D00982City of Saint Paul Office Of The City Attorney • ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDSR BIIDGST REVISION Approved Copies to: -City Clerk -Finance Dept`s Accounting Division -Requesting Department No: V'-�'��� Date : � o ' ( ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.0'7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of City Attorney Timothv Marx to amend the 1996 budget of the General Fund fund, the Director of the Finance and Management Services Department is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. � DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER,FUND,ACTIVITY,OBJECT,PROJECT WORRERS' COMPENSATION GL-001 09D20-0131 ModiEied Duty Worker GL-001 09020-0442 Temporary GL-001 09020-0444 Permanent Partial Disability GL-001 �9�20-0446 Retraining GL-001 09020-0448 Ancilliary Costs CURRENT BUDGET 0 728,000 419,G00 110,OOQ 780,000 2,D37,D00 APPROVED CHANGES 130,000 (83,200) (7.800) (15,550) (23.45�1 0 AMENEDE➢ BUDGET 130,000 644,800 411,200 94,450 756.550 2,037,000 Date �-/ �'�sf Date - 7- 2Z-�� Date '���/,� y,._ 6��----.� ro d by• Budget Director City A Bruce Ferrario 266-876 'i'OTAL # OF SIGNA7t)RE PAGES FOH ��_ 31161 GREEN SHEET _ . _ iNrtuwArs iwmumase cmarror+Ner � crtvc�aK BUDGET �IRECfOR � FlN. 8 MGT. SEpVICE$ N'AYOP�OFiAS$�STbN� � Finanace_ ALL LACAT{ONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval to transfer existing spendinq authority to cover expenditures for the Modified Duty Worker Program fos £h�=�iYSt'haff=-o� 1996. « _. PLANNING COMMISSION __ ( _ CIBCOMMfTSEE _' , STAPF _ ' _ DISTRIGTCOURT ` _ SUPPOflTS WXICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personrtirm ever worked under a contract tw tAis department? - YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employeeT YES NO 3. Does Mis persoNfirm posses5 a skill not nortnalty posse5setl by arry cuneM city employee? YES NO Explaln all yes anawe�s on sepa�ate sheet antl attach to green sheet OPPfJRTUN�N (Who. Wliet. When, NTere, Why): Eleven germanently disabled employees are now working in the .Program and are no longer receiving total wage replacement benefits under workers' compensation. Funding is needed to cover their wages in accordance with the written Program, and this transfer approximately covers those wages through 6/30196. The eleven emgloyees wi11 be able to continue working in these transitional liqht-duty jobs until they "graduate" from the Program �[.SiL:� R�CEIVEQ JUL 2 2 1996 C1TY CLERd; These employees will have to qo back on Workers' Compensation AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ �- 3 O� O Q Q ',lNOI(i6 SOURCE � 9 � 2 � VANGIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) COSTlREYENUE BUDGETED (C�RCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIYITYNUMBER 09020-04XX dL�