257020 -pRIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK ��'���:�2� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � �,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ... , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF � � � WHEREAS, In the a►atte�of Coaptroller's Contract L-7468, Citq Pro3ect No. M-0530, for Ornaaental Lighting Systea in the TAOMAS-DALE FtENEWAL AREA, Hoffma�iElectric of Saint Paul, Contractor, the specified date of completion is Noveaber 15, 1971, aad WHEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but it was not possible to complete the contract by said date of campletioa, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper Citp Officers be and are herebq suthorized and directed to execute an amend�rent to said contract extending the time of co�plet3oa to June l, 1972, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless th� sureties on the Cc�ntractor's bond consent thereto and file such conseat in Writing wtth the City Camptroller, and be it FURTHBR RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby- waives a11 cla3a for liquidated da�ages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this pro�ect will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. Ado ted by the Council �AN 12 1972 is_. COUNCILMEN P Yeas Nays �� ,�w� ���2 Butler 4� Couwaq � e� 19` Levine n Favor Meredith l� Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst � Mr. Preaident, McCarty pUBLISHED JAN � 5 1�12 � . . . . . . . .. }""'� p�.�.��,►,��.���.,� CITY OF ST. PAUL cour,c.�� �5��`2�i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��� NO ' . : COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ... .�.r�r COMMISSIONEQ �AT� � _ - �� �a ti1� �att�s 01' Q�rt�coll�r�r C�tssat 1r74ia. t3�� �!'�nrjust ; Ue. �OA�Q� tos tkaw�t�l Li,�btia� �s� #m eha T1�0lIA�DrLE �iIAL lA�►, : llotl�a�iilaat=is o� fa�at tadl.� C�atsastoie. !� sp�silliM ia� o! swipl�tl.to is �t 7�5, 1l�1�;an�d , "'' �, '!�a t3a�eit�east.ronr'}w }�a���wl tbs � itl�wtl� �t �! � aot , :;' }�i�1+ ea ar��a� .tF6a'�.�st�c� '6r�► � dal�. �t ae.�Lrtl�oa. tl�r�oss b�a it� � : �; , �i�OL11�R�r,�a�.'t�s � Cit�r Otliwss � a�d as� 1� aattia�elait�►� aai � dis�s�it � q�s��. +�at� � to a�i o�oi�t�st.�st�odta� � t�ar �t ow�►1�►t� 1t� J� 3.� 1lT��. �i3d�11 �awr!�e� t.hsit �i�f,s t�lnttoa sivll l�aw �o !o� �t �tt�rt! �as tM s�at�a. w� t1a C�tsastrs�� l�i eo�wt e1MS�+t� �m/ lril� :�h:�t ii trriti� �ei�4 tir �#tyt Ca��ar�t�r� sai ;1M it yT . . . , . . , , , . . , . . . � ' . . . � �OLY�� �at �.4t�r' A! S1�iat hrl 1Ml�b�r' uafi►ra at� alil�n t�n!' 1i�l+dat�d �' �qe�d �tt ta�r a�i�rl� ,imd it�ap�a,�lraa sa�ts ort tlrfa-���tt �� �1�. tia ehas�wl to,'�ur Cie�sa�t� �o� auah �tr��+d ��iac�d. - ' � �AN Z a � COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.—. Y� xa�a , ,lAN 13 1972 Butler � �r Approve�ct 19� Levine n Favor � � Meredith . Sprafka a �� Apm►inat Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� . .' . . '4. . . . . . . . . . . ' .