmr oF sr. Pau� �,,,�� No 25`73a5. • ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`� � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMIrtIS510NR1t °/1T� RE801.MED, Th�t Counci i fl l� No. l�6013. approv«I Oatobsr 14, 1971 ts hshb�r uncs l l�d� aarw 1 l�d, and nscl�d�d i n i ts �t i r�t�r, aad FilR�TNER ItBSOL1IED, Thst tM appl icatlon of ths Min�aspol is ftar aad Tribw� Co�psny for ths �struotion and walnt�aanc� ot a nsws-sta�d at th� fo11cM1� le�catlanss 1. 1f�st sid� of C�dar StrNt b�twNn East f�va�th itr�st a�d East Sixtb itn�t� ; fa! s�wth ot ths proporty 1 tn� of E�st isv�tl� StrMt aad 3 fNt fro� ths fu� of ths aurb. Z. Scwth sid� of East S�va+th Stnst bst�n C�dar atrwt and Ninn�sota StrNt, lZ f�et Mast of the propsrt�► l tns of Mim�sot� StrMt and 9 f�st fra�� t!N fa�s of ths cdrb. 3. East sid� of Mta�asota Strat bstwan 6ast Sav�nth Strut �nd Hast aixta atr..t, 1Z fat south of ths propsrtr lin� of East S.v�nth Stn.t and Z fNt frow tlis fa� of ths aurb. �. South sid� of East f�wnth ttrNt b�t�u+ Mtniasota ftr�st and I�obsrt Ste�t, lt fat Mast �t ths propsrt�r 1 ine of R�ob�rt EtrNt and Z l�st fre�� tM tac� of ths c�rb. S. North sids ef Msst Stxth StrNt bst�n Mabasha Strtit and St. ht�r St�at. 73 fMt wast ot ths prop�rty l i�s of Msbasha Stn�t and 2 fMt frow tba facs ot ths cvrb. 6. Vsst std� of Cadar Steut bst++M� East ilxth Strwt �d East �rsath Str�st, on ths proptrty 11ns of East Sixth Str�st apd 2 f�st fra� ths facs of tl� c�rb. 7. North sids of East sfxth 8tnat b�t�an Calar ttrNt and Mi�nasota Stnst. 157 t�st wsst of ths prop�rty 11e� af Ntrmssota Stnat apd Z fMt fra� ths fa� of ttis �urb. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��cil 19_ Yesa ' Nays Butler Carlson Apprn� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � roD�Al11A j', � Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �8 o���,�,n�.�,� 25'�3�5. ` � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��"p� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� � COMMISSION@e DAT� , •'�� S. East sid� of Mimissota StrNt �stMan East Sixtb ftrNt �d f�wnth Str�et. 2 f�st Aorth of ths prop�rt�r 1 tu� of East l�txth itnst and 2 f�st irow the facs of ths curb. 9. Nsst st� of RR#rt 8tr�st �trwa� East Sixth strNt �nd East i�wnth �tnat. 12 fNt north of th� propsrtr 1 ie�a of Esst sixth St�t �d t f�st tt+ow ths fsos of ths Earb. 10. Msst sid� of. MabaslN Strat bstwMa Msst fifth 3trat aad Msst Sixth 5tnst. S.1 f�et ae�rth at th� prop�rt�r 1 in� ot tlrst fifth Str+at sad 2 t�st f row tiN fa�• ef ths aur6. i l. I�Nst siel� of C�dar Stn�t b�t�an E�st Fifth stn�t �d Esst Sixth ftrut. 12 f�st north of ths prop�rty l ins of East fifth StrNt and 2 tat fro�. th� faES ot ths curb. 12. 3orth sid� of East fltth tthat bstw�n C�dar itrast sM Mi�soq Strat. 1Z fMt w�sst ot th� propsrt�r 1 fn� of Miaassota Strat an� Z ts�t fro� tha facs of tM c�rb. 13. East sid� of R�ol�rt itrwt �tw�n East Flfth Strtist snd E�st Fourth strMt, 1Z fNt sarth ot th� .prap��ty i leN e! East Fitth �trsat and t tMt fro� th� tace of th� c�rb. 1�. Mast sid� ot C�dar Strs�t bst�n E�st fcarth ftrat anr East Ftfth Stnst. 1Z fNt no►rth of tl� pr�opsrtp 11as of Bast farrth itrwt aad Z f�at tra� the ti�e�s ot tM curb. 13. Y�st :id� of C�dar Stn�st b�t�n East Rourta ftnst a�d li�i lo�� �iwi.� �.S f�st sodth ot th� prop�rty tins ot East fou�th ttrat aad Z fist fraw tl» fac� of tt+� wr�. 16. North sida ot Eas�t faurth Strat I�tMan Minnrsota Etr�st �d 1lorsrt Stt�st, �.y f�st ast ot tl�s propsrtY llas of Mt�n�asoc. acr..t aad t fNt fr^a■i tb� fs�r ot th� eurb. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conrr_il ig_ Yeaa Nays Butler Carlaon Appr'o� 19_ �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Spraflca �y� A ouinat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� �""""�`��'�" cmr oF sT. PAUL couNa� 25'�3t15 '• w� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � ' � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM v�r�c nr COMMISSIONER �ATE , _3_ ��. North sid� ot Wst iourtn ac�c �c� :t. �.c.r �:n.e �+a waasna str.•t, 156 t..c wsst or th. prop.rcr ttn• o� wa�:na a;r..t a�a z t«t fra� ths f�a� of ths curb. la. Esst sirs of Wb�sha Stnat �twMn Fo�rth str�st a� K�llo� olvd., 12 fwt sw�th of th� prepsrty 1 ins of fourth strat aad Z fNt fra� th� fse� of ths curb. 1 a ac�da�s Mi th ON l aanc� No. 7633 and ru l�s sar �qY 1 at 1 on: as pr�scr i b�d b�r the C�wtssioaer of Publlc Morks, b� and t: hsnbr yraat�d; apd bs it RUIITNER RESOLYBD, That th t s p�n�i t i s g�sat+sd wt th tM dt st i nct und�nta�d 1 n� tbat th�i+a sha11 bs no adwrtl�teg w�tter of a�r kt�d dts'ta�nd oa t1� naa-stand aAd that tNa n�ws-stand eat b� tt�d to an�r sl�a or s19na1 p1,�s no� bs a�iar�d to amr sidarr�ik. FE8 3 19� Cp��i�N Adopted by the Colan� 19_ Yesa Naye But�er FEB 4 1972 �son Appro� 19— �°�e —�n Favor �..,,yry�,, "' MayOr Spi-�� � ro0A171ftt, Tedeaco � Mr. Vice Presi ent Mere ith �8