02-593���GI�fAL Presented By Referred To Co;[¢nittee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Wf�RF,AS, the Departrnent of Public Works haz comple[ed the work for the E Seventh St Lightin� and Stteetscape projec5 adopted as SU-Q'1209 by CF 9G157Q and WHEREAS, usessmenis rntified for this project aze less than originally budgeted, and WHEREAS, there aze su�cient fu�ds in ihe 1998 & 1999 Lowl Street, Sewer & Alley projects to cover the shortage of assessment funding on this project, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Pau1, upon recommendation of the Mayor and adv�ce of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Commrt[ee, that $40,149.64 is available for appropnation in the 1997 Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopteA and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended m the Improvement Budgeu in the following particulazs Current Amended Budget Charige Budget FINANCING PLAN E 7th St Ltg & Streeucape C97-2D0t5 CIB 1997 Assessmer�ts PIA SPENDING PLAN E 7th St Ltg & Sheecscape C97-2D015 Pla�s & ConsWCt�on FINANCINGPLAN Local Street, Sewer & AIIey C98-2T696 PL1 Assessments SPENDING PLAN Local Street, Sewer & Alley C98-2Tb96 Plans & Constructio� council Fi1e k Oa�.�3 RESOLUTION ereen sheet R 106317 J ��ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA IJ �j7/P"� 13 318,000.00 318,000 00 378,00000 -131,t25.&9 186,874.11 4Q14964 4QI49.64 636,00�.00 -9�,976 25 545,023 75 636,000.00 -9Q97625 545 023 75 636,00000 -9q97625 545,02375 71,92269 -34,41871 37,503.98 231,319.76 231,31976 303,24245 -34,418.7t 268,82374 303,242.45 -34,418 71 268,823.74 303,242.45 -34,418.7] 268,82374 ���J�i���L ... � 5� 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 FINANCING PLAN Local Strce; Sewer & Alley C99-2T697 PIA Assessments SPENDING PLAN Local Stree; Sewer & Alley C99-2T697 Plans & Co�stmction px•Sq3 108,07731 -5,730.93 t02„vW38 416,324.00 416,324.00 524,40131 -5,730.93 518,67038 524,401.31 -5,730.93 5t8,67038 524,40131 -5,730.93 51$67038 � E�.PRi3� aawy � L:BPitdl IIDgTOYQffi6ff� � �g@ � �118 LQQil@6t OII �� � 3 �. � and recommende o�-/� /1 tvu�- f .... �--- �. /� �. l� �.,�L_ , �, � �•�*t� �"� � � ��3,��� �- §3k` .,,, r��'� �'`�e� '�5 �;r i � . �- C. .0 . •r . y� b7ays Absent � ✓ ✓ � Adopted by Councii: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Requested by Department of: EJW/iabl 1 �)Pu/il"1 .Wor Approval Recommended by Office of Financial Services Director: s 5-X7-02 +�.�': �`6 ,a, � . �� 1, � - � � Form Approved by City Attorney: 3y: (7�r 5� �, �� Spproved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council: � G � DEPARTMENUOFFICFJCAJNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN HEET r,o. 106317 Public Works 5/17/2002 Ini6aVDate InioaVDate CONTACT PERSON & PHONE ,.p Paul Kurtz - 266-6203 DEPMTMEM DIRECTOR `T � crrv couna� a��.� MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DAT� /�$$�GN � y�� � CT'AT70FNEV Y' GncLEaK NUMBERFOFl r �� 6 POUfING 1/ � FlNAN��ALSEflVICESDIIC ��\V. 9 FlNlWCIALSERV/ACCTG LJ ORDER � MAVOR(OR ASSISTANT) ❑ Etl Warn /� ❑ ❑D�ckRUcert l\ " ��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACiION REOUE5iED Approval of attached Counci] Resolution amending the spending and financing plans of the E 7th St Lighting and Streetscape project by adding PIA financing from the 1998 & 1999 Local Street, Alley, Sewer & Lighring projects. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove(A)orFiajecl(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTFiACTSMUSTANSWEflTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION 1. HasthispersoNfirtneverworkedunderacoMrac[forthisdepartment? CIBCOMMITfEE YES NO CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 2 HasthispersoNflrtneverbeenacityemployee? — YES NO 3 Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? — YES NO — 4 Is this persoNfirm a Margeted vendoR YES NO INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1� The Department of Public Works has completed work on the E 7th Street Lighting and Streetscape project. Assessments ra[ified on this project are less than originally budgeted. There is sufFicient PIA funding in fhe 1998 & 1999 Local Street, Alley, Sewer & Ltg projects to cover the shortfall. �_ " � � � F�ss�arch Gen�er ��������:� ���� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� �EBA� � p ' � �S!§ � �Ilxf'i ". �� �e."E� The E 7th St Lighting & Streetscape Capital Project will be fully financed and can be closed out. °y �t �.,��,,��,r �b F '+L,f � i ';� f`§ t ;i.._. { DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: Project funding will be short and project will not be able to be closed out. OTAL AMOUNT OF7RANSACTION $ 40,149.G4 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FuNDING SOURCE P�� Asmt ACnVIN NUMBER C97-2D015, C98-2T696, C99-2T697 � FINANCIALINFORMATION(EXPLAIN)