257116 ��� � No....._.�5'�1_16
and �
Tbeundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublioimprovament by the City ot 8aint Paul,vis.:
,.,,,.__reconstruct_the_sidewalk,_gortiQns.of_wh�c�l ,will,.be„inte,gral.,curb,and._sidewalk on
the..east side_of_.Greenbrier,Aye;.,from,Margtiaret_St�,.to__Beech.,St;._and.b�.doin� all
other work which is necessax�►�and_incidenta]. to com�lete._said i�rovement. �
Dated thie...._......24��.:.day of..............................��mu��y.............. ........... ... , 19 .7.�..
.... ... ... . . .. .. ... ......................... ..................
Couno wsn.
WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the mnking of the following impmvement, ais.:
reconstruct the sidewalk portions of which will be integral.curb and sidewalk on
_......-•--•-•---•......................................... .. .........---..........._....................... •----....._.............._..........._
�..._..the east side of Greenbrier Ave. from Margaret,.St. to Beech St. and by..doing..all,.
...............................................................-----._.............. ........................._.........._.......» .
other work.t?#���..�4&_.�ie�����]�yt_�1�.d...�t��,d�r��a�,..XA..��?A4g�,.���..&�5�..���S2.Y.�me�X.:................
6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......................................................................................
tberefore� be it
RE80LVED, That the Commiaeioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and dIrea�ed:
1. To investigate the necessity for, or deairability of,.the making of said improvement.
2. To investigate the nature� extent and oatimated coet of eaid impmvement, and t6e total ooet t6eteof.
8. To furnieh a plan� profile or aketoh of said improvemento .
4. To state whether or aoB eaid improvement ie asked ifor on ttbe petition of thxee ar mora ownere.
6. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmiseioner of Finanoe.
Adopted by t6e Counail.......................��..�.�.�.�........_...............
Counc i lman But I er JAN � 1 1J7�
Carr'f3art'���.-�,� �PPrnver9...._....._...... .............................•----............_
Tedesco .........:.__.............. .. ....... _....._...._. ...___--._
Mr. President McCarty Mayor.
�000 s-a�
� _ � PuB HfD JAN 2 9 1972