259600 �� ��o�-� � . � ' � ' COUNCIL FILE NO. : � F1�,I�L ORDER � ' By � _ ` File No an� In the Matter of swso�str�ttia� !1r �tiirwlt o� t!w +�L s�+i� ol L�Irw !� fr+� �ars �s�t b ini�+a� �rNt �mtsoiiri � Li 7, �t�oet 2I, �isyrf��r rWitlw EriT, aM irp ii� s�l �t�t welc �YL� 3s � ri ineiiatal !�a► ���,tt �+sii ��: under Preliminary Order 2'3�?�i approv� � �__+� Interalediarq Order approv� A public hearing having been had upon the-above improvement upon due notice, and the Council . having heard all peraons, objections.and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the satne; therefore, be it R�SOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is b p�t�t trs s� as qr �ti �t�i�r e# 3a�w► fts+�t f�+w� l�t�r � to �il��r ttt�t tx�C�i�i abattt� iit 7, �t -f�, l�d,s'��wt �ii#+tia i�.t a�d 1� i�� a1i �tlr�;��et uiris� is �r a�d-���t� #� +eo,rl� saii i�e�wr�t. �uoa�rR •�irrs�� it 3s �ddrt tWt �ei rd a�flici�t �srt al�witu �we �d�t, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council �Qr approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to p�ro= � _ ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN SEP 519� Adopted by the Council yeas t-tU��T Nays � `� r`t $EP 6 1972 Kv��,,r ATZKI L�VINE ���� �In Favor SF�Ar.cA Mayor �'��@- � ��� Aro�t PUBLISHED SEP 9197� �� .r. ' � � ��_. �r�, � � C1�Y �� ' . .. .. . . � � ~ � 5 �' ,.. y O ,�...� ,9 � 9 ; A �� _ ^c ��� .:: 259�00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 DANIEL J. DUNFORD Acting Director of Public Works July 12, 1972 � � .x.. '�. . . .I Mr. Roy E. Bredahl, Jr. Ass't Valuation Engineer Room 286 City. Hall St. Paul, Minnesota _ Re: File No. S-9734 - Reconstruct sidewalk on the south side of Lawson Ave. abutting Lot 7, Blk 11, Fairview Addition Dear Sir: Last year the sidewalk was removed at the above mentioned location in order to build a basement foundation for a house which was later moved � in. The sidewalk which was removed to facilitate this construction was in excellent condition. Even though this walk is located in a code en- forcement area it is my opinion that the walk should be replaced at the owners expense with no subsidization of assessments by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. � Yours very truly, ', ;�� /��-m.�-� ���� Hartley Thomas HT:mr Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction �.....�, � � � � ��, .� k; .:��-�---� � . . � , '��.�:�.. ..��,.: . � � � ... .. i..� , , .. . ..,. ; i - _..... : �. ( ';�,� !� _ _.__ � ��� `-��.1,..�' .�, ti: �_�. �o ,�.� ��. Dist. No. 3 ' . w +y•�`• ✓ . `.� ��J � � a �� /i. � • S.S. Lawson St. - Burr St. to Bradleq St. ext. ���w ' �s� abutting Lot 7, Blk 11, Fairview Addn. 6NLY . �a 1 L OFFICE OF THE COiI�lISSIOI�ER OF PUBLIC WORKS S �7� y REPOP.T TO COr��ISSICNEP. OF FINANCE June Sth. 19 72 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council knocan as Council File PJo. 258�86 approved Maq 25th. 19 72 relative to reconstructin� the sidewalk on the soutl�side of Lawson St. from Rtirr Sr_ to Bradley St. extended abutting Lot 7, Blk 11, Fairview Addition ONLY and by doint� all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: �:.�0 . 1. The estimated cost thereof is $..°��."`z'�w per �1-in. ft. far standard sitier,a�lh � f�. 5,F3 5 " t•�-sn:a- 53�.��?!� F�er �zn. Tt. <<�r sta�zca�:] si<<e�rral�� {,--f�:-s�r,cle. 2. A plan, profile or slcetch of said improvernent is hereto att�ched and made a part thereof. ' � . 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X ���..��j r • w. mp�bai t is asked for upon petition �, - .,�^ F.` °"v� � � „ �� a � �- ,� ��C° r�;l > �1 \ �rt �W. , .:�� i,., ,�- ��, �' - ,r�, �-f: � C.'? . ,�, � y"� ��' . f Public W rlcs <i ,�, � �'E`��� ���,�c��,ti oC�' � �� �, ��C9Z��