257107 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK -f'� /�9 Y� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `� zzcErrsE cor�zm�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. N `i � � COUN L RESOL O —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Janua.� 2O� 19'j2 CC�MMISSIONE ATF W�EASs Proper notic� has been received as to chan.�e in officers 3ri McCann Bros. Chatterbox� Inc. 393 Selby Avenue� holders of On Sale Liquor Licer�e No. 7932� expiring Janua.ry 31, 1972, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That William 0� McCann retiring as Vice•*pres3dent; Gerald T. MeCann� txeasurer also assumes that office* be and the same is hereby approved. ON SALE LIQUOR ES'�6BLISHI�TT CHANGE OFFICERS Informa.11y approved by Council �� January 18, 1972 Appn. 7918 APPn. 14262 JAN 2 0 '�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler �N � � � � CONWAY ove 19— '�'°_� " Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ,� Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �UBUSHED �A 2 9 �9�� �� 6 . CITY Ot�SAINT PAUL �� „ Cagital of Minttesota ���j � � � e[.Je artrrcev�t o ub�'c �a et p � ADMINIBTRATION T8n�1 2rif1 M1riri280tA StP8et8 FIRE PROTECTION roiacs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commisaianer SEALTH RALPH G.MERBILL,Dspaty CommLsioaer DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapeetor Januaxy 18, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gen�lemen and Madam: Gurrertly McCann Bros. Chatter�iox, Inc. at 393 Selby Avenue ar� holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7932, expirin� JanuarY 31� 197�. The officers of record are Mildred McCann, President; William 0. McCann, Yice-president; Robert McCann� Secretary; and Gerald T. McCann� �reasurer. The four officers are also stockholders„ Notiee has been received as of January 1, 1972� that William 0. MeCann retired from the office of Vice�pres3dent; a,nd Gerald T. McCar,n� the Treasurer also assumed that office. There is no ehange in stockholders. Attached is a copy of their letter of notification. Very truly yours� � P� � . License Inspector P / �: � � 0 . , , . � � C�, �G, ,� � �". i�-1 f�� �>�, ,� c E�/z ti . � �'" �S �, /r J',�,�/ / ' � y�� � ��! C% �l`'�%�,� �.��� ���.��h ��-s � /-I�=��r��- c� r= 7�� .�-�� ���.�-,� C�� T%� c � �• % �l ` �,�,�. �l�e_ �.��s v ii-' �iz���� �'�' � � �r,��s c� � S,�'�� c��'r /� ss���rPr� ���S ��. T-rs � ��ilC � � ��� �����l . . S� C : h�� g 910�j�2, . n.�. � `� v'�� . + n- �' 'r � ;�C` + IC` T . ti. .y'`�� ,� . . ,. �; .:r`: f� v • . v � ..���y�i � . . �r'c-' "�'S`f \'� ��`����Z bZ�22Z`�vL � �._ . , .,..._�.__ . ._ 1 . _.._ .._ ._ . ___. _ _ � . Jan. i8, 19T� Hon. Dee�n ASeredith Oomer. of Public Safety Fablic Sa�ety Bldg. Dear 33r: Atte�ntion: Mr. Daaiel McLaugh].in �e City (buneil tociatiy in�ormally approv�ed the change of' officera in the 0� Se�l.e Liquor Lic. No. 7932� issued to McCann Bros. Chatterbox� Inc. a� 393 selby Ave. Will you ple�e prepare� the neceseary reaolution covering �hia matterY Very tru�,}r ycurs' Ci�y Clerk n8 o�.�,�TS��,� �5�so� y=�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FC�NCI1. NO. - , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�M�I55 ONER OA*G J�mar�r 20, 19''J! i�EREASt Prop�s notio� has ban s�iwd a� to ohang� ia olticers is l�oCann Dro�. Chatt�rboz� Ino. 393 S�1bY e�ue, holdea�s of Oa Sa1e Liquor Liaens e a•, 793a. .�mi�na J��ry 3z. 19T2, �er.rors. b. it RESOLVPDt 'Phst Williao 0� MeCa�n r�tising u 9io�»p�sident; (i�rald 'P. l�eCsan, iztasnr�r al�o sBSUmts �thst olfiat� b� ead the se� i� h�reby appro�d. OIT SAI� LIQU08 EST�HLI3ffi�1T CHA�T(iP 0�'FICERS Iator,ally appro�►�! by Counoll ' Janasry 18, 1972 gp�►• 7918 ep�,. L{2iz J��; g 0 1gT2 COUNCII.�dEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19_ Y� xa�re JAN 21 1972 Buta� 7p� 00]iWAY Approve� 19� � Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r � ro�inst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��