256998 ORI6INAL TO Clri Cl6RK �5S9�g CITY OF ST. PAUL H E NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P�ESEN�ED,,gY COMMISSIaNE ,+TE WHEREAS, in the raatter of Caaptroller�s Contract L-7434 for furnishing and installing new traffic signals at Johnson Pkwy. and Third St., Randoiph Ave. and Victoria St., Tenth St. and Minnesota St., Sixth St. and Hope St. and at Cretin Ave. and Suramit Ave. and revise traffic signals at Eighth St. and Cedar St., Wabasha St. and Twelfth St. and Seventh St. and Wacouta St. and install interconnection between Mi�nesota St. and Robert St. on Tenth St., Munt Electric Corporation, Contractor, the specified date of co�apletion is Deceiaber i , 1971 , and, WHEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently, but due to rescheduling of related construction projects it was not possible to con�plete the contract by said date of cc�wpletion, therefore, be it,, RESOLVED, That the preper City officials be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to execute an araendment to said contract extending the time of canpletion to September l , 1972, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's Bond consent thereto and file such consent i� writing with the City Comptroller and be it,� '�Q FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul he�eby waives all claia� for � � liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project �- � will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. �. � '�, � �`)� m 3 s, �' '/ / �� JAN 11 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naye Butler �pN 11 1972 �, �-,,L�ti�� A 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith ' � Sprafka A gainat Tedesco PUBLISHED J � � 1 Mr. President, McCarty �� ou���cwre�ro�R�wTat 25�998� CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSION�� nAtc WMEREAS, tn tl» w�ttsr of Ca�ptroller�s Contract L-74�4 gor furnlsbtn� and installing nwv traffic si9aals at Johns�n �kwy. and Third it.. RandalNh Av�. and Yictoria St., T�nth St. and Nin�eseta SR., itxth St. aad M�t St. and at Crstin Ave. and Swiwit Av�. and r�vis� t�sffic siga�ls at E19hth it. and C�►dar St.. Mabasha St. a�d 'T1a�ifth St. and S�wnth it. and Ma.couta St. •nd Install interccmnection b�tw� Mi�n�sot� St. an� Robsrt ft. �n T�nth St.. MunR Electric Corporetion, Ca�tractor, tM� spscifi�d dat� of co�rl�ti�n i s D�c�a�b�� 1 ! 1971 . +�nd. WMEREAt, The Contractor has pros�cut�d the wo�k diliga�tly, but �lu� to rssch�duling of r�iatal construction proj�cts it �s �t possibls to c�pl�t• th� co�t�act by said dat• of coa�pl�tio�, th�r�for�� b� it. RESOLYED� That th� prop�r C�ty offi�i�is b� Arsd th�y •r� h�r�by author- i:�d and direct�d to exscut� an �nda�t to said cantract sxt�lnding th� tiM of c�ri�tioa� to S�pt�r 1 . 197Z. provtd�d ho�wwr, ihat thts rssoluttM s�ail nav� no forc� or sff�ct uni�as ths sucsti�s on ths Contractor�s dw�� cons�nt th�r�to and fil�s such conssnt tn writing with th� City Cc�w�tr�lior aMi b� it, FURTHER RESOLVED, That tt�e City of St. 'aul h�r�by waiv�s all clai� for 1 iquidat�ci da�a�es arod that no sn9inari�y aad inspectior� costs on this proj�ct w�ll b� charysd to ths Co�tractvr for such �xtend�d p�riod. �N 11 Iq'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�w�� 19_ Yeas Nays Bu��' JAN 11 1972 � Approv� 19— �°�e Favor Meredith Sprafka d �°r A as►�18t Tedeaco Mr. President, MeCarty ��9