257026 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �5���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�` - FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. ` _ ' CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund weekly compensation of �80.00 be paid Gerald C. Wienke while he is temporarily totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on NovembEr 19, 1971 , while employed by the Department of Public Works and that �160.00 in final settlement, to and including December 3, 1971, is now due and payable. AP � �' Asst. Corp �r ��pn Counsei COUNCILMEN Adopted by the cou�ci� �AN 12 1972 is_. Yeas Nays Butler N 13 1972 �.�. 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith v Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty p�BLISHED JAN 15 1�12 �� ouiucwrs m ryeiNr�rt �5��2s . CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` -_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�iTED�1f COMMISSION� �A� I�EffiOLVED, that out oi th• Worlc��a's Co�p�nsation Acoount o! the G�aeral Fund N��l�ly tsospea�ation o= �80.00 b� paid t�srald C. wieat� ahils h� i� ts�tporerily to�Eally di�abled by r�e�on oi la�uries h� r�oaived on Nov��ber 19� 19?l, �+hile e�ploywl by the Dep�urt�•nt oi Publio Works and �hst �160.00 in iinal s�ttle�snt, to an� inolndia� D�a�sber 3, 1q71, i• now due and psysble. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coi»+c�AN 12 1972 19_ Yeas Naya Butler J�1N 1 � ���� �� Appm� 19_ Levine Favor Meredith sp� 6 � AroainBt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��