257120 �5'�12� counott Fue xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDER. Theunderelgnedhereby propoeeethemalcingof tbefollowingpublIoimprovement by the Citq of 8aint Psul,v�ts.: reconstruct,_the�,sidewalk..on_the,north.side of..E�..Seveath.St., from Birmingham St . to,Hazelwood__St_�and,by.doing,all _other,�ork.which.is._necessarx_and.incidental to complete said improve�ent. Dsted thie............2Arb...dsy of...............................�aA.ua ....._... ......� 1� �?.. ...... ....�:��a?,:�................ ....--••---.... ~COIl OII[ABA. PRELIMINARY O1tDER. WHEREA$, A written pr.opoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: „_,reconstruct„the.sidewalk.on the north side_of.E...Seventh_St . froffi Birmingham St_ � _ • . _...,to Hazelwood St. and by„ doing_ all, other work whic� is necessarq_and incideatal.to. , ••-•---.....--•.............................................. .__com�pl���.&��,d._�gx.ox�A��s........___.................................................................................................................... 6sviag been preeented to the�Council of the City of Saint Paul...------•...............................•--•------••--•--•---••---....._..._......... t6erefore, be it BE80LVED, That the Commieeioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and dtreoted; ' l. To investigate the neceseity for� or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature� extent and ostimated coet of eaid improvement� and the tote►1 aoet theteof. 8. To furnieh a plan� profile or sketch of said improvemento . 4. To stste whether or no�se►id impmvement ie aeked for on�h,he petitio� of three ar more� �ownere. l5. To report upon all of the �'oregoing matters to the �Gnmmissioner of I�tiasaoe. Adopted by the Counail.......................��..�.�...�g��........................ Yses Counc i lman But 1 er ,�� a� � Cai'-1-so�rC�--�Z-u.� APprovet9.._._....._.._......._._........................•-.._._................_. ��� Meredith Sprafka Tedes co ..... ................ .... ._.... Mr. President McCarty e,yor.�� �000 s-a� � � �) � 1SHED JAN 2 � 1���