259649 OR161NAL TO CITY CL�RK 2596�9 � - CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , �� C UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON E DATF RESOLVED, That the Plat of Sunnywood Addition as recommended by the Plat Comaission of Ramsey County and approved by thc City Engineer of St. Paul c�� be a�d the sart� is hereby accepted.� ,'�� "i i ,� v �.ORM P � � , t A or e � �� C,rC�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci EP 8 �� 19— �Q�oYeas Nays • SEP l i �►=2 � :�:v.": .- G Butl Hunt � � Z-- ��T;�"� Approve 19`. � son-- Konopatrk� °;_,.:k ,�, e Levine Meredith Favor Mered Sprafka � Mayor Sprafka Tedesco Againat Tedesco e• President, Butler r. President, McCa � P_UBLI�HED gEp 16 1972 o�.�,�„�,��� 259649 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GHVERAL FORM PRBENTED/Y COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVEO, That the Piat of Sunnyw�ood Addttion as reconasnded by ths Piat Co�missia� of Ramsey , County and approv�sd b�r ths City Enginser of St. Paul bs and the sanr is hereby accspted. SEP 8 197? COUNCILME�T Adopted by the Counci� 9_. , Yeas Nays , But1 Hunt A��o� SEP 11 197.2 18� o� Konopatzki Levine e Mereditfi Tn Favor �e� Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Mayor Mme. President_, B.�Le� • t Tedesco . President, McC �� CoPY NY1ND0� A ,��1 TIDN � SUN . � S T. PA UL, M/A'N. � . ✓0}/,V R. TURPI�S/ z O /ND/fATES /RON /NONUMfXT' SURVEYDR SCAL E% � /i)'C// = 30 FEET , � � '� � � •�f� ; , �� •. �;• � �': � :� E.L/NLOFW.�v+ .. ,. . ... . • °,1 • �'• . .'i.. .'`. .r1' ../ ����~�,-���L•-��..�------ -��.�-����-�� �J� - - - � � pi�LOT 4' 1 ������_ ��.�� _' �___ _.� __� _ � - ����� ������L� � ������ ��i��� ' ��� ' ��� � ���� �� ' . .� 70// � •s�� � . R:' ;�� � ; N. 89°S3�E. � i " tV I ; .., __. S� - - 29 ... _ � � �•c. is o.os ,c. os � ., , . . . ' .. ' jS500 --z46. :.: : _ � ;1 P.fOPERTY L/NE -'2B� ''- -' •... ,.. . . .:. . -- ._ _' ' ' "' �-� / �-CENTElI l�A'� O�' j'A�A TED SUA'NY SL OPE L A/�'E ,�il�. � '�,�•.�` � h ,��„ T 1S oo`!p' � � 93e N i� nl ��•6/ / � 7S3/ -30` I �JUI�r/• / ����� � Q -------- � � ---------- �� --------/----`<""— _36 65•"' '. ------ ------------� � ------�------ --- � --- - -- -\- �- � h--- - _�-To�O o 10 41 d 3,9i3'?�' , �/ e�� '•�� r� .a+ / - � o.�o• °� o.�,�� " o ti . 4 I � 9� , _ — — ' / 3.0��0•�. �,� � J� — �? ss' O o � / / V '. � o � / �N_ ' � '��� � � ► y � 30. R S5� .G�/YiE '�� QO � � L ,R , s� .� (� .''ti ° h d S4• 39'SS" o. .{.t v ' �>- � � . � T. /S. S/ � . � S �c� i � �1 ... Rp0 640 � O �'2' � ; v ,y��pb !�2 ,3a,. � ', � 6 6e dt'_ E' , , a , 6 ' , � . 465, ,25., ; O o � ss•�o- ; O " � � . � ' 3 � � ,B�L � . _ o o � s � ° Q �d s � � � �.3�3�" . � �'i � � \ � ,� ���0•. �`' � F '� �y � . - � � �� „ � � � ;'6, � , � ' SOUTN L/�V,E OF LOT �, BLOC/f 4� MAGDFf/NS N/LLTD �, • /67. 0 0� • _ _ _ _ a 7S. DO� , ---- -329 67'---- ; t , ; ,S. 89° 53/1!� ., ,•,� � ___ � :.. .. . .......:. ' i•�:'.�:. � , .. ,':�:^:':'~�••': �%• ' i , ,BPd/'//19'S sinown /f'P1�0/T dJ'P. CYSStJIllP�. • DirnPnsions o� �ur�✓�s are ar� .r�PasurP. ' � ���t g� Aeil,ing� husband and This is to c�rtit�t that we� Robsrt I.o�Aeiling and all that part oY 4?healer Street� wite� awners of Lot 1� Block 4, N�ago1'fin s Hi11toP nar vacat�d, �hich lisa betw�e�n the South line � Blxk 3 in said k3agoffin's Hi11tcP otfin's 8111taP; and also that r�,n,nd tho 5outh lir� (extended East) oY Block 4 in sai�vacated, which aocrwed t�o said a part of 3� �� �� (f ormerly Itaaaa Av�en�� �s� and also tha�t part oi t.hs � Lot 1, Block 4 upa► th� vacatian o� said S� �ng ���� � _ ��rt� half of 9u��► Slo� I�� fprmsrly Ita�soa Avrnu�, vaaat�d, sxt�naions scross iL ot tb� W�st lins °t i'Ot crib�d ae ollawr1eteB�i�g at th� Scuth- of Lot 4, in Blook 3� Nagoffin'a Hi11to�P, �$ t on the Nortb lin� o! wrat corr�r of Lot � in aaid ffi.00k 3, said corner b�in8 a P� � a cuj,y�� • vaaatied; ttr�nce ��8 ��r� �"�d Southeaaterly � �d �nr�r Slop� Lan s �d ��nt � aaid Nor't.h lin� at said point ot rsdiaa 100 fs�t, concav�s to th� 3otitth, �th a s�ocnd ourve, said 'seca�►d of b��8� � � P�nt ot tang�na9 oF said aur'w fe�t, acencams to th� North, and tang�nt to th� aenter' line oY curr� b�ing of radiva 5� � ��r�y o� said seaond aur�n said � 31op� Lana, vacat�d; tl�no� Southsastsr�,Y to its poie'!t ot Lan6+na9 �� �d O°��r ��' �°na� Wist an said o�nter line a distana+ at 82.97 fs�t, mor� or l�as, to it� poirit of int�rs�otion with • souther],y •xt�nsicn of tt� W�st lit� ot aaid I.�t 5; th�nos North � a u,a pi.t��a�a adn�ar._ t� point of b�ginning, bs�s oaua�d tlye saa�e to b� surveY kna+n a.a S[�TNZGl00D ADDITIa� aa sha�rti t�Y this Plats and her�by dedioab to th� public arid !or pn�blic us� torrwr all lar�s aa ahawn�hsr+cn.� � y-- A.D. 1972• �iit�n�as aur hands and ssala this —L___-. �Y�.�,� ,� c! �� '� � �• -� In pr�a�nos ����Y _��-� / .� , r, ..-='` .. M ' , . � ' I, John R. 1�rpin, h�r�by c+rtify that I have aurv�Y�d th� land d�saribsd on this plat as Si�iNY'��OOD ADDI1'I�i; that thia plat ia a correat r�pr�a�ntation of said snrrey; that all distancea ar� corrsct�jr aham in fest and d�aisal fracLions th�r�of; that all monumsnta have be�n corr�ctly plac�d in th� gro�md aa sha�m; that th� o�tsid� boundai'-. i�s of ths land are carrect�j sha+n; and that th�r� ia no la�r �+�t land nor ar�r trawl�d road or easanent on or acroaa the sas� �x�Pt as aham. � . Begist�r�d Land S�u'veyor ' Hinnesota Certificat� No. 6�40 gtat,� of ilinne aota S.S. County oi Aama•Y Qn thi� -�`- ` dap► of ''" � , A. D. 1972 l�ior� me th� und�raigned perso�ally app�ar�d John R. 1lirpin, to m� lmam to b� tti� person d�a- crib�d in and xho �x�cut�d ths forsgoing inatr�neent, and aclaiarledgsd that h� •xrcut�d th� aame aa hi s f ree act and dsed. ... _ - � , , ,. _. _.. , ,. <. , _. � �aC.�(�?x �x.�9;•`-- . tiutary w'utRic. :'ams+;; �.auc;:y, 3Yiu,:'z. Notary Public, Rams�y Count�,M�� E"°''�s o`°�- t�, iy�av. I�r ca�niaaion �xpir�a �_:..; , , ; :.; ..� ; �� �T� Accspt�d by the Council , 1972. Approwd . 1972• Cit�y Clsrk� St. Paul� Mint�esota '`"� �S'o ,�s».�e�- A. D. 1972• Acc�ptwd and spprov'ed thia G �Y � � • G%i� Q -__. Plat Co�ssion City 'r�gineer of St. Paul � ^ . � .�1,; �.,.G� �4 f