D00981�Proved Copies to: C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR - City Cierk (Originap - Fnance Dept's Accounting Division - Reques[ing Dept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION �� � { No: � � �� Date: i g_ -��•ji!� ��— ADMINISTRATTVE ORDER, Consistent vrith the aWhority gcanted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Cltarter and based oa the request oF the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 1496 budget of the Creaeral Fimd (001), the D"uector of the Depaztment of Finsnce and Management Services is authotized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT BUDGET FROM: 001-GENERAI. FUND 04310-Systems 0121-Part-Time Certified 39,699 APPROVED CHANGES (5,808) AMENDED BUDGET 33,891 39,699 (5,808) 33,891 TO: 001-GENERAL FUND • 04310-Systems 0219-40050 - Fees,Other Professional Sarvices 0 5,808 5,808 0 5,808 5,808 Net CLattge Q ~ i°�'itt" ' • ��� � . �. � � �. )50196A Y � DE A MENT/OFFICEICOUNdL DA E NlTlf Police Aepartment 5J1 CONTAC: PEASOK�PHaNE cn��rw;u;�F�� x�-ssss �, '� MUST BE ON COUtiqLAGENDA BY (DATE) R ��� a�t n!a TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES CTION REQUE57ED Approval of the attached a�+�++n;�ve order. MMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RejeetiR) PIANMNGCOMAAISSION . _ GMI. QOCOMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCAURT _ _ � �'� � OIRECTOR COUNCIL ��� IGi. SERVECES DIR (OR ASSISTAM) ALL LOCATIONS FOR PERSONALSERVICE COMRAC75 MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLONflNG QUESTIONS: (EZplainaNyes ansvre�s an separefe sneetand aCach fo gmen sheet) L Has tliis Fe�hfi�m everwo`keE imtlera wntracifarihis deRartrneMt VES NO 2 Has �his persorJfim� ever been a 6ty employeel YES NO 3. Dces 9iis peisonlfimi possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent ury employee? fIVE PRQBLEA7, 4SSUE, OPPORTUNf1Y (Who, Whaf� When, Where, Why): The Saint Paul Police DepazlmeM desires to transfer $5,808.00 from salaries in the Systems Unit budget (04310) of the General Fund. Secause a department employee was receartly named as Transition Leader for the Tnformation Technolog}+ Leadership Project, the Saini Paul Police DepartrnenYs Systems staff was cut on little notice. Ptivate compazaies are able to fil] in posirions on a contracival basis within one day's noGce. Without transferring salary moneys to the services section of the budget, the services (200s) will have insufficient funding to pay for a contracied position. VTAGES 7F APPROYED: The Police DepartmenYs System Unit budget will have adequate funding available in services to pay for a temporary posifion. This contracted position is only a temporary solu6on (30 - b0 days) until a permanent employee can be hired tt�rough norma] Civil Service hiring procedwes. DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED: None. RECEtVED JUL 161996 CITY CLERK ISADVANTACaES IF NOT APPROVED: Payments to a vendor will cause insufficieat funding in the services (200s) section of the Police DepartmenYs System's Unit 'AL IDINGSOURCE GeneraiFund transfer 1NCIAL iNFORMA710N: (EXPIAIN) adminishative hansfer authocized by City Chanec ' CqSTIREYEPlUE BU�('iETED (GRCLE ONE) ES NO ACiMTYNUMBER 04310 ��