256995 . - ?+ ORIWNAL TO CITY CLERK �569�� t CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _. COUNCI ES TION—GENERAL FORM coMMiss°oNe a �oger M. Cornvay; A� WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1g59, Chapter 330, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul� may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner. WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described parcels of property be relieved of the following amount: Owner Description Amount Mabel E. Cervenka, et�al Lot 22, Blk. 8, Drake's Re. of Blks. 2, 8, 9, 10 and Lots 1 to 11 of Blk. 11 , all being part of McLean's Reser- vation to St. Paul $ 28.51 Russell H. Roettger Lot 6, Blk. 9, Drake's Re. of Biks. 2, 8, 9, 10 and Lots 1 to 11 of Blk. 11 , al l bei ng praa"� of McLean's Reser- �� vation to St. Paui . 158.38 a � � Robert E. Ward Lot t , Bik. 1 , A. Gotzian's Rear. of � Sigel 's Add. 175.�+2 �Twin City Fed. Sav. � Loan Lot 11 , Blk. 19, A. Gotzian's Rear. of �� m Sigel 's Add. 144.55 ' v ;' �lizabeth R. Kondzieila Lot 13, Blk. 19, A. Gotzian's Rear, of , Sigel 's Add. 56.05 � � Harry H. Birch Lot 16 � W. 20 ft. of Lot 17, Blk. 6, Aurora Add. 224.20 George J. Murphy E � of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1 , Blk. 3, Kuhl 's 2nd Add. 229.16 �� Frances Pellowski Lot 15, Blk. 15, Eastville Hts. 226.22 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couttci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler , Caxlson Approved , 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty Page 1 of 2 pages � ,.. �56995 ORIfi1NAL TO CITY CLHRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �`` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER DATF Owner Description Amount James M. Wright W. 13 ft. of Lot 17 � atl of Lot 16, Bik. 15, Eastville Hts. $226.22 Armin E. Dexheimer E � of Lot 2 � all of Lot 1 , Blk. 16, Eastville Hts. 226.22 Zygmunt J. , Norma M, s Patricia A. Szalapski Lot 30, Blk. 16, Eastvilie Hts. 23•18 Edward A. Peterson Lot 1 , Blk. 2, Lockwood's Add. 233.11 James J. � Joseph Tavitsky Lot 30, Blk. 2, Lockwood's Add. 231 .78 Richard E. Hawkins Lot 1 , Blk. 3, Lockwood's Add. 231 .78 Henry C. Salchow Lot 30, Bik. 3, Lockwood's Add. 231 .78 Elizabeth Galonska Lot 15, Blk. 4, Lockwood's Add. 231 .7$ Donald G. Pilot Lot 16, Blk. 4, Lockwood's Add. 231 .78 Irvin G. Woelm No. 62.50 ft. of Lot 15, Howard's Add. 115•$9 Michael D. Greshing Lot 16, Howard's Add. 208.60 Joseph Starzecki Lot 1 , Blk. 1 , E. M. Mackubin's 2nd Add. 231 .7$ James R. Conrad Lot 30, Blk. 1 , E. M. Mackubin's , 2nd Add. 209.00 �� RESOLVED That the C anmissioner of Public Works be and he is hereb authorized , Y to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 the amount of $3,875•39, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1970 Sidewalk Contract 70-M-0502, Levy No. 3, District No. 3, L-7279, in the amount of� $3,875.39, said Permanent I'mprovement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's COUNCILMEN� I mprovement A i d Fund, 0920-461 ����o�ited by the Council JAN 1 1 197�_ Yeas Naya Butler �p�N 11 1972 �£ar}se�-- ��-��_� A e� 19— Levine � ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka � or Tedeaco Against Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JAN 151972 Page 2 of 2 pages �� ou��cw�rs To MnNtsrt � -• CITY OF ST. PAUL �F'A�UNqI NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO�MM�IS�SIONER � M� � DA*� MHEREAt, By authcrity of the� La�ws of Minnasu�ta for ths ysar 1959, Chapt�r 330, N.F. 21� and ratif.ted by C.R. No. 19�216, approvad May 2, 19S9, ths Ctty of Saint Paul , �ay pap a portion of the ass�ssabis eosts of tid�ik Constre�tion Mhsn suah �osts �x�d th� bsMfits to ths proparty ownsr. � MHEREAS, It has b�sn d�ts�atned that Ehe foila�rfng dsscribed paresis of prop�rty be retieved of the following amount: ONnar Descr^ iption � ll�b�l E. Csrvenkai, etal Lot 22, Blk. 8, �rake's Re. of Btks. 2, 8, 9, 10 and lots 1 to I1 of Blk. 11, sil bmi� part of McL�an's Reser- vation to St. P�wl S 2a•51 Russ�lt H. Rvettqer Lot 6, Blk. 9. Draka's Rs. of 81ks. 2. 8. 9, t0 and Lots 1 to 11 of dlk. 11, sll baing p�ttof 1lclasn's R�s�r- vation to �t. �awl. 158•38 Robert E. Mard Lot 1 , Bik. i, A. 6otsian's Mea�. of Slgel's Add. 175•�Z Twtn City F�d. Sav. i Loan Lot 11 � Bik. 19, A. 6otzt��'s Rur of Sigel's Add. 1�4.55 Elisabeth R. Kondziella Lot 13. Btk. 19, A. Gotsian's Rear ot Stgel's Add. 56•05 Harry H. Birch Lot 16 s W. t0 ft. 01� Lot 17, dik. 6, Aurora Add. 244.20 �org� J. Murphy E } of lot 2 and all of Lot 1 , 8tk. 3, Kuh1's tnd Add. ZZ9.16 fraaces Pallawskt Lot is, Btk. 15, Eas�tviits Mts. ZZ6.ZZ COiTNCII�MEN Adopted by tbe Co�mci� 19_. Yeas Nays Butler Carlaon APP�°"'� 19_ Levine __In Favor Meredith Sprafka �Y� Against Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty Pags 1 ot 2 pa�s �� .. _ ..-.. DUrLICAT6 TO rRIN'RR �56�95 � � : • CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"p� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO�Mg AI�ISS pNFR nA*G Owra�r De�c r ipt i on l�unt Ja�ss M. Mriqht N. 13 ft. of Lot 17 s all of Lot 16, Blk. 15, Esstvilie Mts. $226.ZZ Arinin E. Dsxhein�ar E } of Lot t a ell of Lot 1 , alk. 16, Essriitls Hts. 226.22 Zyg�nt J.� Mora�a M. t Patricia A. Ssalapski Lot 30, B1k. 1b, Eastvill• Hts. 23.18 EdNard A. Peterson Lot t , Blk. 2, Lockwood's Add. Z33.11 Ja�ss J. t Josmph Tavttsky Lot 30, Blk. 2, Lockwood's Add. t;1.�s Richard E. Na�+kins Lot 1 , Bik. 3, Lockavod's Add. 231.78 Hs�ry► C. Sa Ichav Lot 30, B 1 k. 3, I.c�kriood's Add. Z)1.78 E i f z�eth 8alonska lot 15� B1 k. 4, Leakrroo�'s Add. 231.78 Donald 6. �ilot lot 16, Bik. 4. t.ockwood's Add. 231.T$ Irvtn G. Yoa1w No. 62.50 ft. of lot 1S, Harard's Add. 115.8g Mtchael D. 6rashing Lot 16, Havsrd's Add. 208.60 .bs�ph Stars�elci Lot 1 , Blk. 1 , E. M. M�ckubin's Znd Add. Z31.y8 Jaw�s R. Conrad Lot 30, Btk. 1� E. M. Nackubin's Znd Add. t09.00 RE80LVED. That the Canisslon�r of Pabiic Wbrlcs b� snd ta is h�r�by authoris�d to psy fro� the Psrnanent laiprovems�t Revolvins innd, Cod• 6000 ths �rnt of �3,875•39. a portion of the asssssabt+� eosts of Sid�valk Constn�tion �nd�r tha 19T0 Sid�alk Contract 70-M-E1502, L�v�► No. 3, Distritt No. 3, �-7Z79, tA the ai�arnt of 53,875•39, said P��nent Improvewse�t Revolvtn� fund to be i►sis�urs�d fraw ths Ctty's S��l�sl��l Inprovea4ent Aid �und, 09Y0-461 (1���� by the Co�ci� JAH 1 1 19,j� IINC Yesa Nays Butler �. A�,�� JAN 1 1 1972 19- Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �r Tedesco A 8'��at Mr. Presiden.t, McCarty Page 2 of � pa�es °°�'e