257082 25`��8� co��u� xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ancl PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovemant by the Citq oi 8aint Paul,vis.: reconstruct,.the sidewallc,on_.the, east,side of_Bradley_St:_,from_Minnehaha Ave. to . Beaumont.Ave:. and_by_ doin�.all.other work which.is. necessar�.and incidental .to complete.said_improvement:.................•---........._.................................................------•--..........................-•---...._.... Dsted this....»18th:......day of................•--........Janua .. ........, 19 72 n' •- -...... �n ...... .. ................____...................---......�ncilmsn._....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER.EAB� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement. vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Bradley.St:...from Minnehaha Ave. to ..............................................................•--........................_---_.................... ...............,................._............--•-- __.Beaumont A,v„e; and by,,,doing,.all._o�her,work,which,.is necessary,_and_incidental_to__. __. --... ...._ ..... .... ....... ..... ; complete said improvement. , .................... ..................................................___....._........................._.........................--••---••---...._.........................................._ .........................•-•--•--••--•-•---•--•--.................-----....___............................................_..-----•----•--._............._...._.......__..............._.......... bsving been preeented to the Council of the City of$aint Paul....---•--•.........................................•-------.._..............._....... t6erefore, be it R.E80LVED, That the Commiaeioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and dlrecEed: 1. To investigate the neceesity for, or desirability of�.the making of eaid imprnvemen8. 2. To inveetigats the nature� extent and ostimated cost of ssid improvement� snd the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnish a plaa� profile or eketuh of eaid improvement. • 4. To etste whether or noQ eeid improvement ie asked gor o� tthe petition oi three ar more ownere. b. To report upon all of tbe foregoing mattere to the �Commieeioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the Couaoil..._..................................�A N..1.8..1972...... Y�aas Counc i lman Bvtter �'N "!8 �g�2 ,6at-l-�eq_ ��--� PProvetg....--- --•..................... . ........-----._._ ��evi�a- Meredith Sprafka Tedesco ....... .... .._....... _..._.. ..........._.._ Mr. President McCarty ... � �Msyor. �000 �-sq �� � � PUBLaSHED J �� j���