257057 J 25'7n5'7 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NQ, r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESO TI GENERAL FORM coMM SS ONE Ro er M. Conwa TF Jar�usrv 12. 1972 RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby suthorized to pay to Hurley Const�ction Companq on partial Estimate Pto. 6, Contract No. L-7430, Citq Project No. 71-S-1359B, for the construction of the PHALEN CREEK RELIEF SEWER, said estimate being paid for the period of December 31, 1971 to Jamiary 31, 1972, and such o�her partial estimates on said contract that may be presented sub�equently by said Coatractor and approved by the Citq Engineer, it being the und�rstandin� of this Council that such partial paqment or payments on patrtisl estimate or estimates on said ContrBCt in no way are to be constru�d as an act bq the City or any of its 8gents, servants or employees eutending the time specif ied for the completion or in a�ny wsy changing the terms of said contract, plans or specifications ther�of, nor in anq waq nor by any means shall this resolu- .� tion or paqment, or payments made under authority of this resolution be constYUed � � � ' as a waiver of any of the rights of said City under said contract, and provided that prior to payment of any of the aforesaid partial estimate or estimates, said � � '� contrsctor by its dnlq authorized agents or corporate off icers, sha11 file with '„'�� the City Comptroller in a fora� approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance � � o£ the conditions of pay�nt as hereiAbefore set forth, and BE IT FURTAER RESOLVED, That in the abs�nce of said acceptance being f iled with the City Comptmller, no paqment or psyments as aforesaid shall be made. I y �`,, �� _ �;. �St. , 0 r t� - ��� 1 0 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays �^ JAN 1 S 1972 �� ���.�_. / ove� 19� �,�aina n Favor Meredith Sprafka r gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty I�aLISHE JAN 2 21�72 �� o��,�;n,��.� 25'7D5`7 , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOWTION-GENERAL FORM CAMM�ONE� ��! M• G�11�Y DATE �� lZ� i�I7� RESOL'iRD, Y'�at t'!y psbp�s olfie��cs ot th� Cit�r oi 8aint T�ul ara �s�+�by �athosis� to p�pr to �rl�r Constsucti�n Cowp�a�r an BaYtiat tstla�t� lb. 6, Coatrtct lb. L•7�. Cit�r Proj�at 1b. )1•8-13S9D, l�or t�t canstaruation ot tla� PHAIaII C'R�iK �ttl.tEF SBi1Eft. asid astlaat+� b�is� paid for h�e p�siod ot D�b�r 31„ 197� to Jw�asy �1, 197Z� a�d w`aL otfi�s patt3al �rsLlast�s o� aal,d ooM�it ttitt �iq► b�t �bd w�b�rqo�tir bp ra�d Coat�aaeos �d apP�d ti7 t� Cit�► �r► it btt� tlr nadrnta�die� ot thia Gas�all tht� �aah pa�rtiai p�at o�t pa�nts oa pattial N►tt�si� os ruatL�rtt�s � aaLd Costtaet iw sw Ma�► ar� to bs aoa�st:a�d ar aa �at �rj t� City or ar�r +e� its apo�ts. a�sra�ts or �l0�es �ct�wi#u� �r tLr a�acitiad !os tlr �pl�� os ie a�D► �w0► �t tlr t�sn oi� +�a�d mntts�►+�t, plans os ap�cif icattona tlw�s�t� oor in �r wur not y a�r .sans sbaii t.tits urrsaLu►� tion oY p��t� os p��nts �M a��ne aiat�stri,t� o# thi� s+ssolat�t b� �tts�id as a Mai�r e! aa� �t tiw si�Lt� of sat�'! �ity o�nc ast�d oe�ntr�tcts �a�d p�ri�Md cb.t prto: t�+ p� o! .a�► c� r� .�or..ssa �Srtsal ..I�.e� a►: .s�i.at... ..sa eN►ts�ator b�► its dul� �t�ssi�nd a� os as�rpos+�twt o!l���sa, s�11 fil� vitY t1w Cityr Ce■ip�ts+dlt�s � a to�s �pp�+s� by tL� Cospo�rat3oa Caawi +Nn �or �( � mA��t1� O� �t i� ���0l�! Nt �Ol�1� � nl[ T? 1�0�6� ItE80LVED. T'I�tt io tL� � e! said aa�p�o� b�� t il�ld �iLt� tl�+� City Ce�ptro�.i�s. no pa�nMUat or pa�a�s as atasasaid aLall b� ]�d�. JAN 18 1972 COUNCII�EN Adopted by the Co�wci� 18._ Yeas Naya �- � ,lAN 18 1972 � Approv� 19` � � Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka C�� ��r rodA�Y1At Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �