257148 ORIGINA�TO CITY CL6RK �5���g CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. � _ ` , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' C UN RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF JanBrv UT1�� WHEREAS, the final costs for the Improving of Cretin Avenue fran Lincoln Avenue to Mississippi River Blvd, Comptroller's Contract L-7409, have been determined and, WHEREAS, upon finat allocation of funds from which the above improvement was to be paid it was found that the amount originaily set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and that an additional amount of $1 ,704.67 will be required, therefore be it, � -+ �-RESOLVED, that the amount of $1 ,704.67 be applied from the Public Wo�ks Project Conti�gency Fund to finance the additio�al cost of the above improvement. P-o539 :�7�_::;:1 '�,•,� . ''/ r _ � _ � ..�,t' � ,�. . . . ` % ✓ �l' �AN 21 �9� � A o t d b the Counci� 19— COUNCILMEN d p e y Yeas Nays Butler ,pN g 1 1972_ � C�t-�. � PP� 19— �– _sn Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayor Tedeaco A gainat Mr. President, ��ca�ty PuBt�s� JAN 2 91�1� �� DUPLIC,Tt TO lRINTQ � A}� CITY OF ST. PAUL �Na� ND �iu . � . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►���� COMMISSIONER DATE -��y�_��?, 1 sT3 MIEREAS, the final aosts for ths I�provtng of Cr�tin Avsnw f�aa Ltncoin Avanus to Mississippi Riwr Blvd. Caapt�oliar's Cont�act L-�40g, haw bsen deterwined a�d, W1iEREAS, u�on f i ns 1 s I 1 a:at i on of f u�ds f row rrh i eh the abo�ve i�rovwnt vas to ba paid it vas fou�d that the a�nount originally s�t ap for its financtng is tnsuffitlent to �sat tha final costs and that an additional a�ount of $1 .704.67 will be nquirad, the�efo�� be it. �¢, �E50LVED, that the amount of $1 ,704.67 be appiied fram the Public Works ProJect Contingency Fund to finance the additional cost of the above improvement. P-05� JAN 21 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»ncil 19_ Y� xa� JAN �1 � Buta� � Approv� 19— �� Favor Meredith c� May°r Sp� Avaninat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty _r ��