256983 ORIOINAL TO CITY GL6RK /'+�j5 V 983 �, CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , _,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 15006� that in respect of each item of severance pay provided to be paid by said ordinance, on aecount of any separation. from employment service of said City which oecurred in 1967, 1968, 1g69, 1970 or 1971, save any such separation which may have occurred in any of said years by reason of death of any eligible employee� the same shall be and hereby is directed to be paid upon a deferred annual installment paymen.t plan, and that- in each such case n.o scheduled annual installment of any such sever- ance pay on account of any such separation, save separation by death of any such eligible employee, shall exceed �600.00, and that such payment therefor sh�,ll be made on or after February 1, 1972, or as soon the reaf ter as it may be conveni- ent for the proper City officers to make such payment the reon, and that successive annual installments not in excess of the sum of �600.00 thereon shall become due and payable on or after the 10th day of February in each succeeding year to the extent and only to the extent that the same shall be nectessary to effect the payment of the total severan.ee pay amount, in each partieular ease, without interest. FORM APPROVED: Corporation Counsei COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii JAN ? �97�_ Yeas xays JAN ? �17� -Biit�rer�- Caxlson prov 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ayor �Against Tedesco 972 Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JAN 15 � � o�.�,�,n,��R,� 25s983 , cinr oF sT. PAUL F�UNCIL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =+� •-.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���.� COMMISSIONER DAlE R.ESOLVED, by the Cowria il oi the City of Saint Paul, pursuaat to the provis ioas of Ordinance �to« . 1�006, thst in respeot o! eaoh ftea oi re�ersnoe pay prow#dsd to 'l» psld by aaid ordtnanoe, oa a000unt oi any •eparatf.on iro■ s�ploy�ent ssrvioe oi said City rhioh 000urred in i967, iQ6A, l969y i97Q or 19?!* save an,q suoh �sparstion rhioh sa�+ ha�e 000urrsd in say oi aaid ysars by rAaion oi d�ath oi any s1161D1e e�aployss� the ssn�e shali be aad hereby is direvted to be paid upan a cleierred annual iastallsent payuent plaa, and tha� ia saoh suoh oa�e no eohednled snnual inotallsent oi any rnah sever- auo• pay on a000uat oi any woh segarat#on, •ave •ep+�rstion by death o� any �uoh el��#ble esployee, shali ezeesd �640.00, snd tt�st �uoh paynent the rs ior shell be �ads on or siter Februarq i, 1g7$� or as soaa thermaiter �a� it �esy be ooave�i-- ent ior the proper C3ty oltiosrs tA �ake �uoh pay�snt teereon, and thst suooessive annual in��allaents aot irt ezoes• oi the sus of �600.00 tbereon shall beoome due ead payabl• on or alter t�e lOth dsy oi February in saoh suove�dtag y�ar ta the e=tsnt and only to tLe eztent that ths �s� �hall b� nsoe��ary to ei#sot ths paye�nt ot th� total ���sran�e pay a�ouat, in e�oh partioular osre� aitLout iatsrert. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �s u � 197�9_ Yeae Naya '�- JAN ? 19�2 Carlson Appro� 19— Levine _�� Favor Meredith �yor Sprafk� (,'� Aoas�inwt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �l�9