259630 ORI�INAL TO CITY CLBRK � 25963+� .� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NCa NO. . OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK , U SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �` COMMISSIONE ATF R�30LVED, that the Cauncil �cr�by ratifieg and approv�s t'h�e action, of the Saint Pavl Bc�a,rd of Appeals and Rev3e� for th� Aousing, Building end Fire Prev�ention Codea pertaining to ths follcy�ing ].i.e�t►ad property and aa ahv�m by th� of'ficial miautes oP said Bc�rd of A�peals, dated August 9, 1972, a� cvpy ef �hich, marked SXHIBIT "A", is attached h�reto s.ud, msc�,e a gart hereof by reference: , Caae 1�A. � Appellant 51-72-B 1454 Albemarle Gary HQgner 53-72-P 256-260 Charles John Sauro 52-72-B 2178 �. Third Street Lloyd I,�rson 5�+-72-P 846 Ho11y Robert We�tern � �� � � � � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Naya Bu ler �.,�-.��;, �� P 8 197a Hun�f �� -:�^:; Approv 19— ar on Konopa'fz� "`"•. � L vi e Levine j , �Y ' - Tn FSVOr M e ith MereditFl ��� Sprafka (� Mayor Sp a Tedesco Against Ted co M me. Presidellf�,�11�1 F APP ' Mr. Preside . , McCarty '� ; '. ' Atat� City Atto ey ��� puBUS�� SEP 16 1972 . � �` i • • �'I�-���'� '� �J���� l�eeting �09/75 , MIIIUTES OF TI� l�TI1lG 3T. PAUL BQARD OF APPaAIS wednesday, Angunt 9, 1972 Rc�am 2�0, Bureau of Fiea.lth, 555 �e�ar street Members Preserrt: Arthvr Tieso P�orme� Seamtna]cdos'f Tetyr Peake James Voigt Members Abserrt: Donsld Wozniak Raymond Grov�e Mitchell Kamin A�encies Present: Buildimg D�psrtm�ent - aleaa Erickson snd PYaak Stati'e�aon bthers Present: C. W. A4ichsel, Dsa McMa,nigle, �]1.an M�n3gle, Llayd Larsom, Le,�rence Pelsan, David Co�ter, Gary Aeg�er, John 8snro, Robert Westera, Stev�e Ikeda Mi.rxutes of the July 26, 1972 meeting �ere approv�ed as Mritten. 39-72-s 25 L�. Sev�e�rtb Street xewmans SUBJECT Conticzued frcm n�eting oP Ju�y 26, 1972 APPEARANCES C. W. Michael PROCEEDII�38 At this t1me, most of the Board membera, as yet, hsd no�t had a chance to exa�aine the property. • • . , ACTION Unanimausly agreed to postponee the mntter uutil the Augu+st 23, 1972, Board meeting. 43-72-H 453-�55 E. Page Dsn McMa,tiigle SUBJLCT Corrtimud f�cm meeting of Ju7y 26, 1972 APPA',,ARAI�CRB Allan McManigle, D�►n 1�cManigle �oc�a,vr.�t�s A represerrtativ�e f�am the Rathchild Canpaupr tiss ao�t pres�nt. �aa�erdc��f a�1d like to aee snoth�r stteapt at getting aam�ne !'rm the R�thchild Caapanbr. This mstter mnst be resolv�ed by the Ae�gaat 23 Hoard meeting. The Buildin�B De�partm�nt has a tentatiws schedul.e i'� r�inapectioe� on tbe 29th of Avgust. �taftenaon felt that tlsia aaat be taken care of b�tor� cold �reather eets in. ACTIOI� unanimw$ly egreed to coati�e the adtter ontil tbe Avgvst 23, 19'�'2, Hosrd meeting. �-70-H 359-�1 Msr3.e� David Coster SUBJECT Origir�l appeal� Mse the result of an iaspectia�n rgpo�t of July 29, 1970, ahich required that Mr. Coater sxitch his facility to plain rooming units with no cookie�g priviliges or provid�e a cc�m�].�►te bathrnaa� fa� each roan. In s mation by the Board on October 28, 1970, �r. Cmster t�ss giv�en 18 mosths to provid�e bsthroaa� fscilities. As o! tkis date, bstHr000s ha,v�e not been instelled. APPF.ARA110E3 D�vid Coster � . PROCL'f�:DINGS 12 units ahare 2 baths. Mr. Coater wants to put in 9 bathr000s. The building is nat licensed as a Rooming Hause. Mr. Coster ha,s purchased fixtures w�3iich he Mill inatall. E�+erything else in the building is in fairly good ehape. Coster doe�n't knc�r ho�t long it Mill take to inatall fixtures. ACTION Moved by S�erdorf to allow bathroa�n �acilities to remsia ae noa provided until tranafer of title. 3econded by Peake. THE VOTE Ayes: Tieso, Soammerdorf, Peake, Voigt. Nsyea: aoae. Abat�ations: ao�e. Mation carried Paur (4) to zero (0). 51-72-B 1454 Albema,rle Gsry H�gner 3UBJECT Appesling section of the Uniform Building Cod�e which restricta the construction of � t�o-sto�y dcyutble gsre�ge. APPRARAI�CEB asry Hegner PROCSSDI1KiS i�. Hege�er �raats to loPt 25 psir of baming pigecwa xhich he pnrchsaed for a conaic1ereble e�m�ount of ao�onmy. �e feels that the secaad eto�y loPt �111 giv�e ad�quate pro�tection agAinst receat break iao, �i.ch be lsas eaperieaced recently. The second etory ares will slso be uaefl to �tore seaaoaal toals e�nd childran's toys. Five �reeka ago he eo�uld hsv+e bnilt the garage xith no appeal. ACTION Motion by Tieso to allcyw for the constrnct3oa af a t�o-steuy dorotble garage at the e�bov�e-d�escribed prvperty. •�>F,��u(�D �,Y F'���� TI� VO►1'E �j►ea: Tieso, Sam�nerdorf, Peake, Yoigt. asy�es: none. Absteatio�na: noae. Mo�tion carried faur (4) to zero (0). � 53-72-� 2y6-260 Charles John Sa.nro 3UBJF.CT Regarding a survey of April 25, 1972. Mr. Sa►uro is e►ppaaling tbe entire surv�ey. Mr. Sauro atated ttaat the Thame�s-D�l.e HIiA t�s inspectmd the property and agreed to tske i� ie1 the n�ear fliturs. APPgARAl'�CES John F. 8auro PROCP.'�DI1GS The building wa,s placarded two ciays ago. Irtr. Sauro's reqwe�t for purchase of the property hae been f�.led xi.th �A. Aa said tbat ttsia astter �ill be considered at a September meeting. Mr. 8auro stated he ie asking !os n�e time to take care oP things until he finds oat �hst �A xilt do. Tieso xvuld like to see saneone Pra�n the HRA ofYice c6me bere to e�lairi t1� aitu- atian. StaPPensott feels thst tbera i8 an extsnsive amaiunt of daterioratian at the prvperty. There ia oc� tenant in eaeh spartmant. PrxeBnre slux�td be revised ao the,t Bodrd of Appeals natifies t�e Building Dapartm�nt of a41.1. appeale as ttuy are filed. ACTIOn Mation by Voigt to lit't cond,eapatio� uatil the Nouaing and Red�ev�elopm�ent Authority me�lces a d�ePinite caomitment r�gardixag the purctiase of the property. Poaition letter of 1�tA aust be provicled by fie�pt�ber 13, 1972, Board meeting. TFIIg V0�1'E �yes: Tieeo, Samaaerdorf, Peake, Voigt. I�y�es: ndeLe. Abst�ations: noe�e. Hation ce.rried four (4) to ztro (o). 52-72-8 2178 S. Third Street I1cyd LRrson SUBJECT 1�. Le�reon is appealiag the requirement that a gar�ge be x�o cloaer tban 2' t�am prvperty lin�e. H�e praposes to extend the ge�rage 8' to tY�e back. To build the extenBiOn 2' t'roaa pa�perty line t�ronld e=este an u�attrae'tiv+e appearwnce a,nd liait the s�mau�nt oY u�esble spaae. APP$ARAI'�Es iloyd Lnreon, Iaxrence l�el.son " �xoc�nrr�s Mr. Lexson feels that the proposed additioa �ai1d not be a d�etriment to anprone concern�ed. Mr. I,e«wrence �elson is hera to appear in apposition to the prapoeed constru.ction. Mr. Nelson doesn't Peel that he wrntl.d be able to build ar�prthing wh3.ch didn't meet code. Eydatir�g structure i� 13��� t'ran Property line. According to l�r. �elso�, esrboa moaood� gas is strong in his home, eve+n xhen 1� hae the Mi.nde� cloaed. ACTION Mov�ed by Voigt that appe�al to conetruct a,dd.i.tion to extstibg garege as prvpoaed by appellatrt be grant.d. 3econded by Sdmderderf. THS VO2S l�ye�: Tieao, Son�erdorY, Peake, Voi.gt. �Te,yree: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried faiu� (�+) to zero (0). 5k-72-P 846 Hol]y Rflbert liestern 3UBJECT Mr. Wsstern ie appesllbe certsin items listed i.n inapectian letter dated July 24, 1972, t'ram the Bt�il.ding De�p�rtmeat. APPE�ARAI�EB Robert Westera, Richard 83man PROCBEDI�3 Mr. �lestern reqaested en inspectioa b�fo�e he �a►s resd�y to sell the house. Western caanplied �►i.th ell �k reqweated in iaspectimt letter o! Oetober, 1970 and as a result, reeeiv�td a letter o! cong�lie�ace dsted January 27, 1972. Mr. We�tern �ecured an es�nest aon�y co�tract �ated J'�].y 6, 1972. l�r. Western then received s letter dat�d daly 28, 1972 as a reault of a stirvey of the praperty. The sppel3ae�t is a�ali�ag eleetrieal smd. pltmibing requirements of that letter. A campliance letter is good fe'� s six-month period. F�A inapecto�s ax�e ea�errtially sdminiatratcrrs end nat ia�psato�s. �r. �imon Yeels that b�r aha�ld be a�are of e�ll ite�a �hi.ch are rsiv�sd. Mr. We�tera agreed tbat 1ie xill me�ke the purcbaser aMSre o! all items meactioned in t�e surre�y. 1rHA aad tbe aBailaing D�pei,rtment i�u�pectic�a eare qnite airrsrent. Idr. Wsatern �a unaware of expirstion date of l�ett�r of canpliaue. In l�DP areaa there ia an egreement bet�neen FHA and I�A tbst 1�iA trill sbid�e by city inspsctit�n. Mr. Weatern Peela 60 aaq� aervl.ce ia acleqvete. Campliance letter only calls items t+hich �w�ere an the original. report. No ae�r i��ns are called oa a campliuice inspection. I�r. Westera is sp�ealing ctiange to 100 a�mp serrice and plumbing requirements. _ , . ACTIOK Mation by Tieso to enable preesst strps to ra■ain as canatracted; ba.7.ance of fluing on 60 amp serr�riice tc camp]�y xith 1�A rsquir�aents rather tt�an instaLli.ng 100 amp service; and it�rtih,�r, Ma,iver is grsnted so that caa�pliance ia nat requir�d as p�r Item Ao. 6 vAear Sleatrical, Item4 I1�.'a 1 e�nd 2 uncler Waate and Verrt�, Item I�o. 1 rom�tr Ia�mdsy Tra�r, Item Ao. 2 under tbe hsading Wster Cloaet, and Itean �fo.'a l, 2 & 3 w�er ��ing Kitchen 3ink. (AL1 itea�is referred tc are li�ted in ]retter o! .�.'�y 2�, 1972, tram ttie Building Da�art�ent to Richard Si�m�o�.) 50-?2-B 809 De�y�on Avenue $styr A�radl�ry Pealte SIJEi.]ECT Appealing irratalls�tion o! rails in�aid�e of sid� srms o� stoate ate�pa. ACTION Dwe to ],sek ot qvca�um, the Board �ves unsbl.e to he4r the case. Th3.s csse �vill be heard on August 23, 1972. 259630 p����n���� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �N«� NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�ERAL FORM n�esr�.r COMMISSIONER �A*� �/QI�YZD, tl� '�Ls Cedn1011 l�reby r+�t1liv idl �ll�q- tlr �ien o� the Saiat P�n7. Dsar!! e? l�psair ar�d �rni+Nt t�o� � �in6, �n6 and �ir� Prrr�sE�ien Ceidn perrt�tini� t� t� i'�ll+wri�o� li�t�d �epe�r6� and u � by t�e ottl.eia]. a�i�ao�s � said Heard o�' Appesis, dat�d Angas� 9, 19'l2, a mop�r O� Nh1Qh� a�GAd �'ffi1' n�"� '!.i t�t�tCll/d h�0 aAd s11t!!� t latt � by �a�t s �� �� ���� �1•T�-s 1��4 A�tb�r.Nr3�r tia�7► 8� S3-T'�! 2g6-260 Chsrlts dobn Ssu�+o 'f 2•7�-D a178 s. 'lbita Af�rrs�t Llayd Iarrmn �►'72�1' 8�6 Sol]J► Robest Ne�era SEP ? 1972 COUNCILMEN 1�dopted by� the �Council 18_. Yeas Nays �.� SEP 81972 Bu � H�� � - ::, � lson Konopa�d `'��`;`'� Appro� 18_ Levine ��� • Mereditli �� -�—In Favor re��Sprafka � �� S Tedesco ero;,�At T d aco M me. President8 Butlel Mr. Preai t, McCarty ��