259601 o�.�i�cic,c��k � � ` � ORDINANCE �59601 . F •.f � ` COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.�—�� AN ORDINANCE MAKING PROVISION THEREFOR AND GRANTlNG UNTO THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, AND ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT AN OVERHEAD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE WITHIN, OVER AND ON ROBERT �n� STREET AT THE INTERSECTION THEREWITH OF DELOS STREET, PUBLIC STREETS If'°` WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, SAID OVERMEAD `� PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO BE EXTENDED FROM THE EASTERLY SIDE OF ROBERT ��ir� STREET TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF ROBERT STREET. TNE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �, Section 1 . That permission and authority hereby are granted to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, a Minnesota corporation, to construct an overhead pedestrian bridge within, over and on Robert Street at the inter- section the rewith of Delos Street, public streets within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul , said overhead pedestrian brtdge to be extended from the easteriy side of Robert Street to the westerly side of Robert Street. Section 2. That the Department of Public Works is hereby authorPzed to issue a permit to said Housing and Redevelopment Authority and/or its successor in interest (herein- after referred to as the "permittee") for the construction of said overhead pedestrian bridge, upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall , at its own cost and expense and in accordance with all applicable ordinances of the City-of Saint Paul , Statutes of the State of Mtnnesota, and regulatio�s of public authority having c.c�g�izance, construct said overhead pedestrian bridge, under the �aspec��on and to the satisfattion of the Department of Public Works, in accordance with permittee's plans and specifications as approved by and on file in the Department of Public Works and identified as Pubtic Works P roject No. B-1037; b. That said permittee shali pay the costs for the publication of this ordPnance and, all resolutions passed in relation to this ordinance; c. That sald permittee shall pay the costs of a�ninistration, engineering, and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking, said costs are estimated as a sum of $1 ,300.00 to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project Neanber B-1037; d. That said permittee shali furnish the Department of Public Works all docu- ments of record that are a part of the contract for the ca�struction of said bridge or in- cidental to its execution including, but not limited to, addenda, award of contract, sum of contract, "as built" plans, design tracings and tracings of shop plans; e. That said permittee shall coordinate all work involving existing utility in- stallations, public or private, with the affected utility corr�any or agency; � �� ,� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ti Hunt Car n Konopatzki L ine tevine Tn Favor eredith M ered ith A gainst p�a Sorafka Te�deaco T��desco r. President (Mc�a �me. President, Butle� Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED �Fp � � 1q� ► Ori�ipsl to Ctt�Clerk �' ORDINANCE � . - . z�9so� � COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / -3- o. That said permittee shall within the pe riod of 20 days f rom and after the effective date of this Ordinance, file with the City Clerk its written acceptance of this Ordinance and agreement to be bound by the provlsions, terms and conditior►s thereof without limitations, which written instrument of acceptance and agreert�ent shall be in the form approved by the City Atto rney; p. That upon the completion of construction of said overhead pedestrian bridge, it shall be turned over to and become the property and responsibility of the City of Saint Paul , and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota shali be relieved of any further obligation under the terms of this Ordinance except as hereinafter stated in paragraph q of this Section, and the City of Saint Paul shall there- after be responstble for providing the maintenance and operation of said overhead pedes- trian bridge; q. That said permittee, upon future direction by and approval of the Department of Public Works, shall furnish and install such fencing enclosure or caging as may be con- side red �ecessa ry to insure the safety of all pedestrian traffic across said bridge and all vehicular traffic traveling beneath said bridge, to the complete satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. If required by said Department, permittee shall furnish all documents of record that are a part of any contract which may be required fo r the con- struction of said future fencing, as indicated and listed hereinbefore under paragraph d of this Section; r. That said pe�mittee shall submit the necessary bond and insura�ce doc�nents to the Office Engineer of the Departme�t of Pubiic Works for approval and submittal to the City Attorney and Department of Finance for approvat and filing, respectively. SECTION 3. That this Ordtnance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. SEP 20 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Hunt Passed by the Counci� tl Konopatzki C n L in Levine D In Favor eredith � _Against Sprafka S praf ka T���° T�� SEP �0 t97� . President (McCa r, Mme. President, Butler ed: At � / /,,-�j �,, . � � ; — '� ty Clerk yor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � P_UBLI�HED SEP 3 . �`� M �/ •v 1 Ir.. _,��� � � ORDINANCE � . . w �� . ;.:��� ' - . . � COUNCIL HLE NO u . ' � PRESEN ED BY ORDINANCE NO /W 0ltDIN�i1lCE MAKIM6 P�YISIW�! '[HEREFOR AND 6RANTiN6 t�ITO THE HOtlSiM6 � /WD REBEYELOPMENT AUTyORITY OF THE CITY OF SA!!fT PAltt., M111NESt)TA, A � MtNMESQTA CORPORATION, ANp ITS SUCCESSORS OR AS516NS, PEIMlISSi�i TO i C�ISTRtlCT AN OVERNEAD PEDESTRINi BRiDGE WITHIN, OVER /Wp ON 11�ER7' , STREET AT THE IItTERSECTION THERE4/ITH OF QELQS STREET, PUdLi C STREETS VITHIM THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE EtTY OF SAINT PAtJL, SAID OYERNEAl1 PEDESTRtAN BRIDGE TO BE EXTENpED FROM THE EASTERIY SIOE OF 1�16EICT A ° � STREET TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF ROBERT STREET. � � THE �Ot�iCIL OF TNE CITY OF SAINT PA!!L OpES ORDAIN: j Section i. That perwission a�d authority heneby an g�a�tsd to tNa Ftousing and Re v�elop�ent A+utho�ity of the City of Saint Psul. Mtrn�ssota, a Minn�sota o�rporation, to � co� t ruct aa ow rhaad pedes t�i an b ri dge w i th i r�, ov�e r ae�d on Rcbe't S t roet st the i n te r- ; sec io� therowitM of Dslos Street, public straets within the oor�o�ate 1iAits of the City of aint Paul , said ov�erhead p�dsstrian bridge to be �xte�ded fros� ths easterly stds of rt Stnet to the weste�lX sidt of R�obert Stroet. ; Section 2. 7hat the Depart�s�t of Pabitc Works ts har�br authorissd ta tssue s pe�nit to said Housing and R�d�v�elopment Authority and/or its srue�essor in i�t�r+est fh�rein- af�ar referr+ad to as tt+m "penqitt.�e") far ths constroctton of satd ov+�rhead pedestri� bridge, up�a and subJ�t to the foi loatng ter�as and condi t ions s � � a. That sai d pen�1 tt�e shai l, at i ts awn oost and expease and in uoordance wi th al�l appiicabl� ordie�anoss of th� Citr of Saint Paui , Stitutes of the Stat� of Minnesota, d regulations af public authoritr having oog�izanca, construct said owrhead pedest�fsn b idga. und�� the ��,� and to the satisfactlon of the Depart�nt of Public Vorks, � acco�danoe witb per�ittee's plans and specificatiana as approvsd by �d on fiie in the parta�sAt of Pub 1 i t Morics and i de�t i f ied � P�►1 i c Vorks P ro ject No. B•1037; i b. That satd parwittee shall pa�r the oosts for the pubifcation of this o�dinance ahd� a11 rosol�ttons psssed in nlstlon to this ordi��os; i c. That said perwittae shali pay the costs of admi�istraLtoa, �gte�eering, and �nsp�ctioa 1�curred by Lhs. i�partiaent of Public Works because of this undertakiQg, said �osts aro estlaiated as s su� of 51,300,00 to be accodnted for �de� Dspsrtwent of Publtc �forks ProJec! Newiber 8-1037; ; d. That said parwitt�e shali furnish the Department of Pub11c Morks ali dow- ts of nco�d Lhat are a part of the contract for the caAStn�ctton of ssid b�idge or tn- cidental to its exacutioA tncl�di�g, but not limitmd to, addenda, a�►srd of coRtract, scwi of � cont�act, "as bvllt" p1aAS, design tracings and trscings of shop plans; j e. Thst said penuittae shali coordtnatm sll work inwiving existie�g utility in- � stal lat�ons, pnbl ic o� pe►ivste, with the aFfeeted uti i it�r oc�aipanr or agency; � I i I i � Yeas Councilmen Nays Paased by the Counci� � f1 Hunt n Konopatzki Tn Favor � e Levine �i� Meredith A�;r� T� Sprafka . President (Mc TPdesco Mme. President, Butie�' Apprnved: Att�t: � � � i . City Clerk �ayor � �g _ � Form s�proved Corporation Counsel By � ua1�'ti•�aar +� I� ORDINAN CE � , ` � COUNCIL HLE NO . � j� PRES BY ORDINANCE NO � _3_ Io. That ��id pera�itt� shali within tha perio� of 20 days froa� ae�d sfter th� effact�w date of thts Ordinance,. file with the� City Clerk its w�itten aceepta�e of thi� � Crdin oe and agreement to be bey�und by the provlstons, ten�s aad coadttians thereof wit�t lia�tta 1oe�s, which wrltten inst�u�nt of aceeptance aAd agreeiaent shsii be in th� fora� ' app d by tha C i ty Attarnsy; Ip. That �ot� the c,a�letion of catstrractioa of said oveFhe�d psiestrian bridge, t t sha�l! be turned o�r to and beoo� tha pnope�ty and r�sparsibi 1 ity of the Cit�► of Siint �aul , �and the Hobsing aad Redeveiopment Authotity of the Cit+,► of Saint Paul, Mianesata shall �be roii�v�ed of any furthe� obiigatlon eMd�r the terns of this Ordin�nc� except as �herei aftsr stated in paragraph q of this Section, aAd the Cit�r of Saint *sui sha11 thene- afte� b�e responsible fo� providing the maint�naacs aad opsratio� of said o�rerhead pedas- trias� bridge; , ! q. That said pera�it�ee, uPOi! fdtYf'e dtroctTon by and approval of the Depart�aeat of P 1 ic Mo�ics, sha11 furnish and instal l such fencing a�closnre or esgiag as ws�r be con- side d �ecessary to iasu�e th4 safsty of all pedestria� trsffic across said bridye a�d ait icular trafftc trav�li�g beneath said bridge, to tl�a ea�pleta satfsfsction of the Dspa t�eat of Pubitc Vortcs. If required by said Depart�t, penaitt� shall ftirnish all doc nt� of rsco�d that ace a pact of sny cont�act which wy ba raqutrad for the ca+- str tiou of said fntu�►s fiwctng, aa indicated and itsted hsretAbefo's undar pa�ag�sph d : of t is Section; ' r. Tbat satd parnii�tas shail subwit the ne:eessary boRd sad iasd�ce dccn�ts to t Office En9i�ee� of the Depart�ent cf Pebitc Yorks fvr app�vat and sWbwittal to the �ity Attorney and Departaweat of Finanoe for approval and fi 1 i�g, respectiwlr. i i � SECT10bi 3. Tbat this Ordiaanc� shall tske effsct a�� M in foros tbirty t30) ;' dsq� fn� aR� tftsr fts P�sa9�. �PPrawsi aad prblicatio�. , � � ; � I � i � i � ; i � ; : i �' Ye�ss Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the CoundL �EP a� 19� � Hunt � Konopatzki `� Levine Tn Favor ,� �""_ V A��t prafka Spraf ka T��O � 0 1972 . President (M�C Mme. President, But�er $EP ai APProved: t• . . City Clerk Mayor I �� Form approved Corporation Couaeel By . . _ _ . ; • i 55,East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 O1. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director. phone 223 5218 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA To the Honorable Mayor and City Council November 14, 1972 c/o City Clerk Room 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Council File No. 259601 Ordinance No. 15191 Dear Members of the Council : The Board of Commissioners of the Authority at a meeting on October 18, 1972, authorized the acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the above referenced ordinance. Attached find certified copy of Resolution of the Authority accepting and agreeing to abide by all of the terms and conditions of the above referenced ordinance. � ' cerely yo , r� ��.�1J ����,� ��.� �.! , -Edward N. Helfeld � Executive Director Enclosure ��;aa� Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Rosalie L. Butler, Ruby Hunt, Donald P. Del Fiacco, Kenneth J. Lynch, Willie Mae Wilson�;�;�Apq«R� s , r , � G-7 , 10/20-60 < CERTIFICATE OF SEC�ETARY The undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1 ) That she is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the keeper of the records of the Local Public Agency; 2) That the attached Resolution No. 72-10/18-4 is a true and correct copy of the Resolution as adopted on the 18th day of October . 19,�,� 3) That the sal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under such official seal ; and 4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certi- ficate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, this 13th day of November , 19�Z. . �.-{��.�' , ��'ET Y ( SEAL ) : _ � � � � r ' � RESOLUTIOPd N0. 72-10/18-4 RESOt_UT?ON RUTNORIZING ACCEPTAPdCE OF CITY � � ORDI��APdCE N0. 15191 , GRANTING PER�fISSION . . TO COi�STPUCT OVERHEAD PEDES7RIAN BRIDGE, � CQ�ICORD TERRACE PROJECT, MI�dN. R-37 RESOLVED by the Fiousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pa«1 , Minnesota tr�at said P,uthority does .hereby accept and aqree tc ai�i de i::y a i 1 of i:he t�rms anci condi ti ons af �c�unci 1 Fi l e No. 259�J� , being Ordinance No. 151�1 , adopted by the Council of the City of Saint . Paul on Septemb�r 5, 1972, and the Executi ve Di rector i s hereby au.t{�ori zed and directeu to file a copy �f this Resolu`�ion with the C�erk of the Ci ty of Sa�i nt Paul . ' �:�n� �j �� � � 5eptember 26, 1972 � Housin� 8� Redevelopment Authority 55 E. Fifth St. St. Pauls I��43nn. 55�.01 Gentlemen: Z,le enclose a capy of Ordinance No. 15�.91, grant3n;g you permission to construet an overhead �edestri�sn brid�e over �obert St. at Delos 8t. ; also bilZ in �he sum o� $5�•6� to cover th� cost of publiCation of this ordinance, and a resolution pertaining thereto. We call your special attention to Paragra�h o. of Section 2 which requires the filing of an acceptance oP the terms of` th�.g ordinance. The accept ance mu�t be fil�d in this oPPice, Room 38&, City Iia11, within 20 days. Tf not so filed, th� ordinance becomes voiae V�ry truly yours, City Clerk m1 �3M�'�fF "�7.. . " �. -�p� ^ . W�J l�,A J e' . . .. . . aM!., -2- f. That said permittee and/or its successor in interest shall fully indemnify, hold harmless, a�d defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses and on account of all claims of whatever nature for i�jury to person and/or property arising out of or connected with the construction and erection of said overhead pedestrian bridge hereunder, and that supplemental to all other obligations, on their part, jointly and/or severalty, hereunder, said permittee and its successor in interest shall furnish and maintain and pay all pre- mium and other expenses therefor, Casualty Insurance Coverage, in a duly licensed Casualty Insurance Company, to the extent of $300,000.00 for injury to any person and/or persons in any singte incident� and to the extent of $50,000.00 for injury to property in any single accident, indemnifying the City of Saint Paul against liability on account of all claims of third persans for injury to persons and/or property arising from or connected with the construction and erection of said structure hereunde r, at all times, and to furnish com- petent evidence of said cove rage, from time to time, to the Department of Public Works of said City of Saint Paul ; g. That said permittee shall , at its own cost and expense, make adequate and effective provisions therefor and drain all moisture, rain and snow which shall accumu- late thereon by proper devices through or on said overhead pedestrian bridge and in a manner so that the flowing and/or spilling of the same on any part of said section of said Robert Street shall be prevented at all times ; h. That said permittee shall construct all of the supports of said overhead pedestrian bridge according to the plans and specifications for said construction that are on file in the Department of Public Works; i . That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works five working days in advance if the construction of said overhead pedestrian bridge shall make necessary the closing of Robert Street or any part thereof. Al1 expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing or removing barricades, signs, and other control devices shall be paid by the permittee and accounted for under Public Works Project No. 8-1037; j. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall not use any part of said overhead pedestrian bridge for any advertisement or display purpose and the appli- cation thereto of any advertising material or display shall be deemed prohibited by this Ordina�ce; k. That said permittee shall , in the con�truction of said overhead pedestrian bridge, provide a vertical clearance of at least 1` feet, between and throughout the course of the bottom of said structure and the driving sc�rface of said section of said Robert Street; 1 . That said permittee expressly agrees to comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 14568, Chapter 216 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to street obst ruct ions ; m. That said permittee and/or its successor in interest shall complete the con- struction and erection of said overhead pedestrian bridge hereunder and in accordance with the requirements hereof not later than July 1 , 1973; n. That said permittee shall notify the Bridge Engineer of the Department of Public Works five working days before and again when construction starts and notify the same said Bridge Engineer when construction has been completed to allow for a final in- spection; M r � l,�� __�f � _ .�.:d I 3�:�3 � ` �� A�;''::�:ed �.�M`__�7_'�U . �• Yeas Nays � xu�r. ��0� KOIQOPATZKI ?�,VIDIE � '��� SPI'�FiF::A � � , N',�ne PRESIDEN�l� (BUTI,ER) ��� r:. �°E,�t �,���c� u�rm�t��� �nd/o� i �s �ucce��or° ira i�o��r��t �t,�il full;r i�dc%�ni �p, t�crld harml�s�, and defend th� Cit�+ �rf S�tr�x P�aei , its ac��rlts, e��fic�r�� �vw� ������€����� fwc��a any �rad �) 1 cS�mag�s, cia�im�, los��, , J��dgn3er:��.A :sc���� mr ���,�n��s ar�d �n �ceount of �11 clair�s of wrf�atever n�t�r��: for� In„��ery Co pers�� an�±lor prs��+�r�y �ri�i�� n�a� of or conn�ce�d wit�a th� �tar�str�r�ti�s� ;�;�r< ��r�e�t�:,n c�f s�6r� ��a�rlle��i pe���stria�l �:,��rddcg� i�nr��;��s�C��� ��ad �h�t ,t.ippi�rr�r�tx7� t� ��31 r�t���nr �?��1 ic;a�ior,s , c��a �h�a r ����°t . �ge�ln�l�r �€�c!/-�r �e:�r��ra� l�� h�r�u�td�t�, s�'ici �er;nEttr:� �nc� it� CSuc�G��'��s° in er�tE:re�t sha� l �ur�i =h �r�;,� �a�is���:ie+ �t�r! ���+ �Dl �sre— t111U�;3 �;Tl� OT�'1£.'� F:X�!:f7'.=�r;.S ��iz r°��i'r fc�'S:i����'J �'o'1�.ril.S!"e)tl�f,: e:f?0."�,.'L'�{�r � Ir� � +y�,��`y� j ICP.f2��� ��SUc'91tl� �T�SeJfdf3e�l`�- �C>�i3K:,�Rj'r �i", 1;�SC' iX�.�Rt O� ���:�,i�!o.t`�i� 4�C If) ��1f� �� 7Y1}! t?E^.T50l1 .3n(;�tQP R�PsL�YD'.i �Bl ary �irs�l� i�cid�:nt, :-:+r�c, [r.a ti�r drx.t�n: ;�f �:C�,">���!.�!� fer' in_��sr��r t� �c�on�,rty ir any� �ingl� �ct,�cf�r�t,, i�a�E.;r�ni `y±r�; th� Git�� of 5�irrt r��l �ga3nst ii�.ai3ity �n acc�unt nf �1i e��3m� of t`+i �d ��rsc�n� 4s�r inbur'��r 't�a ��:r�s�?�s arrcf,fc�r ,,ra�r�.e'�y �s'd waz�,� f�-�s�� a�° c�nn��tecf w€�h t�^� C87R�Lf�i���OI'1 afiC� �fL`-C:L�C�;1 (]� :xc"3��i �ti"RRC���e. hr.'.Pf"ia+l�£'t'� �x �� j� �T��S � �fe� �C> '��i'1'11��1 �'�433�' pr�ti:r.� �vi�!�n�.�: cyf ���;� cc�r��ra��•�, �=r�rr� �.ir�ca t� fifr��, te tht� �eg�ar�ment of Ru�lic +��ar�s s�� �ai�l Cifiy �o# gair�t ���Fl ; , �'1R`?i: S134 pern�itC�� S�i�� � r e'�� I�::i ".?!N!� CCai�, i�f�C.t ??f(}�.'t1=L� i"ti��i�t' er:'�"�'at1r,�'L.` %?1Y�t� t*�E�"t'(:��V� �:C°C7V$��C?fis �fifi_'C-°•f�l° r.?fi�� �Y'�9!l r3j1 R1C?�Stlli'v„'�,� Pc��� t°3E11[� �C?�1w�A kn+�1�C�1 S�le�� j cZ�C;(.tPR1.:� 0 ��::,: a.�`?::°�J�, !J�j' �?PJr^�� {��V C��:5 ��"r!"^i�d�'aF"i fi f' thPi �r�e I C� U+l$B'f'!�-i�f� �,e�����q"�i;�! �P°����'. +';�F'f'L$ P r, Ri rnsnf�er sc� �h�t L:ss�. f�caa;Fnc� �r�c�lor =_;�'�ill �ras� of �:�-�� �����: �t� ��yP �=,rt c��' saar> se�tiasn c*1� s,�kc� F�et,�rr �tr�c�� �(�e°�91 r,� �ar�vr.�i:�e! ,�t �� i t�r:.e� ; $?, `�ko�t s�ic� ,�t°+7ittP� �hUll ct?��tc°s��4 �All �'� ti�� f�un��ar�� Qf �:e,tc° mr.P��h��ci �cr;c�.��.�36�?r� h���4r1� ��.���-z��rs� t� �he, �l�rss ��ars;� sr�=ci �ic�tinr�s ��:>r° ��:��� ���strd,cxi;^n t�+�t 3re c�r; �k9�: �s; rt�� �epartr;�r�� r.f Fu�h� i«; �?�r�:� ; i 4 �'hGt �aic� �s��a�tt:�� si;�E � ��«L��y ��¢�; Tr�ffi� E�s��.�a� �� ��� D�^artmpRr �� ��.�� �� �€�,��;.� ��ve w��kinc� �ay� ir� R����.���� �f th� ��n5traaetics� �� se�tci ����°h���d get�d���t'��� ��'�ctc;� �s���a� � �u�k� a���c�^���ar;� th� �lo�snc; of Rcak:=�r� Stre�t �r �ny rart ther��". �11 �x��:r���� incurr�c, ra�y x�� `������� i'>�rc���� �r� fc�rnishl�!�, i�tstalllnc� ��� �+�mc�ao�n� t>�a-t�ic.�L:��, . :,tet�5 , �nd c�t�?�; �:��n�s�c�1 c?«�vice� s���! � i:e p�ic! 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