259617 OR161NAL TO CITY CLEFtK N�v�.i • CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL ESOLUT ON-GENERAL FORM iRESENTED BY• COM�ISSIONE � ATF Resolved� That Council File No. 257495� A.dopted by the Council Feb. 23, 1972, is amended as follows due to the redistricting order of June, 1972: Omit the following from Council File 257L�.95, Ward 1, Prct. 5 Ward 6, Prct. 4 Ward 7, Prct. 3 Ward 7, Prct. 12 Ward 7, Prct. 13 Ward 8, Prct. 9 Ward 10, Pret. 16 Ward 11, Pret. 25 Ward 3.1, Prct. 32 and add the following- Ward 5, Prct. 12 Cretin Annex Lobby Ward 7, Prct. 6 Muska �leetric Co. Ward 8, Prct. 11 Washington High School Ward 10, Prct. 5 St.Anthony Park Library APP ' � Asst. City A orney SEP ? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ut er �� � ° S EP 8 1972 Hun� r,:,,��,� prove 19� son Konopaizla .:�;, -;:,,; L 'ne Levine �ereditli n Favor er it Prafka or pra aTedesco � y edesco��e'�es1d��,Butle�J Against Mr. Pres'dent, McCarty �� PIJBLISHED gEp 161972 i UlLI�TS TO�ItIN'I�R � �� c�n oF ST. 259s�.�7 PAUL �uNCa NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R�ENTED dY MMISSIONE�� DATE . A�sol�ed, That� Cv�uaoil Fil� lTo. Z��l�95, Adopt�d b� t� Qounoil •b. a�, 197�, i• �ua►nd�d �►a loll��rs du� �o thr redist:iotiag ord�r o! , i97�: Dait tha� tollcnriag i'raia oounoil Fil� 257Et95• Yard 1. �rat. Ward 6, �'rct. i�Tartt 7� Prat. 3 i Ward ?, Pi*at. 12 1�ard �, P�1�. 13 �►are! , Prest. 9 �i war�! 14, Prmt. lb � Ward 11, Prat. 2� i ward 1i, Prat. 32 and add �hh� rolio�ting- • wara 5, Prot. 12 or.tin 1�rsn.z r.obb� . ward T, Frat. 8 IKwka �1so�rio Oo. ' Ward 8� Frot. 11 Yashiagtcn H;gh lohool � Ward 10, Prat.. $ SL.4athon� Park Libra� i � ,I I � i ; � ' COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Counc�l SEP ? 19�9_ � '� xa,� H�� '��w: � SEP 8 1972 C n Konopa� Approved 19� � Levine �; � � e Meredith Favor � �}�Sprafka , : S r Tedesco� � ffiayor Mme. P'Xesident,� ButI�II Am�inat I de �' � 11�r. Pres enti, McC�ty i /� ; �� �� d�y� � - °�'�T°"n"`"" CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO ` �a ` O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK � i t � � RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � e r�sr�+rEU er ' �r ` COMMISEr:ONE ' Resolved, that the City Primary Election, March 1l�, 1972; the City ; Gen ral Election, April 25, 1972; the County and State Primary Election, Sep ember 12� 19�2. and the County and State General �lection, November 7, 1972 shall be held in the 159 election precincts of the 12 wards of the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, at the places named in the list on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and be it Further Resolved, that for the following precincts the elections shall be �eld at the places desi�nated outside their precinct boundaries in accordance with Sec. 203.0 M.S.�o Ward 1, Prct. 3 Our Redeemer Church, 1390 Larpenteur wlard 1, Prct. 5 East Consolidated School Ward 1, Prct. 10 New Harrison School Ward 7, Prct. 3 Seton Residence, 355 r��rshall Ward 6, Prct . 4 Dunedin Terrace �€pts. Ward 7, Prct. 12 Hill School Ward 7, Prct. 13 Central Hi�h School Ward 8, Prct. 8 North Dale Playgrounds Ward 8, Prct o 9 North E'�nanuel Church Ward 9, Prct. 2 Rice St.Library Ward 10, 1'rct. 16 St.gnthony Library Ward 11, Prct. 25 Groveland �'k. Schaol Gym Ward 11, �'rct. 32 Jewish Community Center _ _. . . and be it Further Resolved, that the appointment by the City Clerk of the persons named as Judges of Election in ths "Certification of Election Judges" binder in the Office of the City Clerk in accordance with Sec. 203.21 P�I.S.A. is hereby confirmed, and be it Further Resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to �ive notice of the elections in tlze manner provided by law, an,d that the registration records on file in the Bureau of Registrations and Elections of the City �lerk' s Off ice shall be used as provided by law, and be it Further Resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to equip the said polling places and for such aurposa the City COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas NaYs Butler � 19— Approve� Carlson Levine _,_jn Favor Meredith YByor Sprafka _Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��_^"�:'t AF'fiROV�r � - _- �-----_:_._ CQfir���R?�"(i���l. CQUfVSEt1 . �t,:- � . f � ''f. -+: . ✓x 3� � � . "e+.','+..i's _ .%�,: '/�NAL TO C{'lf LLSRK . .. . ' . . .._ �:i ,; .: � � 4 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO �`� � �'_ O F F I C E O F T H E C I T Y C L E R K �' . �_. '.._ `� `'� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �'� �' PRBSHbtED 6T w � � � COMMISSIONEIt �ATF C1 rk is hereby authorized to engage the necessary labor and skill and pu chase necessary tools and material, the cost ar�d expense of the same to be paid out of t�e Ele.ction Expense Account, 0800, oP the Genbral Fund, an be it Further Resolved, that the City Clerk be and he is authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary su�plies required for said el�ctions and to do whatever else is necessary for the conduct of such � election9, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Election B�cpense gccount, 0800, of the General Fund, arrl be it F'urther Resolved, that the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit claims upon certification by the City Clerk to be paid out of the Election Fxpense �ccount, 0800, of the General Fu�d, and the proper City Otficers are hereby authorized and directed to make such payme nt s. - . � �� �� COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � F EB 2 3 1972 �ee� E�-z.� Pr —19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka v A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty _ �' . : - n PUBUSHED FE B 2� 1972 �� ��� . , �:;�: