257072 _/ OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ����F�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � " y CO LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Roger M. Conwa � ,�� COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, In the 1972 Budget there is an appropriation of $900,000.00 in Code Og20-46) which is the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid; and WHEREAS, This appropriation is used for the purpose of reimbursing the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund for a part of the expenditures on various improvements which are on file in the City Comptroller's Office; now therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the appropriation of $900,000.00 in Code 0920-461 be transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000. ,4,. . - � � ;�� _- � - U N "j �syt i:;orp�� c,u ����' ,l�A N 18 19T2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Y�a xa�g �AN 1 a 1912 �— on prov 19— �- �n Favor Meredith Sprafka , Mayor �Against Tedesco . 2 � 197?� Mr. President, McCarty L11BL�SHED JA � DUlLICAT6 TO rRiN'RR � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F u�� NO��� .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M r COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C�OM�M�15�510NE� ��r M• COAMa�/ DA� VNER�AS. In th� 19y3 �elyst th�n ts an appre�prlatlow ot 5900,000.00 in Cod� 09i0-4b1 which ts the Citr's Ehsre of loasi la�pro�v�t Aid; and MNEREAS, This approprlation is nsad fo� ths purpos� of ret�bursi�g ths PsrMe�nt Iwprov�snt R�v�ol v 1 ng Fuad for a part of th� �xpand i twr�s o� va�ious ta�prove�ants Nhich sro on fils. in the Ctty Ca�ptrollsr's Ofttc�; na� therotore bs tt, RESOLV�D, That tha approprlatton of $900,000.00 in Code 0920-461 b� tr�nsfe�red to the Penasnent Improven�snt Ravolvtng Fund, Coda 6000. JAN 18 1972 COiTNCII.�dEN Adopted by the Counc� 19._ Yeae Nays � JAN 18 1972 ��, Appro� 19.— � .�n Favor Meredith Sprafka C� �� ro0A171�t Tedeseo Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��